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Created January 12, 2018 02:15
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Renderer someObject;
Frustum f = Camera.main.GetFrustum();
if (f.TestBounds(someObject.bounds) == EFrustumIntersection.Outside)
// "someObject" is not rendered by the main camera
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class EditorCameraControls : EditorWindow
private static void Init()
int state = -1;
bool autoDisable = false;
private void OnEnable()
bool allOff = true;
bool allOn = true;
foreach (var cam in SceneView.GetAllSceneCameras())
allOff &= !cam.gameObject.activeSelf;
allOn &= cam.gameObject.activeSelf;
if (allOn && !allOff)
state = 1;
else if (!allOn && allOff)
state = 0;
state = -1;
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += OnPlaymodeChange;
private void OnDisable()
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged -= OnPlaymodeChange;
void SetCamState(bool aState)
foreach (var cam in SceneView.GetAllSceneCameras())
state = aState?1:0;
private void OnGUI()
if (state == 1)
GUI.color =;
else if(state == 0)
GUI.color =;
GUI.color = Color.yellow;
if (GUILayout.Button("Enable"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Disable"))
GUI.color = Color.white;
autoDisable = GUILayout.Toggle(autoDisable,"AutoDisable","Button");
void OnPlaymodeChange()
if (autoDisable)
using UnityEngine;
public enum EFrustumIntersection
public struct Frustum
public Vector4 l;
public Vector4 r;
public Vector4 b;
public Vector4 t;
public Vector4 n;
public Vector4 f;
public Plane left { get { return new Plane { normal = l, distance = l.w }; } }
public Plane right { get { return new Plane { normal = r, distance = r.w }; } }
public Plane bottom { get { return new Plane { normal = b, distance = b.w }; } }
public Plane top { get { return new Plane { normal = t, distance = t.w }; } }
public Plane near { get { return new Plane { normal = n, distance = n.w }; } }
public Plane far { get { return new Plane { normal = f, distance = f.w }; } }
public Vector4 this[int aIndex]
case 0: return l;
case 1: return r;
case 2: return b;
case 3: return t;
case 4: return n;
case 5: return f;
default: throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("aIndex", "value must be between 0 and 5");
public EFrustumIntersection TestBounds(Bounds aBounds)
var min = aBounds.min;
var max = aBounds.max;
var x = new Vector2(min.x, max.x);
var y = new Vector2(min.y, max.y);
var z = new Vector2(min.z, max.z);
var res = EFrustumIntersection.Inside;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var plane = this[i];
int xi = plane.x > 0 ? 1 : 0;
int yi = plane.y > 0 ? 1 : 0;
int zi = plane.z > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (plane.x * x[xi] + plane.y * y[yi] + plane.z * z[zi] + plane.w < 0)
return EFrustumIntersection.Outside;
if (plane.x * x[1-xi] + plane.y * y[1-yi] + plane.z * z[1-zi] + plane.w < 0)
res = EFrustumIntersection.Intersecting;
return res;
public EFrustumIntersection TestPoint(Vector3 aPoint)
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
var plane = this[i];
float d = plane.x * aPoint.x + plane.y * aPoint.y + plane.z * aPoint.z + plane.w;
if (d < 0)
return EFrustumIntersection.Outside;
return EFrustumIntersection.Inside;
public static class VisibilityTools
public static Frustum GetFrustum(this Camera aCam)
var m = aCam.projectionMatrix * aCam.worldToCameraMatrix;
Frustum res;
var x = m.GetRow(0);
var y = m.GetRow(1);
var z = m.GetRow(2);
var w = m.GetRow(3);
res.l = GetNormalizedPlane(w + x);
res.r = GetNormalizedPlane(w - x);
res.b = GetNormalizedPlane(w + y);
res.t = GetNormalizedPlane(w - y);
res.n = GetNormalizedPlane(w + z);
res.f = GetNormalizedPlane(w - z);
return res;
private static Vector4 GetNormalizedPlane(Vector4 aVec)
return aVec*(1f / Mathf.Sqrt(aVec.x * aVec.x + aVec.y * aVec.y + aVec.z * aVec.z));
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