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Last active June 25, 2020 06:55
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Explore and generate different Spirals with SVG
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<h2>Having fun with spirals...</h2>
{{ page }}
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<a class="title" href="/">{{ hostServiceName }}</a>
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{{#each it.ownProps()}}
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<a class="nav-link" href="{{Key}}">{{Value}}</a>
{{ var from = (qs.from ?? 1).toInt() }}
<div style="text-align:right;margin:-54px 0 30px 0">
{{#if from > 1}} <a href="?from={{ max(from-1,0) }}" title="{{max(from-1,0)}}">previous</a> |{{/if}}
{{from}} | <a href="?from={{ from+1 }}" title="{{max(from-1,0)}}">next</a>
{{#each i in range(from, 4) }}
<svg height="640" width="240">
{{#each range(180) }}
{{ var x = 120 + 100 * cos((5) * it * 0.02827) }}
{{ var y = 320 + 300 * sin((1+i) * it * 0.02827) }}
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Jump to favorites:
{{#each [1,221,441,445,665,885,889,1109,1329,1333,1553,1665,1777,1997,2001,2217,2221,2441] }}
{{#if index > 0}} | {{/if}} {{#if from == it }} {{it}} {{else}} <a href="?from={{it}}">{{it}}</a> {{/if}}
debug true
name Spirals
CefConfig { width:1150, height:1050 }
appName spirals
description Explore and generate different Spirals with SVG
tags svg
{{ var from = (qs.from ?? 1).toInt() }}
<div style="text-align:right;margin:-54px 0 30px 0">
{{#if from > 1}} <a href="?from={{ max(from-1,0) }}" title="{{max(from-1,0)}}">previous</a> |{{/if}}
{{from}} | <a href="?from={{ from+1 }}" title="{{max(from-1,0)}}">next</a>
<svg height="640" width="240">
{{#each range(180) }}
{{ var x = 120 + 100 * cos((5) * it * 0.02827) }}
{{ var y = 320 + 300 * sin((from) * it * 0.02827) }}
<circle cx="{{x}}" cy="{{y}}" r="10" fill="rgb(0,100,0)" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"></circle>
<svg height="640" width="240">
{{#each range(180) }}
{{ var x = 120 + 100 * cos((5) * it * 0.02827) }}
{{ var y = 320 + 300 * sin((from) * it * 0.02827) }}
<circle cx="{{x}}" cy="{{y}}" r="10" fill="rgb(0,{{it*1.4}},0)" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"></circle>
<svg height="640" width="240">
{{#each range(180) }}
{{ var x = 120 + 100 * cos((5) * it * 0.02827) }}
{{ var y = 320 + 300 * sin((from) * it * 0.02827) }}
<circle cx="{{x}}" cy="{{y}}" r="{{it*0.1}}" fill="rgb(0,{{it*1.4}},0)" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"></circle>
Jump to favorites:
{{#each [1,5,101,221,222,224,298,441,443,558,663,665,666,783,888] }}
{{#if index > 0}} | {{/if}} {{#if from == it }} {{it}} {{else}} <a href="?from={{it}}">{{it}}</a> {{/if}}
{{ var from = (qs.from ?? 1).toInt() }}
<div style="text-align:right;margin:-54px 0 30px 0">
{{#if from > 1}} <a href="?from={{ max(from-4,0) }}" title="{{max(from-1,0)}}">previous</a> |{{/if}}
{{from}} | <a href="?from={{ from+4 }}" title="{{max(from-1,0)}}">next</a>
{{#each i in range(from, 4) }}
<svg height="640" width="240">
{{#each range(180) }}
{{ var x = 120 + 100 * cos((5) * it * 0.02827) }}
{{ var y = 320 + 300 * sin((1+i) * it * 0.02827) }}
<circle cx="{{x}}" cy="{{y}}" r="{{it*0.1}}" fill="rgb(0,{{it*1.4}},0)" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"></circle>
Jump to favorites:
{{#each [1,221,441,445,665,885,889,1109,1329,1333,1553,1665,1777,1997,2001,2217,2221,2441] }}
{{#if index > 0}} | {{/if}} {{#if from == it }} {{it}} {{else}} <a href="?from={{it}}">{{it}}</a> {{/if}}
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