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Last active March 21, 2022 13:25
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Accessing Jupyter notebook locally from docker hosted in remote server

SSH to the remote server:

Open cmd/terminal and connect the local port to the remote server port. ssh -L USER@IP

Start the docker container inside the remote server:

For starting the docker, make sure to keep the port same as provided above. An example of starting a docker is given below. docker run -it -p 1234:8888 IMAGENAME /bin/bash

Run Jupyter Notebook:

Now that you have run the above command with /bin/bash, it will take you inside the docker container. Make sure to have jupyter notebook installed in there. Run the following command inside the docker container terminal. jupyter notebook --ip --allow-root

Enjoy the notebook in your local browser:

After running the above command, something like will be outputed. Replace the 8888 in the address with the port you provided in the first step i.e. 3000 and paste the link in your local browser. It will ask for a token; paste the token from the link there and enjoy using jupyter notebook.

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