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Created February 9, 2023 16:51
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  • Save gingerwizard/1c03af6be54b56fe0f11871278555cfd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gingerwizard/1c03af6be54b56fe0f11871278555cfd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


The following provides the details required to reproduce the demo given on the Real-time SQL analytics at scale: A story of open-source GitHub activity using ClickHouse + Grafana webinar.

This provides a Grafana dashboard showing an analysis of the history of the Grafana repository, including common commiters, most popular issues, largest commits and files with the longest history.




  • All steps require a ClickHouse and Grafana instance. Examples are most easily reproduced with ClickHouse Cloud and Grafana Cloud.
  • Some steps require a local instance of ClickHouse e.g. if you wish to regenerate more recent versions of data files.


1. Create the GitHub Events table

CREATE TABLE github_events
    `file_time` DateTime,
    `event_type` Enum8('CommitCommentEvent' = 1, 'CreateEvent' = 2, 'DeleteEvent' = 3, 'ForkEvent' = 4, 'GollumEvent' = 5, 'IssueCommentEvent' = 6, 'IssuesEvent' = 7, 'MemberEvent' = 8, 'PublicEvent' = 9, 'PullRequestEvent' = 10, 'PullRequestReviewCommentEvent' = 11, 'PushEvent' = 12, 'ReleaseEvent' = 13, 'SponsorshipEvent' = 14, 'WatchEvent' = 15, 'GistEvent' = 16, 'FollowEvent' = 17, 'DownloadEvent' = 18, 'PullRequestReviewEvent' = 19, 'ForkApplyEvent' = 20, 'Event' = 21, 'TeamAddEvent' = 22),
    `actor_login` LowCardinality(String),
    `repo_name` LowCardinality(String),
    `created_at` DateTime,
    `updated_at` DateTime,
    `action` Enum8('none' = 0, 'created' = 1, 'added' = 2, 'edited' = 3, 'deleted' = 4, 'opened' = 5, 'closed' = 6, 'reopened' = 7, 'assigned' = 8, 'unassigned' = 9, 'labeled' = 10, 'unlabeled' = 11, 'review_requested' = 12, 'review_request_removed' = 13, 'synchronize' = 14, 'started' = 15, 'published' = 16, 'update' = 17, 'create' = 18, 'fork' = 19, 'merged' = 20),
    `comment_id` UInt64,
    `body` String,
    `path` String,
    `position` Int32,
    `line` Int32,
    `ref` LowCardinality(String),
    `ref_type` Enum8('none' = 0, 'branch' = 1, 'tag' = 2, 'repository' = 3, 'unknown' = 4),
    `creator_user_login` LowCardinality(String),
    `number` UInt32,
    `title` String,
    `labels` Array(LowCardinality(String)),
    `state` Enum8('none' = 0, 'open' = 1, 'closed' = 2),
    `locked` UInt8,
    `assignee` LowCardinality(String),
    `assignees` Array(LowCardinality(String)),
    `comments` UInt32,
    `author_association` Enum8('NONE' = 0, 'CONTRIBUTOR' = 1, 'OWNER' = 2, 'COLLABORATOR' = 3, 'MEMBER' = 4, 'MANNEQUIN' = 5),
    `closed_at` DateTime,
    `merged_at` DateTime,
    `merge_commit_sha` String,
    `requested_reviewers` Array(LowCardinality(String)),
    `requested_teams` Array(LowCardinality(String)),
    `head_ref` LowCardinality(String),
    `head_sha` String,
    `base_ref` LowCardinality(String),
    `base_sha` String,
    `merged` UInt8,
    `mergeable` UInt8,
    `rebaseable` UInt8,
    `mergeable_state` Enum8('unknown' = 0, 'dirty' = 1, 'clean' = 2, 'unstable' = 3, 'draft' = 4),
    `merged_by` LowCardinality(String),
    `review_comments` UInt32,
    `maintainer_can_modify` UInt8,
    `commits` UInt32,
    `additions` UInt32,
    `deletions` UInt32,
    `changed_files` UInt32,
    `diff_hunk` String,
    `original_position` UInt32,
    `commit_id` String,
    `original_commit_id` String,
    `push_size` UInt32,
    `push_distinct_size` UInt32,
    `member_login` LowCardinality(String),
    `release_tag_name` String,
    `release_name` String,
    `review_state` Enum8('none' = 0, 'approved' = 1, 'changes_requested' = 2, 'commented' = 3, 'dismissed' = 4, 'pending' = 5)
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY (event_type, repo_name, created_at)

2. Populate the GitHub Events table

Option 1 (easiest)

The following will populate the table with just the grafana and ClickHouse repository histories. This will allow you to load most visualizations but will mean you cannot perform a cohort analysis i.e. who stars Grafana, stars what other repositories (Affinity by issues and PRs)? This dataset is also only up-to-date as of 8/2/2023.

INSERT INTO github_events SELECT * FROM s3('', 'CSVWithNames')

Option 2 (longer)

Load the entire dataset. Full instructions here. Remember this is 5.5billion events as of Feb 2023 and increasing.

3. Create the tables for the commit history

    `hash` String,
    `author` LowCardinality(String),
    `time` DateTime,
    `message` String,
    `files_added` UInt32,
    `files_deleted` UInt32,
    `files_renamed` UInt32,
    `files_modified` UInt32,
    `lines_added` UInt32,
    `lines_deleted` UInt32,
    `hunks_added` UInt32,
    `hunks_removed` UInt32,
    `hunks_changed` UInt32
ENGINE = MergeTree

CREATE TABLE file_changes
    `change_type` Enum8('Add' = 1, 'Delete' = 2, 'Modify' = 3, 'Rename' = 4, 'Copy' = 5, 'Type' = 6),
    `path` LowCardinality(String),
    `old_path` LowCardinality(String),
    `file_extension` LowCardinality(String),
    `lines_added` UInt32,
    `lines_deleted` UInt32,
    `hunks_added` UInt32,
    `hunks_removed` UInt32,
    `hunks_changed` UInt32,
    `commit_hash` String,
    `author` LowCardinality(String),
    `time` DateTime,
    `commit_message` String,
    `commit_files_added` UInt32,
    `commit_files_deleted` UInt32,
    `commit_files_renamed` UInt32,
    `commit_files_modified` UInt32,
    `commit_lines_added` UInt32,
    `commit_lines_deleted` UInt32,
    `commit_hunks_added` UInt32,
    `commit_hunks_removed` UInt32,
    `commit_hunks_changed` UInt32
ENGINE = MergeTree

CREATE TABLE line_changes
    sign Int8,
    line_number_old UInt32,
    line_number_new UInt32,
    hunk_num UInt32,
    hunk_start_line_number_old UInt32,
    hunk_start_line_number_new UInt32,
    hunk_lines_added UInt32,
    hunk_lines_deleted UInt32,
    hunk_context LowCardinality(String),
    line LowCardinality(String),
    indent UInt8,
    line_type Enum('Empty' = 0, 'Comment' = 1, 'Punct' = 2, 'Code' = 3),
    prev_commit_hash String,
    prev_author LowCardinality(String),
    prev_time DateTime,
    file_change_type Enum('Add' = 1, 'Delete' = 2, 'Modify' = 3, 'Rename' = 4, 'Copy' = 5, 'Type' = 6),
    path LowCardinality(String),
    old_path LowCardinality(String),
    file_extension LowCardinality(String),
    file_lines_added UInt32,
    file_lines_deleted UInt32,
    file_hunks_added UInt32,
    file_hunks_removed UInt32,
    file_hunks_changed UInt32,
    commit_hash String,
    author LowCardinality(String),
    time DateTime,
    commit_message String,
    commit_files_added UInt32,
    commit_files_deleted UInt32,
    commit_files_renamed UInt32,
    commit_files_modified UInt32,
    commit_lines_added UInt32,
    commit_lines_deleted UInt32,
    commit_hunks_added UInt32,
    commit_hunks_removed UInt32,
    commit_hunks_changed UInt32
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY time

4. Populate the commit history table

Option 1 (easiest)

Utilise the prepared files accurate as of 9/02/2022.

FROM s3('', 'TSV')

INSERT INTO file_changes SELECT *
FROM s3('', 'TSV')

INSERT INTO line_changes SELECT *
FROM s3('', 'TSV')

Option 2 (more up-to-date data)

Generate and load the files yourself. Requires a local installation of ClickHouse.

git clone
cd grafana

clickhouse git-import

~/clickhouse client --host <host> --secure --port <port> --password <password --query "INSERT INTO line_changes FORMAT TSV" < line_changes.tsv
~/clickhouse client --host <host> --secure --port <port> --password <password --query "INSERT INTO file_changes FORMAT TSV" < file_changes.tsv
~/clickhouse client --host <host> --secure --port <port> --password <password --query "INSERT INTO commits FORMAT TSV" < commits.tsv

5. Create stopwords table and populate

CREATE TABLE stopwords
    `token` LowCardinality(String)
ENGINE = MergeTree
ORDER BY token

INSERT INTO stopwords SELECT * FROM s3('', 'CSV')

5. Add the datasource

As shown in the webinar recording configure Grafana to use your ClickHouse instance by adding a datasource.

6. Load the dashboard

Dashboard is published here through id 18065.

Loading instructions can be found here

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