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Created December 6, 2011 15:08
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SASS Universal GRID System. Multifunctional, suitable for responsive Layouts
// Mixing for Compass - GRID
// Autor : Sascha Fuchs
// Date : 06.12.2011
// Version : 1
// Email :
// URL :
// @include grid($framesize, $colums,$gutterwidth, $prefix, $design, $layout, $border, $padding,$offset,$onecolpad,$test)
// // Framesize for the Grid in PX
// $framesize : 1000,
// // Number of Colums
// $colums : 16,
// // The Width of the Gutter in PX
// $gutterwidth : 20,
// // Own Class Prefix (none for no Prefix)
// $prefix : none,
// // Options
// // Griddesign:
// // Opt: array = Margin left and right no last Class needed
// // Opt: line = Margin (Gutter) on the left or the right Side
// $design : center,
// // Gridlayout:
// // Opt: static = Static Grid fixed width
// // Opt: fluid = Grid based on %
// // Opt: onecolum = All Colums get 100%, Float is breaked up
// $layout : onecolum,
// // Orientation
// // Opt: left = Grid float left
// // Opt: right= Grid float right
// $orient : left,
// // Bordersize in PX
// $border : 0,
// // Padding inside the Colum when needed in PX (onesite padding)
// $padding : 0,
// // When needed an offset enter yes
// $offset : no,
// // Side Padding or Margin for Onecolum Layout
// $onecolpad : 0,
// // Only for Mockup Test
// $test : yes
@mixin grid ($fontsize,$framesize, $colums,$gutterwidth, $prefix, $design, $layout,$orient, $border, $padding,$offset,$onecolpad,$test)
// Defaults
$pr-r : '' !default;
// Prefix Definition Row
@if $prefix != none {
$pr-r : #{$prefix}-row;
} @else {
$pr-r : row;
// Recalculate from PX to EM
$font-base : $fontsize;
// Recalculate the Variables to EM
$gutter-em : $gutterwidth / $font-base;
$border-em : $border / $font-base;
$padding-em : $padding / $font-base;
$framesize-em : $framesize / $font-base;
$boxfill : $gutterwidth + ($border * 2) + ($padding * 2);
$boxfill-em : $gutter-em + ($border-em * 2) + ($padding-em * 2);
// Calculate PX to Percent
$pixelpercent : 100 / $framesize;
// Gutter in %
$gutter-p : $pixelpercent * $gutterwidth;
// Border in %
$border-p : $pixelpercent * $border;
// Padding in Percent
$padding-p: $pixelpercent * $padding;
// Static Grid Layout
@if $layout == static {
// Row Container
.#{$pr-r} {
overflow : hidden;
@if $test == yes {
background : #ccc;
// Base Colum Class
.colum {
// Float Switch
@if $orient == right {
} @else {
@if $test == yes {
background : #aaa;
@if $design == array {
// When Padding is higher than 0 implement the Padding
@if $padding > 0 {
padding-left :#{$padding-em}em;
padding-right :#{$padding-em}em;
// Implement the Margin on the Left and Right
margin-left : #{$gutter-em / 2}em;
margin-right : #{$gutter-em / 2}em;
@if $design == line {
// When Padding is higher than 0 implement the Padding
@if $padding > 0 {
padding-left :#{$padding-em}em;
padding-right :#{$padding-em}em;
@if $orient == right {
// Implement the Margin on the Left Side (First Child has no Margin)
margin-right: #{$gutter-em}em;
// Delete the Margin on the First Child
&:first-child {
} @else {
// Implement the Margin on the Left Side (First Child has no Margin)
margin-left: #{$gutter-em}em;
// Delete the Margin on the First Child
&:first-child {
@if $design == array {
// Smallest Colum Effective width excl. Border, Margin, Padding
$csb : ($framesize-em - ($colums * $boxfill-em)) / $colums;
// Generate Static Colums
@for $i from 1 through $colums {
.colum-#{$i} {
width:#{$csb * $i + (($boxfill-em * ($i - 1)))}em;
// Generate Offset
@if $offset == yes {
// Smallest Colum Size incl. Border, Margin,Padding
$csc : $framesize-em / $colums;
@for $n from 1 through $colums {
.o-l-#{$n} {
margin-left:#{$csc * $n + ($gutter-em * 0.5)}em;
.o-r-#{$n} {
margin-right:#{$csc * $n + ($gutter-em * 0.5)}em;
@if $design == line {
$boxfill-em : (($border * 2) + ($padding * 2)) / $font-base;
// Smallest Colum
$csb : ($framesize-em - (($colums) * $boxfill-em) - ($gutter-em * ($colums - 1))) / $colums;
// Generate Static Colums
@for $i from 1 through $colums {
.colum-#{$i} {
width :#{($csb * $i) + ($gutter-em * ($i - 1)) + ($boxfill-em * ($i - 1))}em;
// Generate Offset
@if $offset == yes {
@for $n from 1 through $colums {
@if $orient == right {
.o-l-#{$n} {
margin-left :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-em * $n) + ($boxfill-em * $n)}em;
.o-r-#{$n} {
margin-right :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-em * ($n + 1)) + ($boxfill-em * $n)}em;
} @else {
.o-l-#{$n} {
margin-left :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-em * ($n + 1)) + ($boxfill-em * $n)}em;
.o-r-#{$n} {
margin-right :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-em * $n) + ($boxfill-em * $n)}em;
// Submixing for Fluid Layout % Based
@if $layout == fluid {
// Definition of a Row
.#{$pr-r} {
overflow : hidden;
@if $test == yes {
background : #ccc;
// Boxfill in Percent
$boxfill : $gutterwidth + ($border * 2) + ($padding * 2);
$boxfill-p: $pixelpercent * $boxfill;
// Base Colum Class
.colum {
// Float Switch
@if $orient == right {
} @else {
@if $design == array {
// When Padding is higher than 0 implement the Padding
@if $padding > 0 {
padding-left : ($padding-p)#{unquote('%')};
padding-right : ($padding-p)#{unquote('%')};
// Implement the Margin on the Left and Right
margin-left : ($gutter-p / 2)#{unquote('%')};
margin-right : ($gutter-p / 2)#{unquote('%')};
} @elseif $design == line {
// When Padding is higher than 0 implement the Padding
@if $padding > 0 {
padding-left : ($padding-p)#{unquote('%')};
padding-right : ($padding-p)#{unquote('%')};
@if $orient == right {
// Implement the Margin on the Left Side (First Child has no Margin)
// Delete the Margin on the First Child
&:first-child {
} @else {
// Implement the Margin on the Left Side (First Child has no Margin)
// Delete the Margin on the First Child
&:first-child {
@if $test == yes {
background : #aaa;
@if $design == array {
// Smallest Colum Effective width excl. Border, Margin, Padding
$csb : (100 - ($colums * $boxfill-p)) / $colums;
// Generate Fluid Colums
@for $i from 1 through $colums {
.colum-#{$i} {
width:#{($csb * $i + (($boxfill-p * ($i - 1))))}#{unquote('%')};
// Generate Offset
@if $offset == yes {
// Smallest Colum Size incl. Border, Margin,Padding
$csc : 100 / $colums;
@for $n from 1 through $colums {
.o-l-#{$n} {
margin-left:#{($csb * $n + (($boxfill-p * ($n - 1)))) + $gutter-p * 2.5}#{unquote('%')};
.o-r-#{$n} {
margin-right:#{($csb * $n + (($boxfill-p * ($n - 1)))) + $gutter-p * 2.5}#{unquote('%')};
@if $design == line {
$boxfill-p : $pixelpercent * (($border * 2) + ($padding * 2));
// Smallest Colum Effective width excl. Border, Margin, Padding
$csb : (100 - (($colums) * $boxfill-p) - ($gutter-p * ($colums - 1))) / $colums;
// Generate Fluid Colums
@for $i from 1 through $colums {
.colum-#{$i} {
width :#{(($csb * $i) + ($gutter-p * ($i - 1)) + ($boxfill-p * ($i - 1)) + 0.0)}#{unquote('%')};
// Generate Offset
@if $offset == yes {
@for $n from 1 through $colums {
@if $orient == right {
.o-l-#{$n} {
margin-left :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-p * $n) + ($boxfill-p * $n)}#{unquote('%')};
.o-r-#{$n} {
margin-right :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-p * ($n + 1)) + ($boxfill-p * $n)}#{unquote('%')};
} @else {
.o-l-#{$n} {
margin-left :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-p * ($n + 1)) + ($boxfill-p * $n)}#{unquote('%')};
.o-r-#{$n} {
margin-right :#{($csb * $n) + ($gutter-p * $n) + ($boxfill-p * $n)}#{unquote('%')};
// Submixing for the OneColum Layout (Break all Floats)
@if $layout == onecolum {
// Definition of a Row
.#{$pr-r} {
overflow : hidden;
@if $test == yes {
background : #ccc;
// Base Colum Class
.colum {
width:unquote(100 - (($onecolpad * 2) + ($border-p * 2) + ($padding-p * 2)) + "%");
@if $padding > 0 {
padding-left : ($padding-p)#{unquote('%')};
padding-right : ($padding-p)#{unquote('%')};
margin-left:0 !important;
margin-right:0 !important;
@if $test == yes {
background : #aaa;
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