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Created March 16, 2019 16:04
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Vue Wrapper for Imgix
class="eg-image relative"
:class="[bgColorClass, { 'h-full w-full': background, rounded, 'skeleton': showSkeleton}]"
:style="[presized ? styleObject : '']"
v-if="background && !imageBroken"
:class="{'w-full absolute pin-t pin-r pin-b pin-l max-h-full': presized, rounded, imageClass}"
:style="{ backgroundPosition: bgPosition }"
class="lazyload bg-no-repeat bg-cover h-full"
<slot v-if="image" />
v-if="!background && !imageBroken"
:alt="alt || 'image'"
:class="{'w-full absolute pin-t pin-r pin-b pin-l max-h-full': presized, rounded, imageClass}"
class="lazyload block"
class="text-sm py-1"
* Create an Imageblock with responsive Images. Uses Imgix to load the Images
export default {
name: 'EGImage',
props: {
baseUrl: {
type: String,
default: process.env.imgixUrl
fit: {
type: String,
default: 'crop' // clamp, crop, max
sizes: {
type: Array,
default: () => [2000, 1500, 1000, 600, 320]
background: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
bgPosition: {
type: String,
default: '50% 50%'
bgColorClass: {
type: String,
default: 'bg-grey-medium-darker'
aspectRatio: {
type: Number,
default: 0.53
params: {
type: String,
default: ''
presized: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
actualLanguage: {
type: String,
default: 'de'
image: {
required: true,
type: [String, Boolean]
alt: {
type: String,
default: ''
caption: {
type: String,
default: ''
rounded: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
imageClass: {
type: String,
default: ''
data () {
return {
styleObject: {
height: '0',
position: 'relative',
overflow: 'hidden',
paddingTop: `${this.aspectRatio * 100}%`
imageBroken: false
computed: {
showSkeleton () {
return !this.image
sources () {
if (!this.image) {
return []
const buildUrl = (width, ar) => {
const basePath = this.image.startsWith('http') ? this.image : this.baseUrl + this.image
return `${basePath}?fit=${}&w=${width}&h=${width * ar}${this.params || ''}&auto=compress,format?q=85`
const generateImageList = (sizes, ar) => {
return sizes.reduce((imagelist, size) => {
imagelist += `${buildUrl(size, ar)} ${size}w, `
return imagelist
}, '').slice(0, -2)
// Build the whole Image Source Block
if (typeof this.sizes[0] === 'object') {
if (this.background) {
return this.sizes.reduce((response, val) => {
response += `${generateImageList(val.sizes,} ${
val.maxWidth ? `[(max-width: ${val.maxWidth}px)] | ` : ''
return response
}, '')
return generateImageList(this.sizes[0].sizes, this.aspectRatio)
return generateImageList(this.sizes, this.aspectRatio)
mounted () {
this.$el.addEventListener('lazyloaded', (e) => {
this.$emit('finishLoad', true)
destroyed () {
this.$el.removeEventListener('lazyloaded', {})
methods: {
clickTransfer () {
this.$emit('clickTransfer', true)
imageLoadOnError () {
this.imageBroken = !this.imageBroken
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