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Last active December 12, 2021 16:28
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The Soul of The Sims, by Will Wright. Macintosh HD:XmotiveHarness:src/Motive.c
// Motive.c -WRW 1/23/97
#include "SRand.h"
#include "utilities.h"
void SimMotives(int count);
void ChangeMotive(int motive, float value);
void SimJob(int type);
void AdjustMotives(int x, int y);
void DrawMotiveSheet(void);
void DrawMotive(int xpos, int ypos, int value);
void InitMotives(void);
float Motive[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
float oldMotive[16] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // used for delta tests
int ClockH = 8, ClockM = 0;
mHappylife =0,
mHappyWeek =1,
mHappyDay =2,
mHappyNow =3,
mPhysical =4,
mEnergy =5,
mComfort =6,
mHunger =7,
mHygiene =8,
mBladder =9,
mMental =10,
mAlertness =11,
mStress =12,
mSocial =14,
#define DAYTICKS 720 // 1 tick = 2 minutes game time
#define WEEKTICKS 5040
void InitMotives(void)
int count;
for (count = 0; count < 16; count++) {
Motive[count] = 0;
Motive[mEnergy] = 70;
Motive[mAlertness] = 20;
Motive[mHunger] = -40;
void SimMotives(int count) // simulates intemal motive changes
float tem;
int z;
Rect r = {100,100,140,140};
ClockM += 2; // inc game clock (Jamie, remove this)
if (ClockM > 58) {
ClockM = 0;
if (ClockH > 24) ClockH = 1;
// energy
if (Motive[mEnergy] > 0) {
if (Motive[mAlertness] > 0)
Motive[mEnergy] -= (Motive[mAlertness]/100);
Motive[mEnergy] -= (Motive[mAlertness]/100) * ((100 - Motive[mEnergy]) / 50);
else {
if (Motive[mAlertness] > 0)
Motive[mEnergy] -= (Motive[mAlertness]/100) * ((100 + Motive[mEnergy]) / 50);
Motive[mEnergy] -= (Motive[mAlertness]/100);
if (Motive[mHunger] > oldMotive[mHunger]) { // I had some food
tem = Motive[mHunger] - oldMotive[mHunger];
Motive[mEnergy] += tem / 4;
// comfort
if (Motive[mBladder] < 0)
Motive[mComfort] += Motive[mBladder] / 10; // max -10
if (Motive[mHygiene] < 0)
Motive[mComfort] += Motive[mHygiene] / 20; // max -5
if (Motive[mHunger] < 0)
Motive[mComfort] += Motive[mHunger] / 20; // max -5
// dec a max 100/cycle in a cubed curve (seek zero)
Motive[mComfort] -= (Motive[mComfort] * Motive[mComfort] * Motive[mComfort]) / 10000;
// hunger
tem = ((Motive[mAlertness]+100)/200) * ((Motive[mHunger]+100)/100); // ^alert * hunger^0
Motive[mHunger] -= tem;
if (Motive[mStress] < 0) // stress -> hunger
Motive[mHunger] += (Motive[mStress] / 100) * ((Motive[mHunger]+ 100)/100);
if (Motive(mHunger] < -99) {
AlertCancel("\pYou have starved to death");
Motive[mHunger] = 80;
// hygiene
if (Motive[mAlertness] > 0) Motive[mHygiene] -= .3;
else Motive[mHygiene] -= .1;
if (Motive[mHygiene] < -97) { // hit limit, bath
AlertCancel("\pYou smell very bad, mandatory bath");
Motive[mHygiene] = 80;
// bladder
if (Motive[mAlertness] > 0) Motive[mBladder] -= .4; // bladder fills faster while awake
else Motive[mBladder] -= .2;
if (Motive[mHunger] > oldMotive[mHunger]) // food eaten goes into bladder
tem = Motive[mHunger] -oldMotive[mHunger];
Motive[mBladder] -= tem / 4;
if (Motive[mBladder] < -97) { // hit limit, gotta go
if (Motive[mAlertness] < 0)
AlertCancel("\pYou have wet your bed");
AlertCancel("\pYou have soiled the carpet ");
Motive[mBladder] = 90;
// alertness
if (Motive[mAlertness] > 0) tem = (100 -Motive[mAlertness]) / 50; // max delta at zero
else tem = (Motive[mAlertness] + 100) / 50;
if (Motive[mEnergy] > 0)
if (Motive[mAlertness] > 0)
Motive[mAlertness] += (Motive[mEnergy] / 100) * tem;
Motive[mAlertness] += (Motive[mEnergy) / 100);
if (Motive[mAlertness] > 0)
Motive[mAlertness] += (Motive[mEnergy] / 100);
Motive[mAlertness] += (Motive[mEnergy] / 100) * tem;
Motive[mAlertness] += (Motive[mEntertained] / 300) * tem;
if (Motive[mBladder] < -50)
Motive[mAlertness] -= (Motive[mBladder] / 100) * tem;
// stress
Motive[mStress] += Motive[mComfort] / 10; // max -10
Motive[mStress] += Motive[mEntertained] / 10; // max -10
Motive[mStress] += Motive[mEnvironment] / 15; // max -7
Motive[mStress] += Motive[mSocial) / 20; // max -5
if (Motive[mAlertness] < 0) // cut stress while asleep
Motive[mStress] = Motive[mStress] / 3;
// dec a max 100/cycle in a cubed curve (seek zero)
Motive{mStress] -= (Motive[mStress) * Motive[mStress) * Motive[mStress)) / 10000;
if (Motive[mStressj < 0)
if ((SRand(30) - 100) > Motive[mStress])
if ((SRand(30) - 100) > Motive[mStress])
AlertCancel("\pYou have lost your temper");
ChangeMotive(mStress, 20);
// environment
// social
// entertained
if (Motive[mAlertness) < 0) // cut entertained while asleep
Motive[mEntertained] = Motive[mEntertained] / 2;
// calc physical
tem = Motive[mEnergy];
tem += Motive[mComfort];
tem += Motive[mHunger];
tem += Motive[mHygiene];
tem += Motive[mBladder];
tem = tem / 5;
if (tem > 0) { // map the linear average into squared curve
tem = 100 -tem;
tem = (tem * tem) / 100;
tem = 100 -tem;
else {
tem = 100 + tem;
tem = (tem * tem) / 100;
tem = tem - 100;
Motive[mPhysical] = tem;
// calc mental
tem += Motive[mStress]; // stress counts *2
tem += Motive[mStress];
tem += Motive[mEnvironment];
tem += Motive[mSocial];
tem += Motive[mEntertained];
tem = tem / 5;
if (tem > 0) { // map the linear average into squared curve
tem = 100 - tem;
tem = (tem * tem) / 100;
tem = 100 - tem;
else {
tem = 100 + tem;
tem = (tem * tem) / 100;
tem = tem - 100;
Motive[mMental] = tem;
// calc and average happiness
// happy = mental + physical
Motive[mHappyNow] = (Motive[mPhysical]+Motive[mMental]) / 2;
Motive[mHappyDay] = ((Motive[mHappyDay) * (DAYTICKS-1 )) + Motive[mHappyNow]) / DAYTICKS;
Motive[mHappyWeek] = ((Motive[mHappyWeek] * (WEEKTICKS-1)) + Motive[mHappyNow]) / WEEKTICKS;
Motive[mHappylife] = ((Motive[mHappylife] * 9) + Motive[mHappyWeek]) / 10;
for (z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
if (Motive[z] > 100) Motive[z] = 100; // check for over/under flow
if (Motive[z] < -100) Motive[z] = -100;
oldMotive[z] = Motive[z]; // save set in oldMotives (for delta tests)
void ChangeMotive(int motive, float value) { // use this to change motives (checks overflow)
Motive[motive] += value;
if (Motive[motive] > 100) Motive[motive] = 100;
if (Motive[motive] < -100) Motive[motive] = -100;
void SimJob(int type) { // use this to change motives (checks overflow)
ClockH += 9;
if (ClockH > 24) ClockH -= 24;
Motive[mEnergy) = ((Motive[mEnergy) + 100) * .3) - 100;
Motive[mHunger] = -60 + SRand(20);
Motive[mHygiene] = -70 + SRand(30);
Motive[mBladder] = -50 + SRand(50);
Motive[mAlertness) = 10 + SRand(10);
Motive[mStress) = -50 + SRand(50);
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