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Last active May 15, 2017 04:55
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Replace or change a key on ec2 instance

AWS doesnt let you change your ec2 instance key from the admin console.

If you need to replace a key for an ec2 instance:

  1. if you already have the key/pub generated, jump to #3.

  2. Create a new key from command line:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "my-new-key"

Chose a name and add .pem as extention.

This will create two files, a .pub and a .pem

  1. Log into you instance as the user you want to change key, or simly root

  2. Edit the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys copy the content of the pub file and save it.

Will be somethign like this: ssh-rsa 2e+Mk2Y3mfswFpno9....long bla bla...3442f2A pepe

  1. Now try to login, the id file is your new pem file as usual

ssh -i ""

  1. Delete other old keys from authorized_keys if you want.
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