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Last active April 2, 2018 06:23
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  • Save ginlime/d197aea58d7f97a82a44179fc856c9c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ginlime/d197aea58d7f97a82a44179fc856c9c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
vbac.wsf で出力されるコードが Shift_JIS で エディタによっては面倒なので、nkf で UTF-8 に変換するようにしてみた(要 nkf)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
The vbac is not VBA compiler.
Instead, this unsophisticated script frees VBA code from binary files.
This script is distributed as part of the Ariawase library.
The Project Page:
Modified by: twitter:@ginlime
Added: charcode of source code will be converted to UTF-8 on exporting.
Added: charcode of source code also will be converted to Shift JIS on importing.
Requirement: nkf.exe
<job id="">
<?job error="true" debug="false" ?>
<resource id="HelpMessage">
vbac (version 0.9.0)
Usage: cscript vbac.wsf &lt;command&gt; [&lt;options&gt;]
combine Import all VBComponents
decombine Export all VBComponents
clear Remove all VBComponents
help Display this help message
/binary:&lt;dir&gt; Specify directory of macro-enabled Office files
(default: bin)
/source:&lt;dir&gt; Specify directory of source code files
(default: src)
/vbaproj Use .vbaproj file
/dbcompact With Access DB compaction
/charcodeconv Source file will be converted to UTF-8
<script language="JScript">
// Enumerations:
// Word -
// Excel -
// Access -
// WdSaveFormat
var wdFormatDocument97 = 0 //.doc
var wdFormatTemplate97 = 1 //.dot
var wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled = 13 //.docm
var wdFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled = 15 //.dotm
// XlFileFormat
var xlExcel9795 = 43; //.xls 97-2003 format in Excel 2003 or prev
var xlExcel8 = 56; //.xls 97-2003 format in Excel 2007
var xlExcel12 = 50; //.xlsb
var xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled = 52; //.xlsm
// AcNewDatabaseFormat
var acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2000 = 9; //.mdb
var acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2002 = 10; //.mdb
var acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2007 = 12; //.accdb
// AcSysCmdAction
var acSysCmdAccessVer = 7;
// AcObjectType
var acTable = 0;
var acQuery = 1;
var acForm = 2;
var acReport = 3;
var acMacro = 4;
var acModule = 5;
// vbext_ct_* (ref:
var vbext_ct_StdModule = 1;
var vbext_ct_ClassModule = 2;
var vbext_ct_MSForm = 3;
var vbext_ct_Document = 100;
// FileSystemObject (ref:
var fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
// WshShell
var wshshell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var forReading = 1;
var forWriting = 2;
var forAppending = 8;
var scriptPath = WScript.ScriptFullName;
var args = (function() {
var a = new Array(WScript.Arguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = WScript.Arguments.item(i);
return a;
var getResource = function(str) {
return scriptlet.getResource(str).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
var println = function(str) {
var foreachEnum = function(collection, callback) {
for ( var xs=new Enumerator(collection), x=xs.item(), i=0;
xs.moveNext(), x=xs.item(), i++
) {
if (!!callback(x, i)) break;
var dateTimeString = function(dt) {
var g = function(y) { return (y < 2000) ? 1900 + y : y; };
var f = function(n) { return (n < 10) ? "0" + n : n.toString(); };
var ymd = g(dt.getYear()) + f(dt.getMonth() + 1) + f(dt.getDate());
var hns = f(dt.getHours()) + f(dt.getMinutes()) + f(dt.getSeconds());
return ymd + " " + hns;
var typename = function(obj) {
if (obj === undefined) return 'Undefined';
if (obj == null) return 'Null';
return, -1);
var isPathRooted = function(path) {
if (!path) return false;
var p1 = path.substring(0, 1);
if (p1 == '\\' || p1 == '/') return true;
var p2 = path.substring(1, 2);
if (p2 == ':') return true;
return false;
var Conditional = function(val) {
this.flag = false;
this.value = val;
Conditional.prototype.change = function(val) {
this.flag = true;
if (val !== undefined) this.value = val;
var CmdParam = function(paramObj) {
this.defaultParameterName = paramObj.defaultParameterName;
delete paramObj.defaultParameterName;
this.parameters = paramObj;
this.paramNames = {};
for (var pname in this.parameters)
this.paramNames[pname.toLowerCase()] = pname;
CmdParam.prototype.exists = function(paramName) {
return paramName.toLowerCase() in this.paramNames;
CmdParam.prototype.get = function(paramName) {
var pname = this.paramNames[paramName.toLowerCase()];
return this.parameters[pname];
CmdParam.prototype.set = function(paramName, value) {
var pname = this.paramNames[paramName.toLowerCase()];
this.parameters[pname] = value;
CmdParam.prototype.setParam = function(pname, arg) {
// the 'Object' assumed Conditional class
switch (typename(this.get(pname))) {
case 'Boolean':
if (arg === undefined) arg = true;
this.set(pname, Boolean(arg));
case 'Number':
this.set(pname, Number(arg));
//case 'Date':
// this.set(pname, Date.parse(arg));
// break;
case 'Object':
this.get(pname).change(arg); //FIXME: type of value is string only?
case 'Array':
this.get(pname).push(arg); //FIXME: type of value is string only?
case 'Undefined':
this.set(pname, arg || "");
CmdParam.prototype.parse = function(args) {
var pname = this.defaultParameterName;
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
var value = undefined;
switch (args[i].charAt(0)) {
case '-': case '/':
pname = args[i].substring(1);
var j = -1;
if (j < 0) j = pname.indexOf(':');
if (j < 0) j = pname.indexOf('=');
if (j > -1) {
value = pname.substring(j + 1);
pname = pname.substring(0, j);
value = args[i];
this.setParam(pname, value);
return this.parameters;
var Config = function(binary, source, binbak) {
var root = fso.GetParentFolderName(scriptPath);
this.bin = (isPathRooted(binary)) ? binary : fso.BuildPath(root, binary);
this.src = (isPathRooted(source)) ? source : fso.BuildPath(root, source);
this.bak = (!binbak.flag) ? undefined
: (isPathRooted(binbak.value)) ? binbak.value
: fso.BuildPath(root, binbak.value);
Config.prototype.getBins = function() { return fso.GetFolder(this.bin).Files; };
Config.prototype.getSrcs = function() { return fso.GetFolder(this.src).SubFolders; };
var VBAProjFile = function(vbproj, srcdir) {
this.vbproj = vbproj;
this.fileName = 'App.vbaproj';
this.path = fso.BuildPath(srcdir, this.fileName);
VBAProjFile.prototype.projPropName = {
'Name': 1, 'Description': 1, 'HelpFile': 1, 'HelpContextID': 1
VBAProjFile.prototype.removeAllRefs = function() {
var self = this;
foreachEnum(this.vbproj.References, function(ref) {
if (ref.BuiltIn) return false;
}; = function(is64BitOffice) {
var isSection = function(line) { return line.match(/^\[.*\]$/) != null; };
var getParam = function(line) {
var i = line.indexOf('=');
return (i > -1) ? { key: line.substring(0, i), val: line.substring(i+1) } : null;
if (!fso.FileExists(this.path)) return;
var fl = fso.OpenTextFile(this.path, forReading);
while (!fl.AtEndOfStream) {
var line = fl.ReadLine();
var section = line;
switch (section) {
case '[General]':
while (!fl.AtEndOfStream) {
line = fl.ReadLine();
if (isSection(line)) break;
var p = getParam(line);
// quick-fix solution
if (is64BitOffice && p.key == "HelpContextID")
println("! Warning: can not 'VBProject.HelpContextID = \"" + p.val + "\"'. probably 64-bit Office have a bug.");
this.vbproj[p.key] = p.val;
case '[Reference]':
while (!fl.AtEndOfStream) {
line = fl.ReadLine();
if (isSection(line)) break;
var p = getParam(line);
var refinf = p.key.split(" ");
this.vbproj.References.AddFromGuid(refinf[0], refinf[1], refinf[2]);
VBAProjFile.prototype.write = function() {
var fl = fso.OpenTextFile(this.path, forWriting, true);
for (var prop in this.projPropName)
fl.WriteLine(prop + "=" + this.vbproj[prop]);
foreachEnum(this.vbproj.References, function(ref) {
if (ref.BuiltIn) return false;
fl.WriteLine(ref.GUID + " " + ref.Major + " " + ref.Minor + "=" + ref.Description);
var Office = function() {};
Office.prototype.progID1 = undefined;
Office.prototype.progID2 = "Application";
Office.prototype.getProgID = function() {
return (this.progID1 !== undefined) ? this.progID1 + "." + this.progID2 : undefined;
Office.prototype.setCmdParam = function(cmdParam) {
this.cmdParam = cmdParam;
Office.prototype.isDirectiveOnly = function(codeModule) {
var ml = codeModule.CountOfLines;
var dl = codeModule.CountOfDeclarationLines;
if (ml > dl) return false;
if (ml < 1) return true;
for (var i=0,arr=codeModule.Lines(1, dl).split("\r\n"),len=arr.length; i<len; i++) {
var s = arr[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (s != "" && s.charAt(0).toLowerCase() != "o") return false;
return true;
Office.prototype.isValidFileName = function(fname) {
return fname.match(/[\\/:\*\?"<>\|]/) == null;
Office.prototype.loanOfOfficeDocument = function(path, isCreate, callback) {
throw "Not Implemented";
Office.prototype.checkMacroSecurity = function(ofDoc) {
try {
catch (ex) {
switch (ex.number) {
case -2146822220:
ex.description = [ex.description, "See also"].join("\n");
case -2146827284:
ex.description = [ex.description, "See also"].join("\n");
throw ex;
Office.prototype.is64Bit = function(ofApp) {
// ref:
return parseInt(ofApp.Version) >= 14
&& ofApp.ProductCode.substring(20, 21) == "1";
Office.prototype.extensionTypeTable = (function() {
var tbl = {};
tbl['bas'] = vbext_ct_StdModule;
tbl['cls'] = vbext_ct_ClassModule;
tbl['frm'] = vbext_ct_MSForm;
tbl['frx'] = vbext_ct_MSForm;
tbl['dcm'] = vbext_ct_Document;
return tbl;
Office.prototype.typeExtensionTable = (function () {
var tbl = {};
tbl[vbext_ct_StdModule] = 'bas';
tbl[vbext_ct_ClassModule] = 'cls';
tbl[vbext_ct_MSForm] = 'frm'; // with 'frx'
tbl[vbext_ct_Document] = 'dcm';
return tbl;
Office.prototype.addTargetType = function(typ) {
Office.prototype.cleanupBinary = function(ofDoc, verbose) {
var compos = ofDoc.VBProject.VBComponents;
var self = this;
foreachEnum(compos, function(compo) {
var bname = compo.Name;
//if (!(compo.Type.toString() in self.typeExtensionTable)) return false;
if (compo.Type == vbext_ct_Document) {
if (self.isDirectiveOnly(compo.CodeModule)) return false;
compo.CodeModule.DeleteLines(1, compo.CodeModule.CountOfLines);
else {
if (!!verbose) println("- Remove: " + bname);
Office.prototype.cleanupSource = function(dir, verbose) {
if (!fso.FolderExists(dir)) {
var self = this;
foreachEnum(fso.GetFolder(dir).Files, function(fl) {
var fname = fso.GetFileName(fl.Path);
var xname = fso.GetExtensionName(fl.Path);
if (!(xname in self.extensionTypeTable)) return false;
if (!!verbose) println("- Remove: " + fname);
Office.prototype.importComponent = function(path, ofDoc) {
var compos = ofDoc.VBProject.VBComponents;
if (this.cmdParam.charcodeconv) {
wshshell.Run("cmd /c nkf -s -Lw -d --overwrite " + path,0,true);
Office.prototype.importDocument = function(path, ofDoc) {
throw "Not Implemented";
Office.prototype.importSource = function(impdir, ofDoc) {
var self = this;
foreachEnum(fso.GetFolder(impdir).Files, function(fl) {
var xname = fso.GetExtensionName(fl.Path);
var bname = fso.GetBaseName(fl.Path);
if (!(xname in self.extensionTypeTable)) return false;
if (xname == 'frx') return false;
if (xname != 'dcm')
self.importComponent(fl.Path, ofDoc);
self.importDocument(fl.Path, ofDoc);
println("- Import: " + fso.GetFileName(fl.Path));
if (xname == 'frm') println("- Import: " + bname + ".frx");
Office.prototype.importProject = function(impdir, vbproj, is64BitOffice) {
var proj = new VBAProjFile(vbproj, impdir);
if (fso.FileExists(proj.path)) {;
println("- Import: " + proj.fileName);
Office.prototype.exportSource = function(ofDoc, expdir) {
var self = this;
foreachEnum(ofDoc.VBProject.VBComponents, function(compo) {
//if (!(compo.Type.toString() in self.typeExtensionTable)) return false;
if (compo.Type == vbext_ct_Document) {
if (self.isDirectiveOnly(compo.CodeModule)) return false;
var xname = self.typeExtensionTable[compo.Type.toString()];
var bname = compo.Name;
var fname = bname + "." + xname;
var path = fso.BuildPath(expdir, fname);
if (self.cmdParam.charcodeconv) {
wshshell.Run("cmd /c nkf -w -Lu -d --overwrite " + path,0,true);
println("- Export: " + fname);
if (xname == 'frm') println("- Export: " + bname + ".frx");
Office.prototype.exportProject = function(vbproj, expdir) {
var proj = new VBAProjFile(vbproj, expdir)
println("- Export: " + proj.fileName);
Office.prototype.combine = function(tsrc, tbin) {
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(tbin));
var self = this;
this.loanOfOfficeDocument(tbin, true, function(ofDoc) {
if (self.cmdParam.vbaproj) {
var is64BitOffice = self.is64Bit(ofDoc.Application);
self.importProject(tsrc, ofDoc.VBProject, is64BitOffice);
self.importSource(tsrc, ofDoc);
Office.prototype.decombine = function(tbin, tsrc) {
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(tbin));
var self = this;
this.loanOfOfficeDocument(tbin, false, function(ofDoc) {
if (self.cmdParam.vbaproj) self.exportProject(ofDoc.VBProject, tsrc);
self.exportSource(ofDoc, tsrc);
Office.prototype.clear = function(tbin) {
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(tbin));
var self = this;
this.loanOfOfficeDocument(tbin, false, function(ofDoc) {
self.cleanupBinary(ofDoc, true);
var Dummy = function() {};
Dummy.prototype = new Office();
Dummy.prototype.combine = function() {};
Dummy.prototype.decombine = function() {};
Dummy.prototype.clear = function() {};
var Word = function() {};
Word.prototype = new Office();
Word.prototype.progID1 = "Word";
Word.prototype.createOpenFile = function(wdApp, path) {
var wdSaveFormat;
var vernum = parseInt(wdApp.Version);
switch (fso.GetExtensionName(path)) {
case 'doc': wdSaveFormat = wdFormatDocument97;
case 'dot': wdSaveFormat = wdFormatTemplate97;
case 'docm': wdSaveFormat = wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled;
case 'dotm': wdSaveFormat = wdFormatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled;
default: wdSaveFormat = (vernum < 12) ? wdFormatDocument97 : wdFormatXMLDocumentMacroEnabled;
path += (vernum < 12) ? '.doc' : '.docm';
var wdDoc;
try {
if (fso.FileExists(path)) {
wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Open(path)
else {
wdDoc = wdApp.Documents.Add();
wdDoc.SaveAs(path, wdSaveFormat);
catch (ex) {
if (wdDoc != null) wdDoc.Close();
throw ex;
return wdDoc;
Word.prototype.loanOfOfficeDocument = function(path, isCreate, callback) {
var wdApp, wdDoc, ret;
try {
wdApp = new ActiveXObject(this.getProgID());
wdApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
//wdApp.EnableEvents = false; //In Word, Application class does not have this property
try {
wdDoc = (isCreate) ? this.createOpenFile(wdApp, path) : wdApp.Documents.Open(path);
ret = callback(wdDoc);
} finally { if (wdDoc != null) wdDoc.Close(); }
} finally { if (wdApp != null) wdApp.Quit(); }
return ret;
Word.prototype.importDocument = function(path, wdDoc) {
var compos = wdDoc.VBProject.VBComponents;
var impCompo = compos.Import(path);
var origCompo;
var cname=impCompo.Name, bname=fso.GetBaseName(path);
if (cname != bname) {
origCompo = compos.item(bname);
else {
var doc = wdDoc.Documents.Add();
compos = wdDoc.VBProject.VBComponents; // refresh Component collection
origCompo = compos.item(doc.CodeName);
var tmpname = "ImportTemp";
var find = function(compos, name) {
var ret = false;
foreachEnum(compos, function(c) { return ret = (c.Name == name); });
return ret;
while (find(compos, tmpname)) tmpname += "1";
impCompo.Name = tmpname;
origCompo.Name = cname;
var imod=impCompo.CodeModule, omod=origCompo.CodeModule;
omod.DeleteLines(1, omod.CountOfLines);
omod.AddFromString(imod.Lines(1, imod.CountOfLines));
var Excel = function() {};
Excel.prototype = new Office();
Excel.prototype.progID1 = "Excel";
Excel.prototype.createOpenFile = function(xlApp, path) {
var xlFileFormat;
var vernum = parseInt(xlApp.Version);
switch (fso.GetExtensionName(path)) {
case 'xls': case 'xla': case 'xlt':
xlFileFormat = (vernum < 12) ? xlExcel9795 : xlExcel8;
case 'xlsb':
xlFileFormat = xlExcel12;
case 'xlsm': case 'xlam': case 'xltm':
xlFileFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled;
xlFileFormat = (vernum < 12) ? xlExcel9795 : xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled;
path += (vernum < 12) ? '.xls' : '.xlsm';
var xlBook;
try {
if (fso.FileExists(path)) {
xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(path);
else {
xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add();
xlBook.SaveAs(path, xlFileFormat);
catch (ex) {
if (xlBook != null) xlBook.Close();
throw ex;
return xlBook;
Excel.prototype.loanOfOfficeDocument = function(path, isCreate, callback) {
var xlApp, xlBook, ret;
try {
xlApp = new ActiveXObject(this.getProgID());
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false;
xlApp.EnableEvents = false;
try {
xlBook = (isCreate) ? this.createOpenFile(xlApp, path) : xlApp.Workbooks.Open(path);;
ret = callback(xlBook);
} finally { if (xlBook != null) xlBook.Close(); }
} finally { if (xlApp != null) xlApp.Quit(); }
return ret;
Excel.prototype.importDocument = function(path, xlBook) {
var compos = xlBook.VBProject.VBComponents;
var impCompo = compos.Import(path);
var origCompo;
var cname=impCompo.Name, bname=fso.GetBaseName(path);
if (cname != bname) {
origCompo = compos.item(bname);
else {
var sht = xlBook.Worksheets.Add();
compos = xlBook.VBProject.VBComponents; // refreash Component collection
origCompo = compos.item(sht.CodeName);
var tmpname = "ImportTemp";
var find = function(compos, name) {
var ret = false;
foreachEnum(compos, function(c) { return ret = (c.Name == name); });
return ret;
while (find(compos, tmpname)) tmpname += "1";
impCompo.Name = tmpname;
origCompo.Name = cname;
var imod=impCompo.CodeModule, omod=origCompo.CodeModule;
omod.DeleteLines(1, omod.CountOfLines);
omod.AddFromString(imod.Lines(1, imod.CountOfLines));
var Outlook = function() {};
Outlook.prototype = new Office();
Outlook.prototype.sadNews = function(tbin) {
var notSupported =
"Unfortunately, Outlook does not support access to VBA project from the outside.\n"
+ "See also";
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(tbin));
Outlook.prototype.combine = function(tsrc, tbin) { this.sadNews(tbin); };
Outlook.prototype.decombine = function(tbin, tsrc) { this.sadNews(tbin); };
Outlook.prototype.clear = function(tbin) { this.sadNews(tbin); };
var Access = function() {};
Access.prototype = new Office();
Access.prototype.progID1 = "Access";
Access.prototype.createOpenFile = function(acApp, path) {
var dbFormat;
var vernum = parseInt(acApp.SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer));
switch (fso.GetExtensionName(path)) {
case 'mdb': dbFormat = acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2000;
case 'accdb': dbFormat = acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2007;
default: dbFormat = (vernum < 12) ? acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2002 : acNewDatabaseFormatAccess2007;
path += (vernum < 12) ? '.mdb' : '.accdb';
if (!fso.FileExists(path))
acApp.NewCurrentDatabase(path, dbFormat);
return path;
Access.prototype.getDbProperty = function(db, propName) {
var prop = undefined;
try { prop = db.Properties(propName); }
catch (e) {}
return prop;
Access.prototype.loanOfAcProj = function(path, isCreate, callback) {
var acApp, acDb, ret;
try {
acApp = new ActiveXObject(this.getProgID());
acApp.Visible = false;
try {
if (!!path) {
if (isCreate)
this.createOpenFile(acApp, path);
acDb = acApp.CurrentDB();
var startUp = this.getDbProperty(acDb, "StartUpForm");
if (startUp !== undefined) acApp.DoCmd.Close(acForm, startUp.Value);
ret = callback(acApp.CurrentProject);
} finally { if (acDb != null) acDb.Close(); }
} finally { if (acApp != null) { if (acDb != null) acApp.CloseCurrentDatabase(); acApp.Quit(); } }
return ret;
Access.prototype.extensionTypeTable = (function() {
var tbl = {};
tbl['mdl'] = acModule;
tbl['bas'] = acModule;
tbl['cls'] = acModule;
tbl['frm'] = acForm;
tbl['rpt'] = acReport;
tbl['mcr'] = acMacro;
return tbl;
Access.prototype.typeExtensionTable = (function() {
var tbl = {};
tbl[acModule] = 'mdl'; // rename 'bas' or 'cls'
tbl[acForm] = 'frm';
tbl[acReport] = 'rpt';
tbl[acMacro] = 'mcr';
return tbl;
Access.prototype.addTargetType = function(acTyp) {
var ext = undefined;
switch (acTyp) {
case acQuery: ext = 'qry'; break;
default: break;
if (ext !== undefined) {
this.extensionTypeTable[ext] = acTyp;
this.typeExtensionTable[acTyp] = ext;
Access.prototype.iterAllObjects = function(acApp, action) {
var i;
var objs = new Array();
var acProj = acApp.CurrentProject;
for (i = 0; i < acProj.AllModules.Count; i++) objs.push(acProj.AllModules.item(i));
for (i = 0; i < acProj.AllForms.Count; i++) objs.push(acProj.AllForms.item(i));
for (i = 0; i < acProj.AllReports.Count; i++) objs.push(acProj.AllReports.item(i));
for (i = 0; i < acProj.AllMacros.Count; i++) objs.push(acProj.AllMacros.item(i));
var acData = acApp.CurrentData;
for (i = 0; i < acData.AllQueries.Count; i++) objs.push(acData.AllQueries.item(i));
for (i = 0; i < objs.length; i++) {
if (!!action(objs[i], i)) break;
Access.prototype.getAcDocs = function(acApp) {
var acDb;
try {
acDb = acApp.CurrentDB();
var docs = new Array();
var conts = ['Modules', 'Forms', 'Reports', 'Scripts'];
var c2eTable = this.containerExtensionTable;
for (var i = 0; i < conts.length; i++) {
var cont = conts[i];
foreachEnum(acDb.Containers(cont).Documents, function(doc) {
docs.push({ container: cont, name: doc.Name });
} finally { if (acDb != null) acDb.Close(); }
return docs;
Access.prototype.cleanupBinary = function(acProj, verbose) {
var acApp = acProj.Application;
var self = this;
this.iterAllObjects(acApp, function(obj) {
var name = obj.Name;
if (!(obj.Type.toString() in self.typeExtensionTable)) return false;
acApp.DoCmd.DeleteObject(obj.Type, name);
if (!!verbose) println("- Remove: " + name);
Access.prototype.cleanupSource = function(dir, verbose) {
if (!fso.FolderExists(dir)) {
var self = this;
foreachEnum(fso.GetFolder(dir).Files, function(fl) {
var fname = fso.GetFileName(fl.Path);
var xname = fso.GetExtensionName(fl.Path);
if (!(xname in self.extensionTypeTable)) return false;
if (!!verbose) println("- Remove: " + fname);
Access.prototype.importSource = function(impdir, acProj) {
var acApp = acProj.Application;
var compos = acApp.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents;
var self = this;
foreachEnum(fso.GetFolder(impdir).Files, function(fl) {
var path = fl.Path;
var fname = fso.GetFileName(path);
var xname = fso.GetExtensionName(path);
var bname = fso.GetBaseName(path);
if (!(xname in self.extensionTypeTable)) return false;
var typ = self.extensionTypeTable[xname];
if (typ == acModule) {
var c = compos.Import(path);
c.Name = bname;
acApp.DoCmd.Save(typ, bname);
else {
acApp.LoadFromText(typ, bname, path);
println("- Import: " + fname);
Access.prototype.exportSource = function(acProj, expdir) {
var acApp = acProj.Application;
var compos = acApp.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents;
var self = this;
this.iterAllObjects(acApp, function(obj) {
var bname = obj.Name;
if (!(obj.Type.toString() in self.typeExtensionTable)) return false;
if (!self.isValidFileName(bname)) {
println("! Warning: skip export. object '" + bname + "' is invalid file name");
return false;
var xname = self.typeExtensionTable[obj.Type.toString()];
if (obj.Type == acModule) {
switch (compos.item(bname).Type) {
case vbext_ct_StdModule: xname = 'bas'; break;
case vbext_ct_ClassModule: xname = 'cls'; break;
default: break;
var fname = bname + "." + xname;
var path = fso.BuildPath(expdir, fname);
if (obj.Type == acModule)
acApp.SaveAsText(obj.Type, bname, path);
println("- Export: " + fname);
Access.prototype.compact = function(dbPath, acApp) {
var engine = (!!acApp) ? acApp.DBEngine : (function() {
var egname = "DAO.DBEngine";
var egvers = ["120", "36", "35"];
for (var i = 0; i < egvers.length; i++) {
try { return new ActiveXObject(egname + "." + egvers[i]); }
catch (e) {}
return undefined;
var tempPath = (function(dbPath) {
var d = fso.GetParentFolderName(dbPath);
var b = fso.GetBaseName(dbPath);
var x = fso.GetExtensionName(dbPath);
var tempExt = "tempdb";
var tempPath = fso.BuildPath(d, [b, x, tempExt].join("."));
var delim = "#";
var i = 0;
while (fso.FileExists(tempPath))
tempPath = fso.BuildPath(d, [b+delim+(++i), x, tempExt].join("."));
return tempPath;
engine.CompactDatabase(dbPath, tempPath);
fso.MoveFile(tempPath, dbPath);
println("- Compact: " + fso.GetFileName(dbPath));
Access.prototype.combine = function(tsrc, tbin) {
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(tbin));
var self = this;
this.loanOfAcProj(tbin, true, function(acProj) {
if (self.cmdParam.vbaproj) {
var is64BitOffice = self.is64Bit(acProj.Application);
self.importProject(tsrc, acProj.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject, is64BitOffice);
self.importSource(tsrc, acProj);
this.loanOfAcProj(undefined, false, function(acProj) {
if (self.cmdParam.dbCompact) self.compact(tbin, acProj.Application);
Access.prototype.decombine = function(tbin, tsrc) {
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(tbin));
var self = this;
this.loanOfAcProj(tbin, true, function(acProj) {
if (self.cmdParam.vbaproj) self.exportProject(acProj.Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject, tsrc);
self.exportSource(acProj, tsrc);
this.loanOfAcProj(undefined, false, function(acProj) {
if (self.cmdParam.dbCompact) self.compact(tbin, acProj.Application);
Access.prototype.clear = function(tbin) {
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(tbin));
var self = this;
this.loanOfAcProj(tbin, true, function(acProj) {
self.cleanupBinary(acProj, true);
var Command = function(helper) {
this.__helper = helper;
Command.prototype.__helper = null; = function() {
Command.prototype.combine = function() {
var hlp = this.__helper;
var conf = hlp.config;
if (conf.bak !== undefined && fso.FolderExists(conf.bin)) {
if (!fso.FolderExists(conf.bak)) fso.CreateFolder(conf.bak);
var bkdir = fso.BuildPath(conf.bak, dateTimeString(new Date()));
fso.CopyFile(fso.BuildPath(conf.bin, "*.*"), bkdir + "\\");
hlp.combineImpl(conf.src, conf.bin, function() { return conf.getSrcs(); });
Command.prototype.decombine = function() {
var hlp = this.__helper;
var conf = hlp.config;
hlp.combineImpl(conf.bin, conf.src, function() { return conf.getBins(); });
Command.prototype.clear = function() {
var hlp = this.__helper;
var conf = hlp.config;
function() { return conf.getBins(); },
function(path) {
var office = hlp.createOffice(path);
Command.prototype.acdoc = function() {
var hlp = this.__helper;
var conf = hlp.config;
function() { return conf.getBins(); },
function(path) {
if (hlp.getAppName(path) != 'Access') return false;
println("> Target: " + fso.GetFileName(path));
var docs;
var acc = hlp.createOffice(path);
acc.loanOfAcProj(path, true, function(acProj) {
var acApp = acProj.Application;
docs = acc.getAcDocs(acApp);
for (var i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
var doc = docs[i];
println("- " + doc.container + ": " +;
var CommandHelper = function(param) {
this.parameter = param;
this.config = new Config(param.binary, param.source, param.binbak);
this.command = new Command(this);
CommandHelper.prototype.getAppName = function(fname) {
switch (fso.GetExtensionName(fname)) {
case 'doc': case 'dot': case 'docm': case 'dotm':
return 'Word';
case 'xls': case 'xlsm': case 'xla': case 'xlam': case 'xlt': case 'xltm': case 'xlsb':
return 'Excel';
case 'otm':
return 'Outlook';
case 'mdb': case 'accdb':
return 'Access';
return undefined;
CommandHelper.prototype.createOffice = function(fname) {
var office;
switch (this.getAppName(fname)) {
case 'Word':
office = new Word();
case 'Excel':
office = new Excel();
case 'Outlook':
office = new Outlook();
case 'Access':
office = new Access();
if (this.parameter.incQuery) office.addTargetType(acQuery);
office = new Dummy();
return office;
CommandHelper.prototype.isTempFile = function(fname) {
return fname.substring(0, 2) == '~$';
CommandHelper.prototype.iterTarget = function(getPaths, action) {
var self = this;
foreachEnum(getPaths(), function(fl) {
if (self.isTempFile(fl.Name)) return false;
return action(fl.Path);
CommandHelper.prototype.combineImpl = function(fromDir, toDir, getPaths) {
if (!fso.FolderExists(fromDir)) {
println("directory '" + fromDir + "' not exists.");
if (!fso.FolderExists(toDir)) fso.CreateFolder(toDir);
var self = this;
this.iterTarget(getPaths, function(fromPath) {
var toPath = fso.BuildPath(toDir, fso.GetFileName(fromPath));
var office = self.createOffice(fromPath);
var param = self.parameter;
// overwrite protection
var fromModified;
var toModified;
if (fso.FolderExists(fromPath)) {
fromModified = fso.GetFolder(fromPath).DateLastModified;
else if (fso.FileExists(fromPath)) {
fromModified = fso.GetFile(fromPath).DateLastModified;
if (fso.FolderExists(toPath)) {
toModified = fso.GetFolder(toPath).DateLastModified;
else if (fso.FileExists(toPath)) {
toModified = fso.GetFile(toPath).DateLastModified;
if (fromModified < toModified) {
println("Overwrite has blocked.");
office[param.commandType](fromPath, toPath);
CommandHelper.prototype.hasCommand = function(cmdType) {
return cmdType in this.command
&& this.command[cmdType] != this;
CommandHelper.prototype.runCommand = function() {
var cmd = this.command;
var cmdType = this.parameter.commandType;
if (!this.hasCommand(cmdType)) {
println("command '" + cmdType + "' is undefined.");
var runner = function() { cmd[cmdType].apply(cmd, arguments); };
if (cmdType == 'help') {
else {
println("begin " + cmdType + "\n");
function main(args) {
var param =
new CmdParam({
defaultParameterName: "commandType",
commandType: "help",
binary: "bin",
source: "src",
binbak: new Conditional("bak"),
vbaproj: false,
charcodeconv: false,
// vbacGUI.exe で UTF-8 変換ありで使う場合、GUI 側に設定がないので true 固定にする。
// charcodeconv: true,
incQuery: false,
dbCompact: false
// It's guard for internal impl. If necessary, you can comment out to enable this feature.
param.binbak.flag = false;
param.incQuery = false;
var h = new CommandHelper(param);
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