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Created November 9, 2021 09:27
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cHB errore
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
xz: (stdin): File format not recognized
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
----- Begin Fatal Exception 06-Nov-2021 18:18:05 CET-----------------------
An exception of category 'ExternalLHEProducer' occurred while
[0] Processing global begin Run run: 1
[1] Calling method for module ExternalLHEProducer/'externalLHEProducer'
Exception Message:
Child failed with exit code 2.
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
Another exception was caught while trying to clean up runs after the primary fatal exception.
Cross-section summary not available
TimeReport> Time report complete in 64.6969 seconds
Time Summary:
- Min event: 1e+06
- Max event: 0
- Avg event: 0
- Total loop: 36.3566
- Total init: 28.1714
- Total job: 64.6969
- EventSetup Lock: 1.62125e-05
- EventSetup Get: 5.94349
Event Throughput: 0 ev/s
CPU Summary:
- Total loop: 34.4721
- Total init: 5.62763
- Total extra: 0
- Total job: 40.2335
Processing Summary:
- Number of Events: 0
- Number of Global Begin Lumi Calls: 0
- Number of Global Begin Run Calls: 1
MessageLogger Summary
type category sev module subroutine count total
---- -------------------- -- ---------------- ---------------- ----- -----
1 GenXSecAnalyzer -w GenXSecAnalyzer: 2 2
2 TimeReport -e AfterModEndJob 1 1
3 Additional Exception -s PostGlobalEndRun 1 1
4 Fatal Exception -s AfterModGlobalBe 1 1
type category Examples: run/evt run/evt run/evt
---- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
1 GenXSecAnalyzer PostGlobalEndRun PostGlobalEndRun
2 TimeReport PostGlobalEndRun
3 Additional Exceptions PostGlobalEndRun
4 Fatal Exception Run: 1
Severity # Occurrences Total Occurrences
-------- ------------- -----------------
Warning 2 2
Error 1 1
System 2 2
dropped waiting message count 0
06-Nov-2021 18:18:35 CET Initiating request to open file file:SMP-RunIIFall18wmLHEGS-00062.root
06-Nov-2021 18:18:36 CET Successfully opened file file:SMP-RunIIFall18wmLHEGS-00062.root
06-Nov-2021 18:18:46 CET Initiating request to open file root://
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal: PreMixingModule:mixData@ctor 06-Nov-2021 18:18:47 CET pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal: PreMixingModule:mixData@ctor 06-Nov-2021 18:18:47 CET pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://
06-Nov-2021 18:18:47 CET Fallback request to file root://
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.229116 +0100][Error ][XRootDTransport ] [ #0.0] No protocols left to try
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.229196 +0100][Error ][AsyncSock ] [ #0.0] Socket error while handshaking: [FATAL] Auth failed
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.229307 +0100][Error ][PostMaster ] [ #0] elapsed = 1, pConnectionWindow = 31 seconds.
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.557345 +0100][Error ][XRootDTransport ] [ #0.0] No protocols left to try
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.557427 +0100][Error ][AsyncSock ] [ #0.0] Socket error while handshaking: [FATAL] Auth failed
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.557522 +0100][Error ][PostMaster ] [ #0] elapsed = 0, pConnectionWindow = 31 seconds.
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.557549 +0100][Error ][PostMaster ] [ #0] Unable to recover: [FATAL] Auth failed.
[2021-11-06 18:19:00.557565 +0100][Error ][XRootD ] [] Impossible to send message kXR_open (file: /store/mc/RunIISummer17PrePremix/Neutrino_E-10_gun/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW/PUAutumn18_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v1/120023/DA65AB15-8F72-084E-B995-DE7276C1F8BC.root?, mode: 0460, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ). Trying to recover.
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal: PreMixingModule:mixData@ctor 06-Nov-2021 18:21:47 CET pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://,,,,,,,,,,
%MSG-w XrdAdaptorInternal: PreMixingModule:mixData@ctor 06-Nov-2021 18:24:46 CET pre-events
Failed to open file at URL root://,.
06-Nov-2021 18:24:46 CET Closed file file:SMP-RunIIFall18wmLHEGS-00062.root
----- Begin Fatal Exception 06-Nov-2021 18:24:46 CET-----------------------
An exception of category 'FallbackFileOpenError' occurred while
[0] Constructing the EventProcessor
[1] Constructing module: class=PreMixingModule label='mixData'
[2] Calling RootFileSequenceBase::initTheFile()
[3] Calling StorageFactory::open()
[4] Calling XrdFile::open()
Exception Message:
Failed to open the file 'root://'
Additional Info:
[a] XrdCl::File::Open(name='root://', flags=0x10, permissions=0660) => error '[ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3011] Unable to open file /eos/cms/store/mc/RunIISummer17PrePremix/Neutrino_E-10_gun/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW/PUAutumn18_102X_upgrade2018_realistic_v15-v1/120023/DA65AB15-8F72-084E-B995-DE7276C1F8BC.root; No such file or directory
' (errno=3011, code=400). No additional data servers were found.
[b] Last URL tried: root://
[c] Problematic data server:
[d] Disabled source:
[e] Input file root:// could not be opened.
Fallback Input file root:// also could not be opened.
Original exception info is above; fallback exception info is below.
[f] XrdCl::File::Open(name='root://', flags=0x10, permissions=0660) => error '[ERROR] Operation expired' (errno=0, code=206). No additional data servers were found.
[g] Last URL tried: root://,
[h] Problematic data server:
[i] Disabled source:
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
06-Nov-2021 18:25:33 CET Initiating request to open file file:SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050_0.root
----- Begin Fatal Exception 06-Nov-2021 18:25:34 CET-----------------------
An exception of category 'FileOpenError' occurred while
[0] Constructing the EventProcessor
[1] Constructing input source of type PoolSource
[2] Calling RootFileSequenceBase::initTheFile()
[3] Calling StorageFactory::open()
[4] Calling File::sysopen()
Exception Message:
Failed to open the file 'SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050_0.root'
Additional Info:
[a] Input file file:SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050_0.root could not be opened.
[b] open() failed with system error 'No such file or directory' (error code 2)
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
rm: cannot remove 'SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050_0.root': No such file or directory
06-Nov-2021 18:25:51 CET Initiating request to open file file:SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050.root
----- Begin Fatal Exception 06-Nov-2021 18:25:51 CET-----------------------
An exception of category 'FileOpenError' occurred while
[0] Constructing the EventProcessor
[1] Constructing input source of type PoolSource
[2] Calling RootFileSequenceBase::initTheFile()
[3] Calling StorageFactory::open()
[4] Calling File::sysopen()
Exception Message:
Failed to open the file 'SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050.root'
Additional Info:
[a] Input file file:SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050.root could not be opened.
[b] open() failed with system error 'No such file or directory' (error code 2)
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
rm: cannot remove 'SMP-RunIIAutumn18DRPremix-00050.root': No such file or directory
**** Following environment variables are going to be unset.
06-Nov-2021 18:26:12 CET Initiating request to open file file:SMP-RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-00050.root
----- Begin Fatal Exception 06-Nov-2021 18:26:12 CET-----------------------
An exception of category 'FileOpenError' occurred while
[0] Constructing the EventProcessor
[1] Constructing input source of type PoolSource
[2] Calling RootFileSequenceBase::initTheFile()
[3] Calling StorageFactory::open()
[4] Calling File::sysopen()
Exception Message:
Failed to open the file 'SMP-RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-00050.root'
Additional Info:
[a] Input file file:SMP-RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-00050.root could not be opened.
[b] open() failed with system error 'No such file or directory' (error code 2)
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
rm: cannot remove 'SMP-RunIIAutumn18MiniAOD-00050.root': No such file or directory
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