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Created May 8, 2024 07:45
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Shower and ntuplizer
// /cvmfs/ -o main42 -I/cvmfs/ -O2 -std=c++11 -pedantic -W -Wall -Wshadow -fPIC -pthread -L/cvmfs/ -Wl,-rpath,/cvmfs/ -lpythia8 -ldl -I/cvmfs/ -L/cvmfs/ -Wl,-rpath,/cvmfs/ -lfastjet `root-config --cflags --glibs`
// is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2023 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// Authors: Mikhail Kirsanov <>
// Keywords: basic usage; command file; command line option; hepmc; LHE file
// This program illustrates how a file with HepMC events
// can be generated by Pythia8.
// Input and output files are specified on the command line, e.g. like
// ./main42.exe main42.cmnd hepmcout42.dat > out
// The main program contains no analysis; this is intended to happen later.
// It therefore "never" has to be recompiled to handle different tasks.
// WARNING: typically one needs 25 MB/100 events at the LHC.
// Therefore large event samples may be impractical.
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
// #ifndef HEPMC2
// #include "Pythia8Plugins/HepMC3.h"
// #else
// #include "Pythia8Plugins/HepMC2.h"
// #endif
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include <fastjet/PseudoJet.hh>
#include <fastjet/ClusterSequence.hh>
#include <fastjet/Selector.hh>
using namespace Pythia8;
using namespace fastjet;
const Int_t MAX_PARTICLES = 3000;
const Int_t MAX_LHE = 20;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Check that correct number of command-line arguments
if (argc != 3) {
cerr << " Unexpected number of command-line arguments. \n You are"
<< " expected to provide one input and one output file name. \n"
<< " Program stopped! " << endl;
return 1;
double R_jet = 0.4;
JetDefinition jet_def(antikt_algorithm, R_jet);
Selector select_akt = SelectorAbsEtaMax(5.0) && SelectorPtMin(15.);
vector<PseudoJet> hadrons;
TFile f("tree.root","recreate");
TTree Events("Events", "Events");
Float_t LHEPart_pt[MAX_LHE], LHEPart_eta[MAX_LHE], LHEPart_phi[MAX_LHE], LHEPart_mass[MAX_LHE];
Int_t LHEPart_pdgId[MAX_LHE], LHEPart_status[MAX_LHE];
Int_t nLHEPart;
Events.Branch("nLHEPart", &nLHEPart, "nLHEPart/I");
Events.Branch("LHEPart_pt", LHEPart_pt, "[nLHEPart]/F");
Events.Branch("LHEPart_eta", LHEPart_eta, "[nLHEPart]/F");
Events.Branch("LHEPart_phi", LHEPart_phi, "[nLHEPart]/F");
Events.Branch("LHEPart_mass", LHEPart_mass, "[nLHEPart]/F");
Events.Branch("LHEPart_pdgId", LHEPart_pdgId, "[nLHEPart]/I");
Events.Branch("LHEPart_status", LHEPart_status, "[nLHEPart]/I");
Int_t nGenJet;
Events.Branch("nGenJet", &nGenJet, "nGenJet/I");
Events.Branch("GenJet_pt", GenJet_pt, "[nGenJet]/F");
Events.Branch("GenJet_eta", GenJet_eta, "[nGenJet]/F");
Events.Branch("GenJet_phi", GenJet_phi, "[nGenJet]/F");
Events.Branch("GenJet_mass", GenJet_mass, "[nGenJet]/F");
Float_t GenPart_pt[MAX_PARTICLES], GenPart_eta[MAX_PARTICLES], GenPart_phi[MAX_PARTICLES], GenPart_mass[MAX_PARTICLES];
Int_t GenPart_pdgId[MAX_PARTICLES];
Int_t nGenPart;
Events.Branch("nGenPart", &nGenPart, "nGenPart/I");
Events.Branch("GenPart_pt", GenPart_pt, "[nGenPart]/F");
Events.Branch("GenPart_eta", GenPart_eta, "[nGenPart]/F");
Events.Branch("GenPart_phi", GenPart_phi, "[nGenPart]/F");
Events.Branch("GenPart_mass", GenPart_mass, "[nGenPart]/F");
Events.Branch("GenPart_pdgId", GenPart_pdgId, "[nGenPart]/F");
Int_t Map_genJetIdx[MAX_PARTICLES], Map_genPartIdx[MAX_PARTICLES];
Int_t nMap;
Events.Branch("nMap", &nMap, "nMap/I");
Events.Branch("Map_genJetIdx", Map_genJetIdx, "[nMap]/I");
Events.Branch("Map_genPartIdx", Map_genPartIdx, "[nMap]/I");
// Check that the provided input name corresponds to an existing file.
ifstream is(argv[1]);
if (!is) {
cerr << " Command-line file " << argv[1] << " was not found. \n"
<< " Program stopped! " << endl;
return 1;
// Confirm that external files will be used for input and output.
cout << "\n >>> PYTHIA settings will be read from file " << argv[1]
<< " <<< \n >>> HepMC events will be written to file "
<< argv[2] << " <<< \n" << endl;
// Interface for conversion from Pythia8::Event to HepMC event.
// Specify file where HepMC events will be stored.
// Pythia8ToHepMC toHepMC(argv[2]);
// Generator.
Pythia pythia;
// Read in commands from external file.
// Extract settings to be used in the main program.
int nEvent = pythia.mode("Main:numberOfEvents");
int nAbort = pythia.mode("Main:timesAllowErrors");
// Initialization.
// Begin event loop.
int iAbort = 0;
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvent; ++iEvent) {
// Generate event.
if (! {
// If failure because reached end of file then exit event loop.
if ( {
cout << " Aborted since reached end of Les Houches Event File\n";
// First few failures write off as "acceptable" errors, then quit.
if (++iAbort < nAbort) continue;
cout << " Event generation aborted prematurely, owing to error!\n";
// Construct new empty HepMC event, fill it and write it out.
// toHepMC.writeNextEvent( pythia );
int pid, status;
double px, py, pz, e, mass;
// double x, y, z, t;
hadrons.clear () ;
nLHEPart = 0;
nGenPart = 0;
nGenJet = 0;
nMap = 0;
for(uint i = 1; i < pythia.event.size(); ++i)
Pythia8::Particle &particle = pythia.event[i];
status = particle.status();
if ((abs(status) >= 21) && (abs(status) <= 29)){
// std::cout << particle.index() << " " << status << " " << << "\n";
LHEPart_pt[nLHEPart] = particle.pT();
LHEPart_eta[nLHEPart] = particle.eta();
LHEPart_phi[nLHEPart] = particle.phi();
LHEPart_mass[nLHEPart] = particle.m();
LHEPart_pdgId[nLHEPart] =;
LHEPart_status[nLHEPart] = abs(status)-21;
status = particle.statusHepMC();
if (particle.statusHepMC()!=1 || !particle.isFinal()){
// if (particle.isHadron()){
if (particle.isVisible()){
GenPart_pt[nGenPart] = particle.pT();
GenPart_eta[nGenPart] = particle.eta();
GenPart_phi[nGenPart] = particle.phi();
GenPart_mass[nGenPart] = particle.m();
GenPart_pdgId[nGenPart] =;
px = particle.px();
py =;
pz = particle.pz();
e = particle.e();
PseudoJet tmp (px, py, pz, e);
ClusterSequence cluster (hadrons, jet_def) ;
vector<PseudoJet> antikT_jets = sorted_by_pt (select_akt (cluster.inclusive_jets ())) ;
// std::cout << " +-> clustered jet number: " << antikT_jets.size () << "\n" ;
// // print the jets
// std::cout << " pt eta phi mass" << endl;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < antikT_jets.size(); i++) {
GenJet_pt[nGenJet] = antikT_jets[i].pt();
GenJet_eta[nGenJet] = antikT_jets[i].eta();
GenJet_phi[nGenJet] = antikT_jets[i].phi();
GenJet_mass[nGenJet] = antikT_jets[i].m();
vector<PseudoJet> constituents = antikT_jets[i].constituents();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < constituents.size(); j++) {
// cout << nGenJet << " " constituents[j].user_index()
// << endl;
Map_genJetIdx[nMap] = nGenJet;
Map_genPartIdx[nMap] = constituents[j].user_index();
nMap ++;
// End of event loop. Statistics.
// Done.
return 0;
! File: main42.cmnd
! This file contains commands to be read in for a Pythia8 run.
! Lines not beginning with a letter or digit are comments.
! Names are case-insensitive - but spellings-sensitive!
! The changes here are illustrative, not always physics-motivated.
! 1) Settings that will be used in a main program.
Main:numberOfEvents = 10 ! number of events to generate
Main:timesAllowErrors = 3 ! abort run after this many flawed events
! 2) Settings related to output in init(), next() and stat().
Init:showChangedSettings = on ! list changed settings
Init:showAllSettings = off ! list all settings
Init:showChangedParticleData = on ! list changed particle data
Init:showAllParticleData = off ! list all particle data
Next:numberCount = 1000 ! print message every n events
Next:numberShowLHA = 1 ! print LHA information n times
Next:numberShowInfo = 1 ! print event information n times
Next:numberShowProcess = 1 ! print process record n times
Next:numberShowEvent = 1 ! print event record n times
Stat:showPartonLevel = on ! additional statistics on MPI
! 3) Beam parameter settings. Values below agree with default ones.
Beams:idA = 2212 ! first beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212
Beams:idB = 2212 ! second beam, p = 2212, pbar = -2212
Beams:eCM = 14000. ! CM energy of collision
! 4) PDF settings. Default is to use internal PDFs
! some pdf sets examples: cteq61.LHpdf cteq61.LHgrid MRST2004nlo.LHgrid
#PDF:pSet = LHAPDF5:MRST2001lo.LHgrid
! Allow extrapolation of PDF's beyond x and Q2 boundaries, at own risk.
! Default behaviour is to freeze PDF's at boundaries.
#PDF:extrapolate = on
! 5a) Pick processes and kinematics cuts.
! Colour singlet charmonium production of J/psi and chi_c.
#Charmonium:gg2ccbar(3S1)[3S1(1)]g = on,off
#Charmonium:gg2ccbar(3PJ)[3PJ(1)]g = on,on,on
#Charmonium:qg2ccbar(3PJ)[3PJ(1)]q = on,on,on
#Charmonium:qqbar2ccbar(3PJ)[3PJ(1)]g = on,on,on
#PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 20. ! minimum pT of hard process
! 5b) Alternative beam and process selection from a Les Houches Event File.
! NOTE: to use this option, comment out the lines in section 5a above
! and uncomment the ones below. Section 3 is ignored for frameType = 4.
Beams:frameType = 4 ! read info from a LHEF
Beams:LHEF = events.lhe ! the LHEF to read from
! 6) Other settings. Can be expanded as desired.
! Note: may overwrite some of the values above, so watch out.
#Tune:pp = 6 ! use Tune 4Cx
#ParticleDecays:limitTau0 = on ! set long-lived particle stable ...
#ParticleDecays:tau0Max = 10 ! ... if c*tau0 > 10 mm
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