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Created January 24, 2016 12:09
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// IEEE 754 Single-precision floating point conversion library
// Kevin Gisi
// Note: Does not handle NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, or -0 special cases
// Further reading:
// Convert an IEEE 754 floating point bitstring to a number.
// Usage: to_float("01000001010001100000000000000000") => 12.375
function to_float {
parameter s. local exp is 0. local sig is 0.
// Grab the exponent and significand
local e_bits is s:substring(1,8).
local s_bits is s:substring(9,23).
// Convert the exponent to decimal
from {local i is 0.} until i=8 step {set i to i+1.} do {
if e_bits:substring(7-i, 1)="1" set exp to exp+2^i.
// Use the biased form unsigned-integer
set exp to exp - 127.
// Add the implicit leading bit
if exp=-127 set s_bits to "0"+s_bits.
else set s_bits to "1"+s_bits.
// Convert the significand to decimal
from {local i is 0.} until i=24 step {set i to i+1.} do {
if s_bits:substring(i,1)="1" set sig to sig+2^(-i).
// Flip the significand if the leading bit is 1
if s:substring(0,1)="1" set sig to -sig.
// Return the significand * 2^(exponent0
return sig*2^exp.
// Convert a number to a IEEE 754 floating point bitstring
// Usage: to_bitstring(12.375) => "01000001010001100000000000000000"
function to_bitstring {
parameter f.
// Convert an integer to a bitstring
function int_to_bits {
parameter i. local bits is "".
until i <= 0 { set bits to mod(i,2)+bits. set i to floor(i/2). }
return bits.
// Convert a fraction to a bitstring, to a certain precision
function fraction_to_bits {
parameter f, p. local bits is "".
until f=0 or bits:length=p {
set bits to bits+floor(f*2). set f to mod(f*2,1).
return bits.
// Generate the integer and fractional bitstring
local i_bits is int_to_bits(floor(abs(f))).
local f_bits is fraction_to_bits(mod(abs(f),1), 23-i_bits:length).
local exp is 0.
// If there is an integer component, the exponent is positive
if i_bits:length>0 set exp to i_bits:length-1.
else {
set i to f_bits:indexof("1").
// If there are no "1"s in the fraction bitstring, the exponent is 0
if i=-1 set exp to -127.
// Otherwise, the exponent is negative
else set exp to i+1.
// Use the biased form unsigned-integer
set exp to exp + 127.
// Generate the exponent bitstring, padding as necessary
local e_bits is int_to_bits(exp):padleft(8).
// Generate the sign bit
local sign_bit is "0".
if f<0 set sign_bit to "1".
// Generate the significand with padding, and strip out the implicit bit
local sig_bits is (i_bits+f_bits):padright(24):substring(1,23).
// Replace the string padding wiht zeros
return (sign_bit+e_bits+sig_bits):replace(" ","0").
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