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Last active August 19, 2022 18:15
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RxJS Presentation
import { Observable, fromEvent } from 'rxjs';
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax';
import { map, debounceTime, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
function fetchSuggestions(text: string): Observable<string[]> {
return ajax.getJSON(`${encodeURL(text)}`);
const input = document.querySelector('input');
const completions$ = fromEvent(input, 'keyup').pipe(
debounceTime(100), // prevent many consecutive requests
map(x =>, // map to input text
filter(x => x.length > 2), // filter text until you have enough character
switchMap(text => fetchSuggestions(text)), // switchMap to get the suggestions from the api
completions$.subscribe(results => showResults(results)); // show results however you want


  • rxjs - who when and what.
  • what's async
  • sync/async single/multi table
  • pull vs push (observable is push, calling method is pull)
  • promise compared to observable
  • creating observables
    • what is an observer, subscriber (pass to observable ctor)
    • interval
    • wrapping btn.addEventListener
  • operators (map, filter, tap)
  • flatteners (Array<Array> -> Array - Observable<Observable> -> Observable)
  • completion (via subscriber.complete() or subscription.unsubscribe())
  • html/js examples - fromEvent
  • autocomplete
  • drag & drop
  • Subject & Friends
  • Observables are templates! No subscribe - no service!
    • cold obs -> create underlying subscribe for every subscription
    • hot obs -> create only once
function interval(period: number): Observable<number> {
// When you create an observable, you set up a `subscribe` method,
// Which calls the methods of the subscribing `observer`.
return new Observable((observer: Observer<number>): TeardownLogic => {
let counter = 0;
const token = setInterval(() => {;
}, period);
// You may return a `() => void` method, which will be called
// When `Subscription#unsubscribe` is called for this observable
return () => clearInterval(token);
// Usage:
const obs$ = interval(1000).pipe(
filter(v => v % 2 === 0),
const subscription = obs$.subscribe(v => console.log(`Value: ${v}`));
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
Name Example Value notification Error notification Completion notification Aborting
Event Listeners DOM events
Promises fetch
Event Emitter Node.js Readable Stream

Event listeners

const element = document.querySelector('button');
const handleEvent = event => console.log(event.clientX);

element.addEventListener('click', handleEvent);

setTimeout(() => {
  element.removeEventListener('click', handleEvent);
}, 2000);


  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(json => console.log(json))
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

Node.js streams

const stream = fs.createReadStream('myfile.txt');
  .on('data', data => console.log(data))
  .on('error', err => console.log(err))
  .on('end', () => console.log('Done'));

setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);



Observables are a stream of events. They can be thought of as an array, except its items are received over time (if at all).

Observables can emit 3 types of events:

  1. next: when a value is emitted
  2. error: when an error occures
  3. complete: when the stream has ended

Observables can be subscribed to. Subscribing to an observable is like calling forEach on an array, except the callback is called whenever an element is received.

When subscribing to an Observable, we pass it an Observer, and receive back a Subscription.


The event handler in the observable world. Can be represented by the following interface, where each field is the type of event being handled:

interface Observer<T> {
    next: (value: T) => void;
    error: (err: any) => void;
    complete: () => void;


A Subscription is very much like the token you receive from setInterval, on which you can call clearInterval to close the interval.

A Subscription has an unsubscribe method, which can be called to unsubscribe from an observable. It is when an observable is unsubscribed from, when it can free whatever resources it has (f.e: call clearInterval).

unsubscribing a subscription does not trigger completion.


Like arrays have their operators (f.e: map, filter, and reduce), which take an array and return a new one, Observables have operators as well, which take an Observable, and return a new one.

Lets take the map operator. Calling => x * 2) on an array, will return a new array, with all of arrs items multiplied by 2.

Calling obs.pipe(map(x => x * 2)) returns a new Observable, where each emitted value, is the one emitted from obs multiplied by 2.

Operators are the bread & butter of Observables. Without them, an Observable is like a simple event handler. But using operators, and combining them in the right way, you can handle extremely complex situations, with very little effort, as RxJS provides a hefty suite of operators out of the box.


Subjects are Observables, literally. They inherit from Observables and act the exact same way, Except that Subjects can be thought of as a Read-Write version, whereas Observables are Read-Only.

Subjects are way to imperatively emit events. Subjects also act like Observers. You can pass a Subject to a subscribe call, and the Subject's next, error and complete methods will be called respectively. Of course - you don't have to subscribe to all 3 events of an observable, you can subscribe to whichever of them you need.


The Scheduler is RxJS mechanism for correctly timing events. There are several built-in schedulers, such as asyncScheduler, animationFrameScheduler, and more.

Schedulers also allow you to test your Observable code in a deterministic manner, since you can provide a TestScheduler with you can "control time" and make sure your observables work as expected.

Single Multiple
Sync T T[]
Async Promise<T> Observable<T>
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