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Julia implementation of the bayesian blocks algorithm, as described in Developement moved to
#= bayesian_blocks.jl
= Author: Luigi Pertoldi -
= Created: 29 Jun 2018
= The following software is distributed under the MIT licence
= Copyright (c) 2018 Luigi Pertoldi
= Use Julia >= v0.7!
= Check for updates
using StatsBase, ProgressMeter
bayesian_blocks(data, logfitness=:cash, logprior=:p0, [gamma=0.01, p0=0.01])
Return an array of optimal change points for a set of one-dimensional data. This
is the implementation of the bayesian blocks algorithm, as outlined in [^1].
## Arguments
* `data`: numeric array or a `StatsBase.Histogram`
* `logfitness`: log of the block fitness function to be used, choose between
* `logprior`: log of the prior distribution on the number of blocks to be used,
choose between [:gamma, :p0]
* `gamma`, `p0`...: set the parameter value for the specified prior distribution
## Example
using Distributions, StatsBase, Plots, LinearAlgebra
data = vcat(rand(Normal(0),1000),rand(Cauchy(5),1000)
data = data[(data .> -5) .& (data .< 10)]
h = fit(Histogram, gerda, -5:100:10, closed = :left)
# choose to use all data or an histogram of it!
hb = normalize(fit(Histogram, data, bayesian_blocks(data), closed = :left))
hb = normalize(fit(Histogram, data, bayesian_blocks(h), closed = :left))
plot(data, st = :stephist, normalized = true, nbins=1000)
plot!(hb, st = :step, w = 3)
### Performance tips
You can convert your data container to a less precise representation to improve
the performance a bit, e.g.
x::Array{Float32} = [1.1, π, (√5-1)/2]
[^1]: Scargle, J et al. (2012) []
function bayesian_blocks(x;
logfitness::Symbol=:cash, logprior::Symbol=:p0,
gamma=0.01, p0=0.01)
if typeof(x) <: Array{<:Real,1}
# take care of repeated data
x_sorted = sort(x)
x_unique = [x_sorted[1]]
x_weight::Array{Int32} = [1]
for i in 2:length(x_sorted)
if x_sorted[i] == x_sorted[i-1]
x_weight[end] += 1
push!(x_unique, x_sorted[i])
push!(x_weight, 1)
elseif typeof(x) <: Histogram{<:Integer,1}
v = collect(x.edges[1])
x_unique = [0.5 * (v[i] + v[i + 1]) for i = 1:length(v) - 1]
x_weight = x.weights
# delete empty bins
deleteat!(x_unique, findall(iszero, x_weight))
deleteat!(x_weight, findall(iszero, x_weight))
error("Unsupported input type: $(typeof(x))")
# final number of data points
N = length(x_unique)
# pre-defined (log)fitness functions
logf_dict = Dict(
:cash => (N_k, T_k) -> N_k * log(N_k/T_k)
# pre-defined (log)prior distributions on Nblocks
logp_dict = Dict(
# simple γ^Nblocks prior
:gamma => (γ=gamma) -> log(γ),
# Note that there was an error in this equation in the original Scargle
# paper (the "log" was missing). The following corrected form is taken
# from
:p0 => (Np=N, p=p0) -> log(73.53 * p * Np^(-0.478)) - 4
# check input
!haskey(logf_dict, logfitness) && error("$logfitness function not defined!")
!haskey(logp_dict, logprior) && error("$logprior function not defined!")
# save prior value for later computation
ncp_prior = logp_dict[logprior]()
# array of (all possible) block edges
edges = vcat(x_unique[1],
# see Sec. 2.6 in [^1]
best = Number[]
last = Number[]
# display progress bar for long computations
# total number of steps: ∑n(n-1) = N(N^2-1)/3
p = Progress(Integer(N*(N^2-1)/3), 2); m = 0
for k in 1:N
# define nice alias to mimic the notation used in [^1]
F(r) = logf_dict[logfitness](cumsum(x_weight[r:k])[end], edges[k+1] - edges[r]) + ncp_prior
# compute all possible configurations (Eq. (8) in [^1])
A = [F(r) + (r == 1 ? 0 : best[r-1]) for r in 1:k]
# save best configuration
push!(last, argmax(A))
push!(best, maximum(A))
update!(p, m += k*(k-1))
# extract changepoints by iteratively peeling off the last block
cp = Number[]
i = N+1
while i != 0
push!(cp, i)
i = (i == 1 ? 0 : last[i-1])
return [edges[j] for j in cp[end:-1:1]]
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