AWS doesnt let you change your ec2 instance key from the admin console.
If you need to replace a key for an ec2 instance:
if you already have the key/pub generated, jump to #3.
Create a new key from command line:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "my-new-key"
Chose a name and add .pem as extention.
This will create two files, a .pub and a .pem
Log into you instance as the user you want to change key, or simly root
Edit the
copy the content of the pub file and save it.
Will be somethign like this: ssh-rsa 2e+Mk2Y3mfswFpno9....long bla bla...3442f2A pepe
- Now try to login, the id file is your new pem file as usual
ssh -i ""
- Delete other old keys from authorized_keys if you want.