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Created September 12, 2014 10:49
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Ruby script to blat search fasta sequence using qsub
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# qsub parametres:
# Specify Ruby
#$ -S /usr/bin/ruby
# name for job
#$ -N blat
# pe request for slots, means processors, with
# minimum to maximum.
# e.g. 2 means two processors
# 2- means 2 upto number of processor restricted by pe
# 2-8 means 2 upto 8 processors
# The number of slots / processors restriction can be retrieved by
# qmon under Parallel Environment Configuration choosing scampi and
# there by the number of Slots.
# ATTENTION: If the number of slots ist exceeded by single or
# maximum number, the job does not run.
#$ -pe hmp 6
# Written by Gisle Vestergaard
require 'pp'
require 'optparse'
ARGV << "--help" if ARGV.empty?
cmd_init = File.basename($0) + " " + ARGV.join(" ")
options = {} do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options]"
opts.on("-h", "--help", "Display this screen" ) do
$stderr.puts opts
opts.on("-i", "--input_fasta <file>", String, "Input fasta sequence") do |o|
options[:input_fasta] = o
opts.on("-d", "--database <file>", String, "Input database to search") do |o|
options[:database] = o
opts.on("-t", "--type <file>", String, "Select blastp, blastn or blastx (default is blastn)") do |o|
options[:type] = o
opts.on("-o", "--output directory <directory>", String, "Output directory") do |o|
options[:out_lib] = o
opts.on("-f", "--outformat <string>", String, "blast8 for tabulated or blast for flat output for MEGAN et al. (default=flat)") do |o|
options[:outfmt] = o
options[:database] ||= '~/genomics/NCBI/Refseq/complete.nonredundant_protein.faa'
options[:out_lib] ||= File.basename(options[:input_fasta], ".*") + ".blat"
options[:type] ||= "blastn"
options[:outfmt] ||= blast
if options[:type] == "blastp"
system 'blat -prot -out=' + options[:outfmt].to_s + ' ' + options[:database].to_s + ' ' + options[:input_fasta].to_s + ' ' + options[:out_lib].to_s
elsif options[:type] == "blastn"
system 'blat -prot -out=' + options[:outfmt].to_s + ' ' + options[:database].to_s + ' ' + options[:input_fasta].to_s + ' ' + options[:out_lib].to_s
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