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Created July 1, 2012 05:58
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[Server] Example configuration file to deploy a site in puppet (using nginx & unicorn module)
class example_com {
file {
ensure => directory,
owner => vagrant,
group => vagrant,
mode => 775;
ensure => directory,
owner => vagrant,
group => vagrant,
mode => 775,
require => File["/var/www/"];
ensure => directory,
owner => vagrant,
group => vagrant,
mode => 775,
require => File["/var/www/"];
ensure => directory,
owner => vagrant,
group => vagrant,
mode => 775,
require => File["/var/www/"];
file {
ensure => present,
owner => vagrant,
group => vagrant,
mode => 600,
require => File["/var/www/"],
source => "puppet:///modules/example_com/database.yml",
# nginx site configuration
nginx::resource::vhost { '':
ensure => present,
listen_ip => '*',
listen_port => '80',
root => '/var/www/',
try_files => '$uri/index.html $uri @example_com',
location => '@example_com',
proxy => 'http://example_com',
client_max_body_size => '10M',
keepalive_timeout => '5';
nginx::resource::upstream { 'example_com':
ensure => present,
socket => 'unix:/tmp/example_com.todo.sock fail_timeout=0';
# unicorn configuration
unicorn::instance { 'example_com':
basedir => '/var/www/',
socket_path => '/tmp/example_com.todo.sock',
rails => true,
command => '/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@global/bin/unicorn',
env => 'production',
uid => 'root',
gid => 'root';
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