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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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JSON generator with circular reference censoring
function flatten(s, stack) {
if(s === undefined || s === null || (typeof s === 'number' && isNaN(s))) {
return 'null';
} else if(s instanceof Date) {
return flatten(s.toJSON(), stack);
} else if(typeof s === 'object') {
stack = stack ? {obj: s, parent: stack} : {obj: s};
if((function cyclic(obj, stack, found) {
return found ||
(stack.parent ? cyclic(obj, stack.parent, stack.parent.obj === obj) : false);
}(s, stack))) {
return flatten('[circular reference]');
} else if(s instanceof Array) {
return ['[', {
return flatten(v, stack);
}).join(','), ']'].join('');
} else {
return ['{', Object.keys(s).filter(function(key) {
return s[key] !== undefined;
}).map(function(key) {
return ['"', key, '"', ':', flatten(s[key], stack)].join('');
}).join(','), '}'].join('');
} else if (typeof s === 'string') {
return ['"', s, '"'].join('');
} else {
return s;
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After I didn't find a satisfying solution to compare simple data objects, and I've found that comparing JSON strings is a very simple and nice way to compare simple data structures, I came up with this solution to generate JSON while sanitizing circular references. I found existing solutions with object re-occurrence checks not ideal as they don't take into account the object hierarchy. This solution is keeping track of the "call stack" with a stack object during the recursive calls and tracing back to parent stacks for circular reference detection.

You can play around with this function here:

I did not check the JSON.stringify implementations and therefore don't know if I missed something in the conversion process. Please comment if you have any suggestions.

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