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Last active December 19, 2015 15:19
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RRG.cpp: RRG code with simple costs
/* Authors: Luis G. Torres */
#include "RRG.h"
#include "ompl/tools/config/SelfConfig.h"
#include "ompl/base/Goal.h"
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map/function_property_map.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
ompl::geometric::RRG::RRG(const base::SpaceInformationPtr &si) :
base::Planner(si, "RRG")
specs_.approximateSolutions = true;
specs_.optimizingPaths = true;
maxDistance_ = 0.0;
ballRadiusMax_ = 0.0;
ballRadiusConst_ = 0.0;
numCollisionChecks_ = 0;
Planner::declareParam<double>("range", this, &RRG::setRange, &RRG::getRange, "0.:1.:10000.");
Planner::declareParam<double>("ball_radius_constant", this, &RRG::setBallRadiusConstant, &RRG::getBallRadiusConstant);
Planner::declareParam<double>("max_ball_radius", this, &RRG::setMaxBallRadius, &RRG::getMaxBallRadius);
void ompl::geometric::RRG::setup(void)
tools::SelfConfig sc(si_, getName());
if (ballRadiusMax_ == 0.0)
ballRadiusMax_ = maxDistance_ * sqrt((double)si_->getStateSpace()->getDimension());
if (ballRadiusConst_ == 0.0)
ballRadiusConst_ = si_->getMaximumExtent();
if (!nn_)
nn_->setDistanceFunction(boost::bind(&RRG::distanceFunction, this, _1, _2));
// Setup optimization objective
// If no optimization objective was specified, then default to
// optimizing path length as computed by the distance() function
// in the state space.
if (pdef_->hasOptimizationObjective())
opt_ = pdef_->getOptimizationObjective();
OMPL_INFORM("Defaulting to optimizing path length.");
opt_.reset(new base::PathLengthOptimizationObjective(si_));
void ompl::geometric::RRG::clear(void)
if (nn_)
numCollisionChecks_ = 0;
void ompl::geometric::RRG::preprocess(unsigned numIterations)
base::State *state = si_->allocState();
boost::timer::cpu_timer timer;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numIterations; ++i)
Node newNode, nearNode;
if (this->extend(state, &newNode, &nearNode))
this->connectNear(newNode, nearNode);
DistItem newDistItem;
newDistItem.state = graph_[newNode];
newDistItem.node = newNode;
OMPL_INFORM("RRG preprocess took %s seconds.", timer.format(6,"%w").c_str());
ompl::base::PlannerStatus ompl::geometric::RRG::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
// Initialize start node
Node startNode = boost::graph_traits<Graph>::null_vertex();
while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
// given the start state, get the vertex in the roadmap
// closest to the start state: this will be our start node
// TODO: make this less horrible
DistItem queryItem;
queryItem.state = st;
queryItem.node = boost::graph_traits<Graph>::null_vertex();
DistItem nearDistItem = nn_->nearest(queryItem);
startNode = nearDistItem.node;
if (startNode == boost::graph_traits<Graph>::null_vertex())
OMPL_ERROR("There are no valid initial states!");
return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;
// Initialize goal
base::GoalPtr goal = pdef_->getGoal();
if (!goal)
OMPL_ERROR("Goal undefined");
return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_GOAL;
// Find path and add it to problem definition
// TODO: figure out how to deal with approximate solutions and
// such
boost::timer::cpu_timer timer;
base::PathPtr path = getBestPath(startNode, goal);
return base::PlannerStatus(true, false);
void ompl::geometric::RRG::initPreprocess(void)
while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
Node n = boost::add_vertex(graph_);
graph_[n] = si_->allocState();
si_->copyState(graph_[n], st);
DistItem d;
d.state = graph_[n];
d.node = n;
// TODO: throw an exception which solve() catches so that solve()
// can return the proper PlannerStatus
if (nn_->size() == 0)
OMPL_ERROR("There are no valid initial states!");
// return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;
if (!sampler_)
sampler_ = si_->allocStateSampler();
// OMPL_INFORM("Starting with %u states", boost::num_vertices(graph_));
bool ompl::geometric::RRG::extend(const base::State *s, Node* newNode, Node* nearNode)
// Find closest state in graph
DistItem queryItem;
queryItem.state = s;
DistItem nearDistItem = nn_->nearest(queryItem);
*nearNode = nearDistItem.node;
const base::State *nearState = nearDistItem.state;
// If distance between nearest state and sampled state is greater
// than maxDistance_, find state maxDistance_ away from near in
// direction of sampled
base::State* newState = 0;
double dist = si_->distance(nearState, s);
if (dist > maxDistance_)
newState = si_->allocState();
si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nearState, s, maxDistance_ / dist, newState);
// If motion between near and new state is collision-free, add new
// state and edge to graph. We don't add this new state to the
// near-neighbor structure until after we call connectNear() in
// preprocess().
bool collisionFree = si_->checkMotion(nearState, s);
if (collisionFree)
*newNode = boost::add_vertex(graph_);
if (!newState)
newState = si_->allocState();
si_->copyState(newState, s);
graph_[*newNode] = newState;
Edge newEdge;
bool success;
boost::tie(newEdge, success) = boost::add_edge(*nearNode, *newNode, graph_);
graph_[newEdge] = opt_->motionCost(nearState, newState);
// If in a fully symmetric space, we go and add the reverse edge too
if (si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricDistance() &&
si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricInterpolate() &&
Edge revEdge;
boost::tie(revEdge, success) = boost::add_edge(*newNode, *nearNode, graph_);
graph_[revEdge] = graph_[newEdge];
else if (newState)
return collisionFree;
// We make connections within a certain radius from other states to
// the new state, and then vice versa.
void ompl::geometric::RRG::connectNear(Node node, Node nearNode)
bool symDist = si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricDistance();
bool symInterp = si_->getStateSpace()->hasSymmetricInterpolate();
bool symCost = opt_->isSymmetric();
// If this state space doesn't have a symmetric distance function,
// we have to set the distance function to be FROM other states TO
// the new state
if (!symDist)
nn_->setDistanceFunction(boost::bind(&RRG::distanceFunction, this, _1, _2));
// Get nearest neighbors (FROM other states TO this state;
// important distinction for asymmetric distance metric)
// TODO: make neighbors vector static so that we're not
// constructing/destructing so much crap all the time
std::vector<DistItem> neighbors;
DistItem queryItem;
queryItem.state = graph_[node];
queryItem.node = node;
double neighborRadius = this->getNeighborhoodRadius();
nn_->nearestR(queryItem, neighborRadius, neighbors);
// Try to connect to every node (except the one node this new node
// is already connected to, from the extension step)
for (std::vector<DistItem>::const_iterator nbhr = neighbors.begin();
nbhr != neighbors.end();
if (nbhr->node != nearNode)
if (si_->checkMotion(graph_[nbhr->node], graph_[node]))
Edge newEdge;
bool success;
boost::tie(newEdge, success) = boost::add_edge(nbhr->node, node, graph_);
graph_[newEdge] = opt_->motionCost(graph_[nbhr->node], graph_[node]);
// Add reverse edge if this space is completely
// symmetric (effectively create an undirected graph)
if (symDist && symInterp && symCost)
base::Cost cost = graph_[newEdge];
boost::tie(newEdge, success) = boost::add_edge(node, nbhr->node, graph_);
graph_[newEdge] = cost;
// If our distance function is asymmetric, we have to run another
// near neighbors query going FROM our new node TO every other
// node
if (!symDist)
nn_->setDistanceFunction(boost::bind(&RRG::distanceFunction, this, _2, _1));
nn_->nearestR(queryItem, neighborRadius, neighbors);
// We have to iterate back over our neighbors if:
// a) our distance metric is asymmetric (different set of
// neighbors)
// b) interpolation between states is asymmetric [(s1,s2) might be
// valid but (s2,s1) might not]
// c) cost function between states is asymmetric
if (!symDist || !symInterp || !symCost)
for (std::vector<DistItem>::const_iterator nbhr = neighbors.begin();
nbhr != neighbors.end();
// If distance or interpolation are asymmetric, we need to
// do another collision check from the new node to the
// neighbor. If the above are symmetric and there's no
// edge already between them, it means there's a collision
// so this edge is invalid.
// TODO: see if it's more efficient to cache the collision
// check queries, instead of checking for edge existence.
bool validConnection = true;
Edge reverseEdge;
bool reverseEdgeExists = false;
if (!symDist || !symInterp)
validConnection = si_->checkMotion(graph_[node], graph_[nbhr->node]);
boost::tie(reverseEdge, reverseEdgeExists) = boost::edge(nbhr->node,node,graph_);
if (!reverseEdgeExists)
validConnection = false;
if (validConnection)
Edge newEdge;
bool success;
boost::tie(newEdge, success) = boost::add_edge(node, nbhr->node, graph_);
// If our cost function is symmetric and we have an
// edge in the reverse direction, we just copy over
// that cost. If not, we directly compute the cost.
if (symCost && reverseEdgeExists)
graph_[newEdge] = graph_[reverseEdge];
graph_[newEdge] = opt_->motionCost(graph_[node], graph_[nbhr->node]);
} // end for each neighbor
} // end if asymmetric
// We iterate through each vertex and free their states, and then
// through each edge and free their costs, then clear the graph
// structure
void ompl::geometric::RRG::freeMemory(void)
// Free state at each vertex
boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vi, vLast;
for (boost::tie(vi,vLast) = boost::vertices(graph_);
vi != vLast;
// clear graph
ompl::geometric::RRG::getBestPath(Node startNode, const base::GoalPtr& goal)
// Initialized structures used for Astar
double nearestGoalDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
Node nearestToGoal = boost::graph_traits<Graph>::null_vertex();
astar_goal_visitor astarVisitor(boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<base::GoalRegion>(goal).get(),
Node goalNode = boost::graph_traits<Graph>::null_vertex();
boost::astar_search(graph_, startNode,
boost::bind(&geometric::RRG::costToGo, this, _1, goal.get()),
weight_map(boost::get(boost::edge_bundle, graph_)).
isCostBetterThan, opt_.get(), _1, _2)).
combineCosts, opt_.get(), _1, _2)).
catch (found_goal& e)
goalNode = e.goalNode;
// If no node was found that actually satisfied the goal, we'll
// just use the node closest to the goal
// BTW this is gonna be super specific to heuristic = distanceGoal
// so sorry mother
if (goalNode == boost::graph_traits<Graph>::null_vertex())
goalNode = *(astarVisitor.nearestToGoal);
// Populate path to goal. Simply populate a vector backwards
// using the predecessor map and the minimum-cost goal node,
// then populate the actual path structure that we'll return.
std::vector<base::State*> rPath;
Node currentNode = boost::graph_traits<Graph>::null_vertex();
Node nextNode = goalNode;
currentNode = nextNode;
nextNode = predMap_[currentNode];
} while (currentNode != nextNode);
PathGeometric *geomPath = new PathGeometric(si_);
for (std::vector<base::State*>::const_reverse_iterator i = rPath.rbegin();
i != rPath.rend();
return base::PathPtr(geomPath);
ompl::base::Cost ompl::geometric::RRG::costToGo(Node v, const base::Goal* goal) const
return opt_->costToGo(graph_[v], goal);
void ompl::geometric::RRG::getPlannerData(base::PlannerData &data) const
// Add vertices and edges simultaneously
boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator ei, eLast;
for (boost::tie(ei,eLast) = boost::edges(graph_);
ei != eLast;
Node src = boost::source(*ei, graph_);
Node trg = boost::target(*ei, graph_);
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