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Created May 6, 2010 23:26
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(Thanks to Adam Grant)
Used with Autowatchr helper gem, Watchr adds testing functionality to your project
ala Zentest/autotest without the cruft and (sometimes) confusing callback hooks
that can lead someone to stop testing and turn to drinking massive amounts of Tab Cola.
The script contains a set of simple rules that map observed files to an action.
Its DSL is a single method:
watch(pattern, &action)
The Basic Idea:
watch( 'a regexp pattern matching paths to observe' ) {|match_data_object| command_to_run }
For example:
watch( 'test/test_.*\.rb' ) {|files| system("ruby #{files[0]}") }
will match any test file and run it whenever it is saved!
Demo files:
require 'watchr'
require 'autowatchr' do |config|
config.run_suite = true
config.test_dir = 'test'
config.require = %w(test_helper)
config.test_re = '^%s.*/.*_test\.rb$' % config.test_dir
require(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config', 'boot'))
require 'rake'
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rake/rdoctask'
require 'tasks/rails'
desc "Starts running the test environment ala Zentest/autotest style!"
task :autotest do
sh "watchr #{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test', 'test.watchr')}"
To use, run this in your terminal from the RAILS_ROOT directory:
rake autotest
And you're done!
gem install watchr
gem install rev (If on *nix system this is a big help!)
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