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Last active April 4, 2024 09:33
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WASM-4 Odin bindings
// WASM-4:
package wasm4
foreign import wasm4 "env"
#assert(size_of(int) == size_of(u32))
// ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ │
// │ Platform Constants │
// │ │
// └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
PALETTE := (^Palette)(uintptr(0x04))
DRAW_COLORS := (^u16)(uintptr(0x14))
GAMEPAD1 := (^Buttons)(uintptr(0x16))
GAMEPAD2 := (^Buttons)(uintptr(0x17))
GAMEPAD3 := (^Buttons)(uintptr(0x18))
GAMEPAD4 := (^Buttons)(uintptr(0x19))
MOUSE_X := (^i16)(uintptr(0x1a))
MOUSE_Y := (^i16)(uintptr(0x1c))
MOUSE_BUTTONS := (^MouseButtons)(uintptr(0x1e))
SYSTEM_FLAGS := (^SystemFlags)(uintptr(0x1f))
FRAMEBUFFER := (^[6400]u8)(uintptr(0xa0)) // 4 bits * (160*160)
Palette :: distinct [4]u32
Buttons :: distinct bit_set[Button; u8]
Button :: enum u8 {
X = 0,
Z = 1,
_ = 2,
_ = 3,
LEFT = 4,
RIGHT = 5,
UP = 6,
DOWN = 7,
MouseButtons :: distinct bit_set[MouseButton; u8]
MouseButton :: enum u8 {
Left = 0,
Right = 1,
Middle = 2,
SystemFlags :: distinct bit_set[SystemFlag; u8]
SystemFlag :: enum u8 {
Preserve_Framebuffer = 0,
Hide_Gamepad_Overlay = 1,
// ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ │
// │ Drawing Functions │
// │ │
// └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Blit_Flag :: enum u32 {
Use_2BPP = 0, // 1BPP by default
HFlip = 1,
VFlip = 2,
Rotate_CCW_90 = 3,
Blit_Flags :: distinct bit_set[Blit_Flag; u32]
foreign wasm4 {
// Copies pixels to the framebuffer.
blit :: proc(sprite: [^]u8, x, y: i32, width, height: u32, flags: Blit_Flags = nil) ---
// Copies a subregion within a larger sprite atlas to the framebuffer.
blitSub :: proc(sprite: [^]u8, x, y: i32, width, height: u32, src_x, src_y: u32, stride: int, flags: Blit_Flags = nil) ---
// Draws a line between two points.
line :: proc(x1, y1, x2, y2: i32) ---
// Draws a horizontal line.
hline :: proc(x, y: i32, len: u32) ---
// Draws a vertical line.
vline :: proc(x, y: i32, len: u32) ---
// Draws an oval (or circle).
oval :: proc(x, y: i32, width, height: u32) ---
// Draws a rectangle.
rect :: proc(x, y: i32, width, height: u32) ---
// Draws text using the built-in system font.
text :: proc(text: string, x, y: i32) ---
// ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ │
// │ Sound Functions │
// │ │
// └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Tone_Channel :: enum u32 {
Pulse1 = 0,
Pulse2 = 1,
Triangle = 2,
Noise = 3,
Tone_Duty_Cycle :: enum u32 {
Eigth = 0, // 1/8
Quarter = 4, // 1/4
Half = 8, // 1/2
Three_Quarters = 12, // 3/4
Tone_Duration :: struct {
attack: u8, // in frames
delay: u8, // in frames
release: u8, // in frames
sustain: u8, // in frames
// Plays a sound tone.
tone :: proc "c" (frequency: u16, duration_in_frames: u8, volume_percent: u32, channel: Tone_Channel, duty_cycle := Tone_Duty_Cycle.Eigth) {
tone_complex(frequency, frequency, {sustain=duration_in_frames}, volume_percent, channel, duty_cycle)
tone_complex :: proc "c" (start_frequency, end_frequency: u16, duration: Tone_Duration, volume_percent: u32, channel: Tone_Channel, duty_cycle := Tone_Duty_Cycle.Eigth) {
foreign wasm4 {
internal_tone :: proc(frequency: u32, duration_in_frames: u32, volume_percent: u32, flags: u32) ---
flags := u32(channel) | u32(duty_cycle)
frequency := u32(start_frequency) | u32(end_frequency)<<16
duration_in_frames := u32(duration.attack)<<24 | u32(duration.delay)<<16 | u32(duration.release)<<8 | u32(duration.sustain)
internal_tone(frequency, duration_in_frames, volume_percent, flags)
// ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ │
// │ Storage Functions │
// │ │
// └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
foreign wasm4 {
// Reads up to `size` bytes from persistent storage into the pointer `destPtr`.
diskr :: proc(dst: rawptr, size: int) -> int ---
// Writes up to `size` bytes from the pointer `srcPtr` into persistent storage.
diskw :: proc(src: rawptr, size: int) -> int ---
// ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
// │ │
// │ Other Functions │
// │ │
// └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
foreign wasm4 {
// Prints a message to the debug console.
trace :: proc(text: string) ---
odin build src -target:freestanding_wasm32 -no-entry-point -extra-linker-flags:"--import-memory -zstack-size=8096 --initial-memory=65536 --max-memory=65536 --global-base=6560 --lto-O3 --gc-sections"
package main
import "w4"
start :: proc "c" () {
w4.tone(262, 60, 20, .Pulse1)
update :: proc "c" () {
w4.text("Hello from Odin!", 16, 10)
if .X in w4.GAMEPAD1^ {
smiley := [?]u8{
w4.blit(&smiley[0], 76, 76, 8, 8)
w4.text("Press X to blink", 16, 90)
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