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Last active March 28, 2023 11:32
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#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/global/EDProducer.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Run.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "DataFormats/NanoAOD/interface/FlatTable.h"
#include "DataFormats/NanoAOD/interface/MergeableCounterTable.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/transform.h"
#include "SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenEventInfoProduct.h"
#include "SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/LHEEventProduct.h"
#include "SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/LHERunInfoProduct.h"
#include "SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenLumiInfoHeader.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include "boost/algorithm/string.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
namespace {
/// ---- Cache object for running sums of weights ----
struct Counter {
Counter() : num(0), sumw(0), sumw2(0), sumPDF(), sumScale(), sumRwgt(), sumNamed(), sumPS() {}
// the counters
long long num;
long double sumw;
long double sumw2;
std::vector<long double> sumPDF, sumScale, sumRwgt, sumNamed, sumPS;
void clear() {
num = 0;
sumw = 0;
sumw2 = 0;
sumNamed.clear(), sumPS.clear();
// inc the counters
void incGenOnly(double w) {
sumw += w;
sumw2 += (w * w);
void incPSOnly(double w0, const std::vector<double>& wPS) {
if (!wPS.empty()) {
if (sumPS.empty())
sumPS.resize(wPS.size(), 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = wPS.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumPS[i] += (w0 * wPS[i]);
void incLHE(double w0,
const std::vector<double>& wScale,
const std::vector<double>& wPDF,
const std::vector<double>& wRwgt,
const std::vector<double>& wNamed,
const std::vector<double>& wPS) {
// add up weights
// then add up variations
if (!wScale.empty()) {
if (sumScale.empty())
sumScale.resize(wScale.size(), 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = wScale.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumScale[i] += (w0 * wScale[i]);
if (!wPDF.empty()) {
if (sumPDF.empty())
sumPDF.resize(wPDF.size(), 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = wPDF.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumPDF[i] += (w0 * wPDF[i]);
if (!wRwgt.empty()) {
if (sumRwgt.empty())
sumRwgt.resize(wRwgt.size(), 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = wRwgt.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumRwgt[i] += (w0 * wRwgt[i]);
if (!wNamed.empty()) {
if (sumNamed.empty())
sumNamed.resize(wNamed.size(), 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = wNamed.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumNamed[i] += (w0 * wNamed[i]);
incPSOnly(w0, wPS);
void merge(const Counter& other) {
num += other.num;
sumw += other.sumw;
sumw2 += other.sumw2;
if (sumScale.empty() && !other.sumScale.empty())
sumScale.resize(other.sumScale.size(), 0);
if (sumPDF.empty() && !other.sumPDF.empty())
sumPDF.resize(other.sumPDF.size(), 0);
if (sumRwgt.empty() && !other.sumRwgt.empty())
sumRwgt.resize(other.sumRwgt.size(), 0);
if (sumNamed.empty() && !other.sumNamed.empty())
sumNamed.resize(other.sumNamed.size(), 0);
if (sumPS.empty() && !other.sumPS.empty())
sumPS.resize(other.sumPS.size(), 0);
if (!other.sumScale.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = sumScale.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumScale[i] += other.sumScale[i];
if (!other.sumPDF.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = sumPDF.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumPDF[i] += other.sumPDF[i];
if (!other.sumRwgt.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = sumRwgt.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumRwgt[i] += other.sumRwgt[i];
if (!other.sumNamed.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = sumNamed.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumNamed[i] += other.sumNamed[i];
if (!other.sumPS.empty())
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = sumPS.size(); i < n; ++i)
sumPS[i] += other.sumPS[i];
struct CounterMap {
std::map<std::string, Counter> countermap;
Counter* active_el = nullptr;
std::string active_label = "";
void merge(const CounterMap& other) {
for (const auto& y : other.countermap)
active_el = nullptr;
void clear() {
for (auto x : countermap)
active_el = nullptr;
active_label = "";
void setLabel(std::string label) {
active_el = &(countermap[label]);
active_label = label;
void checkLabelSet() {
if (!active_el)
throw cms::Exception("LogicError", "Called CounterMap::get() before setting the active label\n");
Counter* get() {
return active_el;
std::string& getLabel() {
return active_label;
/// ---- RunCache object for dynamic choice of LHE IDs ----
struct DynamicWeightChoice {
// choice of LHE weights
// ---- scale ----
std::vector<std::string> scaleWeightIDs;
std::string scaleWeightsDoc;
// ---- pdf ----
std::vector<std::string> pdfWeightIDs;
std::string pdfWeightsDoc;
// ---- rwgt ----
std::vector<std::string> rwgtIDs;
std::string rwgtWeightDoc;
struct DynamicWeightChoiceGenInfo {
// choice of LHE weights
// ---- scale ----
std::vector<unsigned int> scaleWeightIDs;
std::string scaleWeightsDoc;
// ---- pdf ----
std::vector<unsigned int> pdfWeightIDs;
std::string pdfWeightsDoc;
// ---- ps ----
std::vector<unsigned int> psWeightIDs;
struct LumiCacheInfoHolder {
CounterMap countermap;
DynamicWeightChoiceGenInfo weightChoice;
void clear() {
weightChoice = DynamicWeightChoiceGenInfo();
float stof_fortrancomp(const std::string& str) {
std::string::size_type match = str.find('d');
if (match != std::string::npos) {
std::string pre = str.substr(0, match);
std::string post = str.substr(match + 1);
return std::stof(pre) * std::pow(10.0f, std::stof(post));
} else {
return std::stof(str);
/// -------------- temporary objects --------------
struct ScaleVarWeight {
std::string wid, label;
std::pair<float, float> scales;
ScaleVarWeight(const std::string& id, const std::string& text, const std::string& muR, const std::string& muF)
: wid(id), label(text), scales(stof_fortrancomp(muR), stof_fortrancomp(muF)) {}
bool operator<(const ScaleVarWeight& other) {
return (scales == other.scales ? wid < other.wid : scales < other.scales);
struct PDFSetWeights {
std::vector<std::string> wids;
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> lhaIDs;
PDFSetWeights(const std::string& wid, unsigned int lhaID) : wids(1, wid), lhaIDs(lhaID, lhaID) {}
bool operator<(const PDFSetWeights& other) const { return lhaIDs < other.lhaIDs; }
void add(const std::string& wid, unsigned int lhaID) {
lhaIDs.second = lhaID;
bool maybe_add(const std::string& wid, unsigned int lhaID) {
if (lhaID == lhaIDs.second + 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} // namespace
class GenWeightsTableProducer : public edm::global::EDProducer<edm::StreamCache<LumiCacheInfoHolder>,
edm::EndRunProducer> {
GenWeightsTableProducer(edm::ParameterSet const& params)
: genTag_(consumes<GenEventInfoProduct>(params.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("genEvent"))),
[this](const edm::InputTag& tag) { return mayConsume<LHEEventProduct>(tag); })),
lheLabel_, [this](const edm::InputTag& tag) { return mayConsume<LHERunInfoProduct, edm::InRun>(tag); })),
mayConsume<GenLumiInfoHeader, edm::InLumi>(params.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("genLumiInfoHeader"))),
debug_(params.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug", false)),
hasIssuedWarning_(false) {
produces<nanoaod::MergeableCounterTable, edm::Transition::EndRun>();
if (namedWeightIDs_.size() != namedWeightLabels_.size()) {
throw cms::Exception("Configuration", "Size mismatch between namedWeightIDs & namedWeightLabels");
for (const edm::ParameterSet& pdfps : params.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>>("preferredPDFs")) {
const std::string& name = pdfps.getParameter<std::string>("name");
uint32_t lhaid = pdfps.getParameter<uint32_t>("lhaid");
lhaNameToID_[name] = lhaid;
lhaNameToID_[name + ".LHgrid"] = lhaid;
~GenWeightsTableProducer() override {}
void produce(edm::StreamID id, edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) const override {
// get my counter for weights
Counter* counter = streamCache(id)->countermap.get();
// generator information (always available)
edm::Handle<GenEventInfoProduct> genInfo;
iEvent.getByToken(genTag_, genInfo);
double weight = genInfo->weight();
// table for gen info, always available
auto out = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "genWeight", true);
out->setDoc("generator weight");
out->addColumnValue<float>("", weight, "generator weight", nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn);
std::string model_label = streamCache(id)->countermap.getLabel();
auto outM = std::make_unique<std::string>((!model_label.empty()) ? std::string("GenModel_") + model_label : "");
iEvent.put(std::move(outM), "genModel");
bool getLHEweightsFromGenInfo = !model_label.empty();
// tables for LHE weights, may not be filled
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable> lheScaleTab, lhePdfTab, lheRwgtTab, lheNamedTab;
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable> genPSTab;
edm::Handle<LHEEventProduct> lheInfo;
for (const auto& lheTag : lheTag_) {
iEvent.getByToken(lheTag, lheInfo);
if (lheInfo.isValid()) {
if (lheInfo.isValid()) {
if (getLHEweightsFromGenInfo)
<< "Found both a LHEEventProduct and a GenLumiInfoHeader: will only save weights from LHEEventProduct.\n";
// get the dynamic choice of weights
const DynamicWeightChoice* weightChoice = runCache(iEvent.getRun().index());
// go fill tables
counter, weightChoice, weight, *lheInfo, *genInfo, lheScaleTab, lhePdfTab, lheRwgtTab, lheNamedTab, genPSTab);
} else if (getLHEweightsFromGenInfo) {
const DynamicWeightChoiceGenInfo* weightChoice = &(streamCache(id)->weightChoice);
counter, weightChoice, weight, *genInfo, lheScaleTab, lhePdfTab, lheNamedTab, genPSTab);
lheRwgtTab = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHEReweightingWeights", true);
//lheNamedTab = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHENamedWeights", true);
//genPSTab = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "PSWeight", true);
} else {
// Still try to add the PS weights
fillOnlyPSWeightTable(counter, weight, *genInfo, genPSTab);
// make dummy values
lheScaleTab = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHEScaleWeights", true);
lhePdfTab = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHEPdfWeights", true);
lheRwgtTab = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHEReweightingWeights", true);
lheNamedTab = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHENamedWeights", true);
if (! {
edm::LogWarning("LHETablesProducer") << "No LHEEventProduct, so there will be no LHE Tables\n";
iEvent.put(std::move(lheScaleTab), "LHEScale");
iEvent.put(std::move(lhePdfTab), "LHEPdf");
iEvent.put(std::move(lheRwgtTab), "LHEReweighting");
iEvent.put(std::move(lheNamedTab), "LHENamed");
iEvent.put(std::move(genPSTab), "PS");
void fillLHEWeightTables(Counter* counter,
const DynamicWeightChoice* weightChoice,
double genWeight,
const LHEEventProduct& lheProd,
const GenEventInfoProduct& genProd,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outScale,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outPdf,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outRwgt,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outNamed,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outPS) const {
// bool lheDebug =
// false); // make sure only the first thread dumps out this (even if may still be mixed up with other output, but nevermind)
bool lheDebug = true;
const std::vector<std::string>& scaleWeightIDs = weightChoice->scaleWeightIDs;
const std::vector<std::string>& pdfWeightIDs = weightChoice->pdfWeightIDs;
const std::vector<std::string>& rwgtWeightIDs = weightChoice->rwgtIDs;
double w0 = lheProd.originalXWGTUP();
std::vector<double> wScale(scaleWeightIDs.size(), 1), wPDF(pdfWeightIDs.size(), 1), wRwgt(rwgtWeightIDs.size(), 1),
wNamed(namedWeightIDs_.size(), 1);
for (auto& weight : lheProd.weights()) {
if (lheDebug)
printf("Weight %+9.5f rel %+9.5f for id %s\n", weight.wgt, weight.wgt / w0,;
// now we do it slowly, can be optimized
auto mScale = std::find(scaleWeightIDs.begin(), scaleWeightIDs.end(),;
if (mScale != scaleWeightIDs.end())
wScale[mScale - scaleWeightIDs.begin()] = weight.wgt / w0;
auto mPDF = std::find(pdfWeightIDs.begin(), pdfWeightIDs.end(),;
if (mPDF != pdfWeightIDs.end())
wPDF[mPDF - pdfWeightIDs.begin()] = weight.wgt / w0;
auto mRwgt = std::find(rwgtWeightIDs.begin(), rwgtWeightIDs.end(),;
if (mRwgt != rwgtWeightIDs.end()){
wRwgt[mRwgt - rwgtWeightIDs.begin()] = weight.wgt / w0;
} else {
std::cout << "Could not find reweight id for " << << std::endl;
auto mNamed = std::find(namedWeightIDs_.begin(), namedWeightIDs_.end(),;
if (mNamed != namedWeightIDs_.end())
wNamed[mNamed - namedWeightIDs_.begin()] = weight.wgt / w0;
std::size_t vectorSize =
(genProd.weights().size() > 2)
? (keepAllPSWeights_ ? (genProd.weights().size() - 2)
: ((genProd.weights().size() == 14 || genProd.weights().size() == 46) ? 4 : 1))
: 1;
std::vector<double> wPS(vectorSize, 1);
std::string psWeightDocStr;
if (vectorSize > 1) {
double nominal = genProd.weights()[1]; // Called 'Baseline' in GenLumiInfoHeader
if (keepAllPSWeights_) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++) {
wPS[i] = (genProd.weights()[i + 2]) / nominal;
psWeightDocStr = "All PS weights (w_var / w_nominal)";
} else {
for (std::size_t i = 6; i < 10; i++) {
wPS[i - 6] = (genProd.weights()[i]) / nominal;
psWeightDocStr =
"PS weights (w_var / w_nominal); [0] is ISR=0.5 FSR=1; [1] is ISR=1 "
"FSR=0.5; [2] is ISR=2 FSR=1; [3] is ISR=1 FSR=2 ";
} else {
psWeightDocStr = "dummy PS weight (1.0) ";
outPS = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wPS.size(), "PSWeight", false);
outPS->addColumn<float>("", wPS, psWeightDocStr, nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
outScale = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wScale.size(), "LHEScaleWeight", false);
"", wScale, weightChoice->scaleWeightsDoc, nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
outPdf = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wPDF.size(), "LHEPdfWeight", false);
"", wPDF, weightChoice->pdfWeightsDoc, nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
outRwgt = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wRwgt.size(), "LHEReweightingWeight", false);
"", wRwgt, weightChoice->rwgtWeightDoc, nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
outNamed = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHEWeight", true);
"Nominal event weight in the LHE file",
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = wNamed.size(); i < n; ++i) {
"LHE weight for id " + namedWeightIDs_[i] + ", relative to nominal",
counter->incLHE(genWeight, wScale, wPDF, wRwgt, wNamed, wPS);
void fillLHEPdfWeightTablesFromGenInfo(Counter* counter,
const DynamicWeightChoiceGenInfo* weightChoice,
double genWeight,
const GenEventInfoProduct& genProd,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outScale,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outPdf,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outNamed,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outPS) const {
const std::vector<unsigned int>& scaleWeightIDs = weightChoice->scaleWeightIDs;
const std::vector<unsigned int>& pdfWeightIDs = weightChoice->pdfWeightIDs;
const std::vector<unsigned int>& psWeightIDs = weightChoice->psWeightIDs;
auto weights = genProd.weights();
double w0 = (weights.size() > 1) ? : 1.;
double originalXWGTUP = (weights.size() > 1) ? : 1.;
std::vector<double> wScale, wPDF, wPS;
for (auto id : scaleWeightIDs)
wScale.push_back( / w0);
for (auto id : pdfWeightIDs) {
wPDF.push_back( / w0);
if (!psWeightIDs.empty()) {
double psNom =; // normalise PS weights by "Baseline", which should be the first entry
for (std::size_t i = 1; i < psWeightIDs.size(); i++)
wPS.push_back( / psNom);
} else
std::string psWeightDocStr;
if (keepAllPSWeights_) {
psWeightDocStr = "All PS weights (w_var / w_nominal)";
} else {
psWeightDocStr =
"PS weights (w_var / w_nominal); [0] is ISR=0.5 FSR=1; [1] is ISR=1 "
"FSR=0.5; [2] is ISR=2 FSR=1; [3] is ISR=1 FSR=2 ";
outScale = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wScale.size(), "LHEScaleWeight", false);
"", wScale, weightChoice->scaleWeightsDoc, nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
outPdf = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wPDF.size(), "LHEPdfWeight", false);
"", wPDF, weightChoice->pdfWeightsDoc, nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
outPS = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wPS.size(), "PSWeight", false);
wPS.size() > 1 ? psWeightDocStr : "dummy PS weight (1.0) ",
outNamed = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(1, "LHEWeight", true);
"originalXWGTUP", originalXWGTUP, "Nominal event weight in the LHE file", nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn);
/*for (unsigned int i = 0, n = wNamed.size(); i < n; ++i) {
outNamed->addColumnValue<float>(namedWeightLabels_[i], wNamed[i], "LHE weight for id "+namedWeightIDs_[i]+", relative to nominal", nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
counter->incLHE(genWeight, wScale, wPDF, std::vector<double>(), std::vector<double>(), wPS);
void fillOnlyPSWeightTable(Counter* counter,
double genWeight,
const GenEventInfoProduct& genProd,
std::unique_ptr<nanoaod::FlatTable>& outPS) const {
std::size_t vectorSize =
(genProd.weights().size() > 2)
? (keepAllPSWeights_ ? (genProd.weights().size() - 2)
: ((genProd.weights().size() == 14 || genProd.weights().size() == 46) ? 4 : 1))
: 1;
std::vector<double> wPS(vectorSize, 1);
std::string psWeightDocStr;
if (vectorSize > 1) {
double nominal = genProd.weights()[1]; // Called 'Baseline' in GenLumiInfoHeader
if (keepAllPSWeights_) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++) {
wPS[i] = (genProd.weights()[i + 2]) / nominal;
psWeightDocStr = "All PS weights (w_var / w_nominal)";
} else {
for (std::size_t i = 6; i < 10; i++) {
wPS[i - 6] = (genProd.weights()[i]) / nominal;
psWeightDocStr =
"PS weights (w_var / w_nominal); [0] is ISR=0.5 FSR=1; [1] is ISR=1 "
"FSR=0.5; [2] is ISR=2 FSR=1; [3] is ISR=1 FSR=2 ";
} else {
psWeightDocStr = "dummy PS weight (1.0) ";
outPS = std::make_unique<nanoaod::FlatTable>(wPS.size(), "PSWeight", false);
outPS->addColumn<float>("", wPS, psWeightDocStr, nanoaod::FlatTable::FloatColumn, lheWeightPrecision_);
counter->incPSOnly(genWeight, wPS);
// create an empty counter
std::shared_ptr<DynamicWeightChoice> globalBeginRun(edm::Run const& iRun, edm::EventSetup const&) const override {
edm::Handle<LHERunInfoProduct> lheInfo;
// bool lheDebug =
// false); // make sure only the first thread dumps out this (even if may still be mixed up with other output, but nevermind)
bool lheDebug = true;
auto weightChoice = std::make_shared<DynamicWeightChoice>();
// getByToken throws since we're not in the endRun (see
//if (iRun.getByToken(lheRunTag_, lheInfo)) {
for (const auto& lheLabel : lheLabel_) {
iRun.getByLabel(lheLabel, lheInfo);
if (lheInfo.isValid()) {
if (lheInfo.isValid()) {
std::vector<ScaleVarWeight> scaleVariationIDs;
std::vector<PDFSetWeights> pdfSetWeightIDs;
std::vector<std::string> lheReweighingIDs;
std::regex weightgroupmg26x("<weightgroup\\s+(?:name|type)=\"(.*)\"\\s+combine=\"(.*)\"\\s*>");
std::regex weightgroup("<weightgroup\\s+combine=\"(.*)\"\\s+(?:name|type)=\"(.*)\"\\s*>");
// std::regex weightgroupRwgt("<weightgroup\\s+(?:name|type)=\"(.*)\"\\s*>");
std::regex weightgroupRwgt("<weightgroup\\s+(?:name|type)=\"([^\"]*)\"[^>]*>");
std::regex endweightgroup("</weightgroup>");
std::regex scalewmg26x(
// why are we throwing away weights with DYN_SCALE?
std::regex scalewmg26xNew(
// std::regex scalewmg26xNew(
// "<weight\\s*((?:[mM][uU][fF]|facscfact)=\"(\\S+)\"\\s+(?:[mM][uU][Rr]|renscfact)=\"(\\S+)\").+id=\"(\\d+)\">(."
// "*)?</weight>");
std::regex scalew(
std::regex pdfw(
"<weight\\s+id=\"(\\d+)\">\\s*(?:PDF set|lhapdf|PDF|pdfset)\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)\\s*(?:\\s.*)?</weight>");
std::regex pdfwOld("<weight\\s+(?:.*\\s+)?id=\"(\\d+)\">\\s*Member \\s*(\\d+)\\s*(?:.*)</weight>");
std::regex pdfwmg26x(
"<weight\\s+id=\"(\\d+)\"\\s*MUR=\"(?:\\S+)\"\\s*MUF=\"(?:\\S+)\"\\s*(?:PDF "
// std::regex rwgt("<weight\\s+id=\"(.+)\">(.+)?(</weight>)?");
//<weight MUF="1.0" MUR="1.0" PDF="325300" id="1048"> PDF=325300 MemberID=0 </weight>
std::regex pdfwmg26xNew(
std::regex rwgt("<weight\\s+id=\"([^\"]+)\">([^<]+)?(</weight>)?");
std::smatch groups;
for (auto iter = lheInfo->headers_begin(), end = lheInfo->headers_end(); iter != end; ++iter) {
if (iter->tag() != "initrwgt") {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << "Skipping LHE header with tag" << iter->tag() << std::endl;
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << "Found LHE header with tag" << iter->tag() << std::endl;
std::vector<std::string> lines = iter->lines();
bool missed_weightgroup =
false; //Needed because in some of the samples ( produced with MG26X ) a small part of the header info is ordered incorrectly
bool ismg26x = false;
bool ismg26xNew = false;
for (unsigned int iLine = 0, nLines = lines.size(); iLine < nLines;
++iLine) { //First start looping through the lines to see which weightgroup pattern is matched
boost::replace_all(lines[iLine], "&lt;", "<");
boost::replace_all(lines[iLine], "&gt;", ">");
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, weightgroupmg26x)) {
ismg26x = true;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, scalewmg26xNew) || std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, pdfwmg26xNew)) {
ismg26xNew = true;
// if (lheDebug)
for (unsigned int iLine = 0, nLines = lines.size(); iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << lines[iLine];
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, ismg26x ? weightgroupmg26x : weightgroup)) {
std::string groupname = groups.str(2);
if (ismg26x)
groupname = groups.str(1);
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the beginning of a weight group for '" << groupname << "'" << std::endl;
if (groupname.find("scale_variation") == 0 || groupname == "Central scale variation") {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like scale variation for theory uncertainties" << std::endl;
for (++iLine; iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " " << lines[iLine];
// if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, ismg26x ? scalewmg26x : scalew)) {
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, ismg26x ? scalewmg26x : (ismg26xNew ? scalewmg26xNew : scalew))) {
if (ismg26xNew)
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " >>> Scale weight " << groups[4].str() << " for " << groups[3].str() << " , "
<< groups[2].str() << " , " << groups[5].str() << std::endl;
scaleVariationIDs.emplace_back(groups.str(4), groups.str(1), groups.str(3), groups.str(2));
} else{
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " >>> Scale weight " << groups[1].str() << " for " << groups[3].str() << " , "
<< groups[4].str() << " , " << groups[5].str() << std::endl;
scaleVariationIDs.emplace_back(groups.str(1), groups.str(2), groups.str(3), groups.str(4));
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], endweightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the end of a weight group" << std::endl;
if (!missed_weightgroup) {
} else
missed_weightgroup = false;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], ismg26x ? weightgroupmg26x : weightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the beginning of a new weight group, I will assume I missed the end "
"of the group."
<< std::endl;
// if (ismg26x)
if (ismg26x || ismg26xNew)
missed_weightgroup = true;
--iLine; // rewind by one, and go back to the outer loop
} else if (groupname == "PDF_variation" || groupname.find("PDF_variation ") == 0) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like a new-style block of PDF weights for one or more pdfs" << std::endl;
for (++iLine; iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " " << lines[iLine];
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, pdfw)) {
unsigned int lhaID = std::stoi(groups.str(2));
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " >>> PDF weight " << groups.str(1) << " for " << groups.str(2) << " = " << lhaID
<< std::endl;
if (pdfSetWeightIDs.empty() || !pdfSetWeightIDs.back().maybe_add(groups.str(1), lhaID)) {
pdfSetWeightIDs.emplace_back(groups.str(1), lhaID);
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], endweightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the end of a weight group" << std::endl;
if (!missed_weightgroup) {
} else
missed_weightgroup = false;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], ismg26x ? weightgroupmg26x : weightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the beginning of a new weight group, I will assume I missed the end "
"of the group."
<< std::endl;
// if (ismg26x)
if (ismg26x || ismg26xNew)
missed_weightgroup = true;
--iLine; // rewind by one, and go back to the outer loop
} else if (groupname == "PDF_variation1" || groupname == "PDF_variation2") {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like a new-style block of PDF weights for multiple pdfs" << std::endl;
unsigned int lastid = 0;
for (++iLine; iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " " << lines[iLine];
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, pdfw)) {
unsigned int id = std::stoi(groups.str(1));
unsigned int lhaID = std::stoi(groups.str(2));
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " >>> PDF weight " << groups.str(1) << " for " << groups.str(2) << " = " << lhaID
<< std::endl;
if (id != (lastid + 1) || pdfSetWeightIDs.empty()) {
pdfSetWeightIDs.emplace_back(groups.str(1), lhaID);
} else {
pdfSetWeightIDs.back().add(groups.str(1), lhaID);
lastid = id;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], endweightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the end of a weight group" << std::endl;
if (!missed_weightgroup) {
} else
missed_weightgroup = false;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], ismg26x ? weightgroupmg26x : weightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the beginning of a new weight group, I will assume I missed the end "
"of the group."
<< std::endl;
// if (ismg26x)
if (ismg26x || ismg26xNew)
missed_weightgroup = true;
--iLine; // rewind by one, and go back to the outer loop
} else if (lhaNameToID_.find(groupname) != lhaNameToID_.end()) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like an old-style PDF weight for an individual pdf" << std::endl;
unsigned int firstLhaID = lhaNameToID_.find(groupname)->second;
bool first = true;
for (++iLine; iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " " << lines[iLine];
// if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, ismg26x ? pdfwmg26x : pdfwOld)) {
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, ismg26x ? pdfwmg26x : (ismg26xNew ? pdfwmg26xNew : pdfwOld))) {
unsigned int member = 0;
// if (ismg26x == 0) {
if (!ismg26x && !ismg26xNew) {
member = std::stoi(groups.str(2));
} else if (ismg26xNew) {
if (!groups.str(3).empty()) {
member = std::stoi(groups.str(3));
} else {
if (!groups.str(4).empty()) {
member = std::stoi(groups.str(4));
unsigned int lhaID = member + firstLhaID;
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " >>> PDF weight " << groups.str(1) << " for " << member << " = " << lhaID
<< std::endl;
//if (member == 0) continue; // let's keep also the central value for now
if (first) {
pdfSetWeightIDs.emplace_back(groups.str(1), lhaID);
first = false;
} else {
pdfSetWeightIDs.back().add(groups.str(1), lhaID);
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], endweightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the end of a weight group" << std::endl;
if (!missed_weightgroup) {
} else
missed_weightgroup = false;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], ismg26x ? weightgroupmg26x : weightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the beginning of a new weight group, I will assume I missed the end "
"of the group."
<< std::endl;
// if (ismg26x)
if (ismg26x || ismg26xNew)
missed_weightgroup = true;
--iLine; // rewind by one, and go back to the outer loop
} else if (groupname == "mass_variation" || groupname == "sthw2_variation" ||
groupname == "width_variation") {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like an EW parameter weight" << std::endl;
for (++iLine; iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " " << lines[iLine];
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, rwgt)) {
std::string rwgtID = groups.str(1);
// map to lower case the rwgtID since in LHEProduct thery are saved as lower
for (auto it = rwgtID.begin(); it != rwgtID.end(); ++ it)
*it = std::tolower(*it);
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " >>> LHE reweighting weight: " << rwgtID << std::endl;
if (std::find(lheReweighingIDs.begin(), lheReweighingIDs.end(), rwgtID) == lheReweighingIDs.end()) {
// we're only interested in the beggining of the block
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], endweightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the end of a weight group" << std::endl;
} else {
for (++iLine; iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " " << lines[iLine];
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, endweightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the end of a weight group" << std::endl;
if (!missed_weightgroup) {
} else
missed_weightgroup = false;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], ismg26x ? weightgroupmg26x : weightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the beginning of a new weight group, I will assume I missed the end "
"of the group."
<< std::endl;
// if (ismg26x)
if (ismg26x || ismg26xNew)
missed_weightgroup = true;
--iLine; // rewind by one, and go back to the outer loop
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, weightgroupRwgt)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Should be LHE weights for reweighting" << std::endl;
std::string groupname = groups.str(1);
if (groupname == "mg_reweighting") {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like a LHE weights for reweighting" << std::endl;
for (++iLine; iLine < nLines; ++iLine) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " " << lines[iLine];
if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], groups, rwgt)) {
std::string rwgtID = groups.str(1);
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << " >>> LHE reweighting weight: " << rwgtID << std::endl;
if (std::find(lheReweighingIDs.begin(), lheReweighingIDs.end(), rwgtID) == lheReweighingIDs.end()) {
// we're only interested in the beggining of the block
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], endweightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the end of a weight group" << std::endl;
if (!missed_weightgroup) {
} else
missed_weightgroup = false;
} else if (std::regex_search(lines[iLine], ismg26x ? weightgroupmg26x : weightgroup)) {
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << ">>> Looks like the beginning of a new weight group, I will assume I missed the end "
"of the group."
<< std::endl;
if (ismg26x)
missed_weightgroup = true;
--iLine; // rewind by one, and go back to the outer loop
//std::cout << "============= END [ " << iter->tag() << " ] ============ \n\n" << std::endl;
// ----- SCALE VARIATIONS -----
std::sort(scaleVariationIDs.begin(), scaleVariationIDs.end());
if (lheDebug)
std::cout << "Found " << scaleVariationIDs.size() << " scale variations: " << std::endl;
std::stringstream scaleDoc;
scaleDoc << "LHE scale variation weights (w_var / w_nominal); ";
for (unsigned int isw = 0, nsw = scaleVariationIDs.size(); isw < nsw; ++isw) {
const auto& sw = scaleVariationIDs[isw];
if (isw)
scaleDoc << "; ";
scaleDoc << "[" << isw << "] is " << sw.label;
if (lheDebug)
printf(" id %s: scales ren = % .2f fact = % .2f text = %s\n",
if (!scaleVariationIDs.empty())
weightChoice->scaleWeightsDoc = scaleDoc.str();
// ------ PDF VARIATIONS (take the preferred one) -----
if (lheDebug) {
std::cout << "Found " << pdfSetWeightIDs.size() << " PDF set errors: " << std::endl;
for (const auto& pw : pdfSetWeightIDs)
printf("lhaIDs %6d - %6d (%3lu weights: %s, ... )\n",
// ------ LHE REWEIGHTING -------
if (lheDebug) {
std::cout << "Found " << lheReweighingIDs.size() << " reweighting weights" << std::endl;
std::copy(lheReweighingIDs.begin(), lheReweighingIDs.end(), std::back_inserter(weightChoice->rwgtIDs));
std::stringstream pdfDoc;
pdfDoc << "LHE pdf variation weights (w_var / w_nominal) for LHA IDs ";
bool found = false;
for (uint32_t lhaid : preferredPDFLHAIDs_) {
for (const auto& pw : pdfSetWeightIDs) {
if (pw.lhaIDs.first != lhaid && pw.lhaIDs.first != (lhaid + 1))
continue; // sometimes the first weight is not saved if that PDF is the nominal one for the sample
if (pw.wids.size() == 1)
continue; // only consider error sets
pdfDoc << pw.lhaIDs.first << " - " << pw.lhaIDs.second;
weightChoice->pdfWeightIDs = pw.wids;
if (maxPdfWeights_ < pw.wids.size()) {
weightChoice->pdfWeightIDs.resize(maxPdfWeights_); // drop some replicas
pdfDoc << ", truncated to the first " << maxPdfWeights_ << " replicas";
weightChoice->pdfWeightsDoc = pdfDoc.str();
found = true;
if (found)
return weightChoice;
// create an empty counter
std::unique_ptr<LumiCacheInfoHolder> beginStream(edm::StreamID) const override {
return std::make_unique<LumiCacheInfoHolder>();
// inizialize to zero at begin run
void streamBeginRun(edm::StreamID id, edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) const override {
void streamBeginLuminosityBlock(edm::StreamID id,
edm::LuminosityBlock const& lumiBlock,
edm::EventSetup const& eventSetup) const override {
auto counterMap = &(streamCache(id)->countermap);
edm::Handle<GenLumiInfoHeader> genLumiInfoHead;
lumiBlock.getByToken(genLumiInfoHeadTag_, genLumiInfoHead);
if (!genLumiInfoHead.isValid())
<< "No GenLumiInfoHeader product found, will not fill generator model string.\n";
std::string label;
if (genLumiInfoHead.isValid()) {
label = genLumiInfoHead->configDescription();
boost::replace_all(label, "-", "_");
boost::replace_all(label, "/", "_");
if (genLumiInfoHead.isValid()) {
auto weightChoice = &(streamCache(id)->weightChoice);
std::vector<ScaleVarWeight> scaleVariationIDs;
std::vector<PDFSetWeights> pdfSetWeightIDs;
std::regex scalew("LHE,\\s+id\\s+=\\s+(\\d+),\\s+(.+)\\,\\s+mur=(\\S+)\\smuf=(\\S+)");
std::regex pdfw("LHE,\\s+id\\s+=\\s+(\\d+),\\s+(.+),\\s+Member\\s+(\\d+)\\s+of\\ssets\\s+(\\w+\\b)");
std::smatch groups;
auto weightNames = genLumiInfoHead->weightNames();
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> knownPDFSetsFromGenInfo_;
unsigned int weightIter = 0;
for (const auto& line : weightNames) {
if (std::regex_search(line, groups, scalew)) { // scale variation
auto id = groups.str(1);
auto group = groups.str(2);
auto mur = groups.str(3);
auto muf = groups.str(4);
if (group.find("Central scale variation") != std::string::npos)
scaleVariationIDs.emplace_back(groups.str(1), groups.str(2), groups.str(3), groups.str(4));
} else if (std::regex_search(line, groups, pdfw)) { // PDF variation
auto id = groups.str(1);
auto group = groups.str(2);
auto memberid = groups.str(3);
auto pdfset = groups.str(4);
if (group.find(pdfset) != std::string::npos) {
if (knownPDFSetsFromGenInfo_.find(pdfset) == knownPDFSetsFromGenInfo_.end()) {
knownPDFSetsFromGenInfo_[pdfset] = std::atoi(id.c_str());
pdfSetWeightIDs.emplace_back(id, std::atoi(id.c_str()));
} else
pdfSetWeightIDs.back().add(id, std::atoi(id.c_str()));
} else if (line.find("Baseline") != std::string::npos || line.find("isr") != std::string::npos ||
line.find("fsr") != std::string::npos) {
if (keepAllPSWeights_ || line.find("Baseline") != std::string::npos ||
line.find("Def") != std::string::npos) {
weightChoice->psWeightIDs.push_back(weightIter); // PS variations
std::sort(scaleVariationIDs.begin(), scaleVariationIDs.end());
std::stringstream scaleDoc;
scaleDoc << "LHE scale variation weights (w_var / w_nominal); ";
for (unsigned int isw = 0, nsw = scaleVariationIDs.size(); isw < nsw; ++isw) {
const auto& sw = scaleVariationIDs[isw];
if (isw)
scaleDoc << "; ";
scaleDoc << "[" << isw << "] is " << sw.label;
if (!scaleVariationIDs.empty())
weightChoice->scaleWeightsDoc = scaleDoc.str();
std::stringstream pdfDoc;
pdfDoc << "LHE pdf variation weights (w_var / w_nominal) for LHA names ";
bool found = false;
for (const auto& pw : pdfSetWeightIDs) {
if (pw.wids.size() == 1)
continue; // only consider error sets
for (const auto& wantedpdf : lhaNameToID_) {
auto pdfname = wantedpdf.first;
if (knownPDFSetsFromGenInfo_.find(pdfname) == knownPDFSetsFromGenInfo_.end())
uint32_t lhaid =;
if (pw.lhaIDs.first != lhaid)
pdfDoc << pdfname;
for (const auto& x : pw.wids)
if (maxPdfWeights_ < pw.wids.size()) {
weightChoice->pdfWeightIDs.resize(maxPdfWeights_); // drop some replicas
pdfDoc << ", truncated to the first " << maxPdfWeights_ << " replicas";
weightChoice->pdfWeightsDoc = pdfDoc.str();
found = true;
if (found)
// create an empty counter
std::shared_ptr<CounterMap> globalBeginRunSummary(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) const override {
return std::make_shared<CounterMap>();
// add this stream to the summary
void streamEndRunSummary(edm::StreamID id,
edm::Run const&,
edm::EventSetup const&,
CounterMap* runCounterMap) const override {
// nothing to do per se
void globalEndRunSummary(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&, CounterMap* runCounterMap) const override {}
// write the total to the run
void globalEndRunProduce(edm::Run& iRun, edm::EventSetup const&, CounterMap const* runCounterMap) const override {
auto out = std::make_unique<nanoaod::MergeableCounterTable>();
for (const auto& x : runCounterMap->countermap) {
auto runCounter = &(x.second);
std::string label = (!x.first.empty()) ? (std::string("_") + x.first) : "";
std::string doclabel = (!x.first.empty()) ? (std::string(", for model label ") + x.first) : "";
out->addInt("genEventCount" + label, "event count" + doclabel, runCounter->num);
out->addFloat("genEventSumw" + label, "sum of gen weights" + doclabel, runCounter->sumw);
out->addFloat("genEventSumw2" + label, "sum of gen (weight^2)" + doclabel, runCounter->sumw2);
double norm = runCounter->sumw ? 1.0 / runCounter->sumw : 1;
auto sumScales = runCounter->sumScale;
for (auto& val : sumScales)
val *= norm;
out->addVFloatWithNorm("LHEScaleSumw" + label,
"Sum of genEventWeight * LHEScaleWeight[i], divided by genEventSumw" + doclabel,
auto sumPDFs = runCounter->sumPDF;
for (auto& val : sumPDFs)
val *= norm;
out->addVFloatWithNorm("LHEPdfSumw" + label,
"Sum of genEventWeight * LHEPdfWeight[i], divided by genEventSumw" + doclabel,
if (!runCounter->sumRwgt.empty()) {
auto sumRwgts = runCounter->sumRwgt;
for (auto& val : sumRwgts)
val *= norm;
out->addVFloatWithNorm("LHEReweightingSumw" + label,
"Sum of genEventWeight * LHEReweightingWeight[i], divided by genEventSumw" + doclabel,
if (!runCounter->sumNamed.empty()) { // it could be empty if there's no LHE info in the sample
for (unsigned int i = 0, n = namedWeightLabels_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
"LHESumw_" + namedWeightLabels_[i] + label,
"Sum of genEventWeight * LHEWeight_" + namedWeightLabels_[i] + ", divided by genEventSumw" + doclabel,
runCounter->sumNamed[i] * norm,
// nothing to do here
void globalEndRun(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) const override {}
static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
desc.add<edm::InputTag>("genEvent", edm::InputTag("generator"))
->setComment("tag for the GenEventInfoProduct, to get the main weight");
desc.add<edm::InputTag>("genLumiInfoHeader", edm::InputTag("generator"))
->setComment("tag for the GenLumiInfoProduct, to get the model string");
desc.add<std::vector<edm::InputTag>>("lheInfo", std::vector<edm::InputTag>{{"externalLHEProducer"}, {"source"}})
->setComment("tag(s) for the LHE information (LHEEventProduct and LHERunInfoProduct)");
edm::ParameterSetDescription prefpdf;
desc.addVPSet("preferredPDFs", prefpdf, std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>())
"LHA PDF Ids of the preferred PDF sets, in order of preference (the first matching one will be used)");
desc.add<std::vector<std::string>>("namedWeightIDs")->setComment("set of LHA weight IDs for named LHE weights");
->setComment("output names for the namedWeightIDs (in the same order)");
desc.add<int32_t>("lheWeightPrecision")->setComment("Number of bits in the mantissa for LHE weights");
desc.add<uint32_t>("maxPdfWeights")->setComment("Maximum number of PDF weights to save (to crop NN replicas)");
desc.add<bool>("keepAllPSWeights")->setComment("Store all PS weights found");
desc.addOptionalUntracked<bool>("debug")->setComment("dump out all LHE information for one event");
descriptions.add("genWeightsTable", desc);
const edm::EDGetTokenT<GenEventInfoProduct> genTag_;
const std::vector<edm::InputTag> lheLabel_;
const std::vector<edm::EDGetTokenT<LHEEventProduct>> lheTag_;
const std::vector<edm::EDGetTokenT<LHERunInfoProduct>> lheRunTag_;
const edm::EDGetTokenT<GenLumiInfoHeader> genLumiInfoHeadTag_;
std::vector<uint32_t> preferredPDFLHAIDs_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> lhaNameToID_;
std::vector<std::string> namedWeightIDs_;
std::vector<std::string> namedWeightLabels_;
int lheWeightPrecision_;
unsigned int maxPdfWeights_;
bool keepAllPSWeights_;
mutable std::atomic<bool> debug_, debugRun_, hasIssuedWarning_;
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
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