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Last active January 11, 2020 15:47
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mirror extension usage
class SceneCreatorTest: XCTestCase {
private let sut = SceneCreator()
func test_presentersViewShouldBeTheSameAsCreatedScene() {
// Given
let scene = sut.createScene()
// When
let interactor = mirror(property: .interactor, ofType: Interactor.self, from: scene)
let presenter = mirror(property: .presenter, ofType: Presenter.self, from: interactor)
let presentersView = mirror(property: .viewController, ofType: ViewController.self, from: presenter)
XCTAssertNotNil(presentersView) // Check if there is a view on the presenter
XCTAssertTrue(presentersView === scene) // and if its the same as `scene`
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