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Created February 15, 2016 11:55
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Learning Scala - Solution to the 1st week assignment
package recfun
import common._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Pascal's Triangle")
for (row <- 0 to 10) {
for (col <- 0 to row)
print(pascal(col, row) + " ")
* Exercise 1: standard recursive version of the Pascal's Triangle
* pascal(0, r) = 1 // edge
* pascal(c, c) = 1 // edge
* pascal(c, r) = pascal(c-1, r-1) + pascal(c, r-1) // recursion
* @param c the column index
* @param r the row index
* @return the value of the element at row r and column c in the Pascal's Triangle
def pascal(c: Int, r: Int): Int =
if (c > r) -1
else if (c == 0 || c == r) 1
else pascal(c-1, r-1) + pascal(c, r-1)
* Excercise 2: tail recursive version of the parenthesis balance problem
* @param chars the list of input characters
* @return true if the input string is balanced, false otherwise
def balance(chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
def balanceAcc(acc: Int, chars: List[Char]): Boolean = {
if (chars.isEmpty) acc == 0
if (chars.head == '(') balanceAcc(acc + 1, chars.tail)
else if (chars.head == ')') acc > 0 && balanceAcc(acc - 1, chars.tail)
else balanceAcc(acc, chars.tail)
balanceAcc(0, chars)
* Exercise 3: a standard recursive version of the change problem
* @param money the change
* @param coins the available coins for the change
* @return
def countChange(money: Int, coins: List[Int]): Int = {
def count(m: Int, c: List[Int]) : Int = {
if (c.isEmpty || m - c.head < 0) 0
else if (m - c.head == 0) 1
else count(m - c.head, c) + count(m, c.tail)
count(money, coins.sorted)
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Not sure if you already saw pattern matching but you can rewrite balanceAcc with:

def balanceAcc(acc: Int, chars: List[Char]): Boolean = chars match {
  case Nil => acc == 0
  case '(' :: tail => balanceAcc(acc + 1, tail)
  case ')' :: tail => acc > 0 && balanceAcc(acc - 1, tail)
  case _ :: tail => balanceAcc(acc, tail)

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Also count:

def count(m: Int, c: List[Int]) : Int = c match {
  case Nil => 0
  case h :: _ if m - h < 0 => 0
  case h :: _ if m - h == 0 => 1
  case h :: t => count(m - h, c) + count(m, t)

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cool, congrats, you write quite clean Scala code already! 👍

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