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giordano / artifact_download_debug.jl
Created March 10, 2020 22:02 — forked from staticfloat/artifact_download_debug.jl
Julia 1.3+ Artifact error debugging script
# Adapt this script to debug why artifact installation might be failing
using Pkg, Pkg.Artifacts, Pkg.BinaryPlatforms, Pkg.PlatformEngines
# Initialize Pkg code
probe_platform_engines!(; verbose=true)
# Change these to whatever you need them to be, to debug your artifacts code
artifacts_toml_url = ""
artifact_name = "HELICS"
function fraction_floats(float_type, int_type)
# Size in bits of the integer type
int_size = sizeof(int_type) * 8
# Number of bits of the mantissa of the floating point type
mantissa_size = Base.significand_bits(float_type)
s = BigInt(2) ^ (mantissa_size + 1)
# Make sure this is the maximum integer of type `int_type` representable
# with the floating point type
@assert s == maxintfloat(float_type, int_type)
for n in (mantissa_size + 2):int_size
giordano / pin-all-packages-in-manifest.jl
Created June 9, 2020 18:04
Create a Julia Project file that pins all packages to the version in the manifest
using Pkg, Pkg.TOML
manifest = open(joinpath(dir, "Manifest.toml")) do io
open(joinpath(dir, "Project-tmp.toml"), "w") do io
println(io, "[deps]")
for pkg in keys(manifest)
println(io, pkg, " = \"", manifest[pkg][1]["uuid"], "\"")
giordano / a64fx
Created February 19, 2023 23:19
A64FX vs Apple M1
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.10.0-DEV.635
Commit 12d329b6e3d (2023-02-17 20:01 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (aarch64-linux-gnu)
CPU: 50 × unknown
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-14.0.6 (ORCJIT, a64fx)
Threads: 1 on 50 virtual cores