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Last active December 6, 2018 16:03
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view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
renderSvg which =
div [ "chartContainer", HA.attribute "data-type" which ]
[ svg [ "bar", HA.width 700, HA.height 500 ] [] ]
div []
[ button [ onClick (ShowChart BarChart), disabled (model.chart /= NoChart) ] [ Html.text "Show Bar Chart" ]
, button [ onClick (ShowChart PieChart), disabled (model.chart /= NoChart) ] [ Html.text "Show Pie Chart" ]
, button [ onClick (ShowChart NoChart), disabled (model.chart == NoChart) ] [ Html.text "Hide Chart" ]
, hr [] []
, case model.chart of
BarChart ->
renderSvg "bar"
PieChart ->
renderSvg "pie"
NoChart ->
Html.text ""
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