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def sns_heatmap(dataframe, key_column, key_column_format, chart_title, c_pos_neg):
# Build out heatmap things
dataframe['Position'] = range(1,len(dataframe) + 1)
dataframe['y'] = [(x//10 + 1 if x%10 != 0 else (x//10)) for x in dataframe['Position']]
dataframe['x'] = [(x%10 if x%10 != 0 else 10) for x in dataframe['Position']]
# most_bought['normalized_dollars_bought_sold'] = (most_bought['dollars_bought_sold'] - most_bought['dollars_bought_sold'].min()) / (most_bought['dollars_bought_sold'].max()-most_bought['dollars_bought_sold'].min())
# most_bought['natural_log'] = np.log(most_bought['normalized_dollars_bought_sold'])
pivot_df = dataframe.pivot(index='y', columns='x', values=key_column)
ticker_labels = np.asarray(dataframe['Ticker']).reshape((10,10))
# --- Functions to support pandas lambda function ---
def calc_pct_bought_sold(this_share_count, last_share_count):
if this_share_count > 0 and last_share_count == 0:
return 100
elif this_share_count == 0 and last_share_count == 0: # In the rare circumstances that both this share count and last share count are zero return 0.
return 0
return ((this_share_count/last_share_count)-1)*100
def calc_dollar_bought_sold(count_bought_sold, last_holding_val, last_share_count, this_holding_val, this_share_count):
# --- Map tickers into the quarterly holding dataframes ---
all_this_qtr_holdings['Ticker'] = all_this_qtr_holdings['CUSIP'].map(dict(cusip_mappings))
all_last_qtr_holdings['Ticker'] = all_last_qtr_holdings['CUSIP'].map(dict(cusip_mappings))
all_this_qtr_holdings['Ticker'] = all_this_qtr_holdings['Ticker'].fillna('N/A')
all_last_qtr_holdings['Ticker'] = all_last_qtr_holdings['Ticker'].fillna('N/A')
# --- Functions for mapping CUSIPs to Tickers ---
def write_cusips_to_txt(cusip_mappings, cusip_mapping_file = 'cusips.txt'):
Write cusip mappings to txt. Minimizing the need for API calls.
with open(cusip_mapping_file, 'w') as f:
def read_cusips_from_txt(cusip_mapping_file='cusips.txt'):
# --- Function for running quick statistics on the dataframe ---
def dataframe_statistics(df, manager_name:str, cik:str):
Build out the holdings dataframes with some basic statistics.
df['Portfolio percentage'] = (df['Holding value'] / df['Holding value'].sum()) * 100
df['Manager Name'] = manager_name
df['CIK'] = cik
return df
[{"name":"PAULSON & CO. INC.", "cik":"0001035674"},
{"name":"BAUPOST GROUP LLC", "cik":"0001061768"},
{"name":"BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY INC", "cik":"0001067983"},
{"name":"GREENLIGHT CAPITAL INC", "cik":"0001079114"},
{"name":"LONE PINE CAPITAL LLC", "cik":"0001061165"},
{"name":"SOROS FUND MANAGEMENT LLC", "cik":"0001029160"},
{"name":"APPALOOSA LP", "cik":"0001656456"},
{"name":"GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC", "cik":"0000886982"},
{"name":"SCION ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC", "cik":"0001649339"},
{"name":"BRIDGEWATER ASSOCIATES, LP", "cik":"0001350694"},
#--- Import the Required Libraries ---
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import open_figi_key
import time
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
git-shogg /
Last active July 26, 2021 10:17
# 6. Remove Weekday Exceptions and Aggregate the Results #
# Remove Weekday Exceptions
if weekday_exceptions != None:
df = df[~df.weekday.isin(weekday_exceptions)]
# Aggregate the Results
df = df.groupby(aggregate_list).agg({'timestamp':['count'],'distance':['mean']})
git-shogg /
Last active July 26, 2021 10:43
# 5. Setup Useful Columns #
# Determine the distance of each GPS coordinate from your point of interest.
distances_list = []
for lat, long in zip(df['latitude'],df['longitude']):
df['distance'] = distances_list
df = df[df['distance'] < distance_from_point_of_interest]
git-shogg /
Created July 25, 2021 03:34
# 4. Unpack the Data #
df_rows = []
for key in locations:
timestamp = float(key['timestampMs'])
latitude = float(key['latitudeE7'])/10000000
longitude = float(key['longitudeE7'])/10000000
if timestamp >= start_datetime and timestamp <= end_datetime: