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Last active December 7, 2016 06:45
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Save gipi/10589213 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# using phusion/baseimage as base image.
FROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.9
# Set correct environment variables.
ENV HOME /root
# Regenerate SSH host keys. baseimage-docker does not contain any
RUN /etc/my_init.d/
# Use baseimage-docker's init system.
CMD ["/sbin/my_init"]
# create code directory
RUN mkdir /opt/code/
# install packages required to compile vala and radare2
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common python-all-dev wget
RUN apt-get install -y swig flex bison git gcc ccache g++ make pkg-config glib-2.0
RUN apt-get install -y python-gobject-dev
# compile vala
RUN cd /opt/code; wget; tar -Jxf vala-0.24.0.tar.xz
RUN cd /opt/code/vala-0.24.0; ./configure --prefix=/usr ; make && make install
# compile radare
RUN cd /opt/code && git clone
RUN cd /opt/code/radare2 && git checkout 0.9.8-rc3 && ./sys/
# Clean up APT when done.
RUN apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

radare2 is a reverser, written in plain C, the project can be found on github.


# ./sys/



This shows in a web page the relation between the called functions

[0x080484a0]> VV@sym.main

To write into the file open it with -w option and use from the command line the w command.

To add a function use

[0x080484a0]> af+ 0x00008290 460 sym.main s n


$ rasm2 -a x86 -k linux -D -B -f exploit.bin 
0x00000000   2                     eb36  jmp 0x38
0x00000002   5               b805000000  mov eax, 0x5
0x00000007   1                       5b  pop ebx            # this retrieve the value saved in the call@0x38
0x00000008   2                     31c9  xor ecx, ecx
0x0000000a   2                     cd80  int 0x80
0x0000000c   2                     89c3  mov ebx, eax
0x0000000e   5               b803000000  mov eax, 0x3
0x00000013   2                     89e7  mov edi, esp
0x00000015   2                     89f9  mov ecx, edi
0x00000017   5               ba00100000  mov edx, 0x1000
0x0000001c   2                     cd80  int 0x80
0x0000001e   2                     89c2  mov edx, eax
0x00000020   5               b804000000  mov eax, 0x4
0x00000025   5               bb01000000  mov ebx, 0x1
0x0000002a   2                     cd80  int 0x80
0x0000002c   5               b801000000  mov eax, 0x1
0x00000031   5               bb00000000  mov ebx, 0x0
0x00000036   2                     cd80  int 0x80
0x00000038   5               e8c5ffffff  call 0x100000002 # this places the /tmp/miao string address in the stack
0x0000003d   1                       2f  das
0x0000003e   2                     746d  jz 0xad
0x00000040   2                     702f  jo 0x71
0x00000042   1                       6d  insd
0x00000043   1                       69  invalid
0x00000044   1                       61  popad
0x00000045   1                       6f  outsd
0x00000046   2                     000a  add [edx], cl
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