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Created December 22, 2018 23:16
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Extracts Armenia 2011 census data for all settlements from pdf file issued by Armenia's statistical office
dir.create("data", showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(file.path("data", "original_files"), showWarnings = FALSE)
census_2011_pdf_url <- ""
census_2011_pdf_file <- file.path("data", "original_files", "census_2011.pdf")
if (file.exists(census_2011_pdf_file)==FALSE) {
download.file(url = census_2011_pdf_url, destfile = census_2011_pdf_file)
tables <- extract_tables(file = census_2011_pdf_file, pages = 36:101, output = "data.frame")
tables_cleaned <- vector("list", length(36:101))
for (i in seq_along(tables)) {
if (ncol(tables[[i]])==8) {tables[[i]] <- tables[[i]][,-5]} #deals with problematic page
tables_cleaned[[i]] <- set_names( = tables[[i]],stringsAsFactors = FALSE), nm = c("Village", "Total_de_facto", "Men_de_facto", "Women_de_facto", "Total_de_jure", "Men_de_jure", "Women_de_jure")) %>%
mutate(Village = lag(Village)) %>%
filter(Total_de_facto != "") %>%
mutate_all(.funs = str_remove_all, pattern = ",") %>%
mutate_if(str_detect(string = colnames(.), pattern = "_"), .funs = as.numeric)
census_2011 <- purrr::map_df(.x = tables_cleaned, .f = bind_rows)
write_csv(x = census_2011, path = file.path("data", "armenia_census_2011.csv"))
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Warning: it's not 100% perfect, does not recognise three lines in the last page of table 1.3 (page 101), and some other data may be missing.

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