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Created July 4, 2020 14:23
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import 'package:charts_common/common.dart' as common
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show ListEquality;
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'
show BuildContext, EdgeInsets, Widget, hashValues;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show immutable;
import 'package:charts_flutter/src/chart_container.dart' show ChartContainerRenderObject;
import 'package:charts_flutter/src/behaviors/chart_behavior.dart'
show BuildableBehavior, ChartBehavior, GestureType;
import 'package:charts_flutter/src/behaviors/legend/legend.dart' show TappableLegend;
import 'package:charts_flutter/src/behaviors/legend/legend_content_builder.dart'
show LegendContentBuilder, TabularLegendContentBuilder;
import 'package:charts_flutter/src/behaviors/legend/legend_layout.dart' show TabularLegendLayout;
/// Series legend behavior for charts.
class SeriesLegend extends ChartBehavior<common.SeriesLegend> {
static const defaultBehaviorPosition =;
static const defaultOutsideJustification =
static const defaultInsideJustification = common.InsideJustification.topStart;
final desiredGestures = new Set<GestureType>();
final common.SelectionModelType selectionModelType;
/// Builder for creating custom legend content.
final LegendContentBuilder contentBuilder;
/// Position of the legend relative to the chart.
final common.BehaviorPosition position;
/// Justification of the legend relative to the chart
final common.OutsideJustification outsideJustification;
final common.InsideJustification insideJustification;
/// Whether or not the legend should show measures.
/// By default this is false, measures are not shown. When set to true, the
/// default behavior is to show measure only if there is selected data.
/// Please set [legendDefaultMeasure] to something other than none to enable
/// showing measures when there is no selection.
/// This flag is used by the [contentBuilder], so a custom content builder
/// has to choose if it wants to use this flag.
final bool showMeasures;
/// Option to show measures when selection is null.
/// By default this is set to none, so no measures are shown when there is
/// no selection.
final common.LegendDefaultMeasure legendDefaultMeasure;
/// Formatter for measure value(s) if the measures are shown on the legend.
final common.MeasureFormatter measureFormatter;
/// Formatter for secondary measure value(s) if the measures are shown on the
/// legend and the series uses the secondary axis.
final common.MeasureFormatter secondaryMeasureFormatter;
/// Styles for legend entry label text.
final common.TextStyleSpec entryTextStyle;
static const defaultCellPadding = const EdgeInsets.all(8.0);
final List<String> defaultHiddenSeries;
/// Create a new tabular layout legend.
/// By default, the legend is place above the chart and horizontally aligned
/// to the start of the draw area.
/// [position] the legend will be positioned relative to the chart. Default
/// position is top.
/// [outsideJustification] justification of the legend relative to the chart
/// if the position is top, bottom, left, right. Default to start of the draw
/// area.
/// [insideJustification] justification of the legend relative to the chart if
/// the position is inside. Default to top of the chart, start of draw area.
/// Start of draw area means left for LTR directionality, and right for RTL.
/// [horizontalFirst] if true, legend entries will grow horizontally first
/// instead of vertically first. If the position is top, bottom, or inside,
/// this defaults to true. Otherwise false.
/// [desiredMaxRows] the max rows to use before layout out items in a new
/// column. By default there is no limit. The max columns created is the
/// smaller of desiredMaxRows and number of legend entries.
/// [desiredMaxColumns] the max columns to use before laying out items in a
/// new row. By default there is no limit. The max columns created is the
/// smaller of desiredMaxColumns and number of legend entries.
/// [defaultHiddenSeries] lists the IDs of series that should be hidden on
/// first chart draw.
/// [showMeasures] show measure values for each series.
/// [legendDefaultMeasure] if measure should show when there is no selection.
/// This is set to none by default (only shows measure for selected data).
/// [measureFormatter] formats measure value if measures are shown.
/// [secondaryMeasureFormatter] formats measures if measures are shown for the
/// series that uses secondary measure axis.
factory SeriesLegend({
common.BehaviorPosition position,
common.OutsideJustification outsideJustification,
common.InsideJustification insideJustification,
bool horizontalFirst,
int desiredMaxRows,
int desiredMaxColumns,
EdgeInsets cellPadding,
List<String> defaultHiddenSeries,
bool showMeasures,
common.LegendDefaultMeasure legendDefaultMeasure,
common.MeasureFormatter measureFormatter,
common.MeasureFormatter secondaryMeasureFormatter,
common.TextStyleSpec entryTextStyle,
}) {
// Set defaults if empty.
position ??= defaultBehaviorPosition;
outsideJustification ??= defaultOutsideJustification;
insideJustification ??= defaultInsideJustification;
cellPadding ??= defaultCellPadding;
// Set the tabular layout settings to match the position if it is not
// specified.
horizontalFirst ??= (position == ||
position == common.BehaviorPosition.bottom ||
position == common.BehaviorPosition.inside);
final layoutBuilder = horizontalFirst
? new TabularLegendLayout.horizontalFirst(
desiredMaxColumns: desiredMaxColumns, cellPadding: cellPadding)
: new TabularLegendLayout.verticalFirst(
desiredMaxRows: desiredMaxRows, cellPadding: cellPadding);
return new SeriesLegend._internal(
new TabularLegendContentBuilder(legendLayout: layoutBuilder),
position: position,
outsideJustification: outsideJustification,
insideJustification: insideJustification,
defaultHiddenSeries: defaultHiddenSeries,
showMeasures: showMeasures ?? false,
legendDefaultMeasure ?? common.LegendDefaultMeasure.none,
measureFormatter: measureFormatter,
secondaryMeasureFormatter: secondaryMeasureFormatter,
entryTextStyle: entryTextStyle);
/// Create a legend with custom layout.
/// By default, the legend is place above the chart and horizontally aligned
/// to the start of the draw area.
/// [contentBuilder] builder for the custom layout.
/// [position] the legend will be positioned relative to the chart. Default
/// position is top.
/// [outsideJustification] justification of the legend relative to the chart
/// if the position is top, bottom, left, right. Default to start of the draw
/// area.
/// [insideJustification] justification of the legend relative to the chart if
/// the position is inside. Default to top of the chart, start of draw area.
/// Start of draw area means left for LTR directionality, and right for RTL.
/// [defaultHiddenSeries] lists the IDs of series that should be hidden on
/// first chart draw.
/// [showMeasures] show measure values for each series.
/// [legendDefaultMeasure] if measure should show when there is no selection.
/// This is set to none by default (only shows measure for selected data).
/// [measureFormatter] formats measure value if measures are shown.
/// [secondaryMeasureFormatter] formats measures if measures are shown for the
/// series that uses secondary measure axis.
factory SeriesLegend.customLayout(
LegendContentBuilder contentBuilder, {
common.BehaviorPosition position,
common.OutsideJustification outsideJustification,
common.InsideJustification insideJustification,
List<String> defaultHiddenSeries,
bool showMeasures,
common.LegendDefaultMeasure legendDefaultMeasure,
common.MeasureFormatter measureFormatter,
common.MeasureFormatter secondaryMeasureFormatter,
common.TextStyleSpec entryTextStyle,
}) {
// Set defaults if empty.
position ??= defaultBehaviorPosition;
outsideJustification ??= defaultOutsideJustification;
insideJustification ??= defaultInsideJustification;
return new SeriesLegend._internal(
contentBuilder: contentBuilder,
position: position,
outsideJustification: outsideJustification,
insideJustification: insideJustification,
defaultHiddenSeries: defaultHiddenSeries,
showMeasures: showMeasures ?? false,
legendDefaultMeasure ?? common.LegendDefaultMeasure.none,
measureFormatter: measureFormatter,
secondaryMeasureFormatter: secondaryMeasureFormatter,
entryTextStyle: entryTextStyle,
common.SeriesLegend<D> createCommonBehavior<D>() =>
new _FlutterSeriesLegend<D>(this);
void updateCommonBehavior(common.SeriesLegend commonBehavior) {
(commonBehavior as _FlutterSeriesLegend).config = this;
/// All Legend behaviors get the same role ID, because you should only have
/// one legend on a chart.
String get role => 'legend';
bool operator ==(Object o) {
return o is SeriesLegend &&
selectionModelType == o.selectionModelType &&
contentBuilder == o.contentBuilder &&
position == o.position &&
outsideJustification == o.outsideJustification &&
insideJustification == o.insideJustification &&
new ListEquality().equals(defaultHiddenSeries, o.defaultHiddenSeries) &&
showMeasures == o.showMeasures &&
legendDefaultMeasure == o.legendDefaultMeasure &&
measureFormatter == o.measureFormatter &&
secondaryMeasureFormatter == o.secondaryMeasureFormatter &&
entryTextStyle == o.entryTextStyle;
int get hashCode {
return hashValues(
/// Flutter specific wrapper on the common Legend for building content.
class _FlutterSeriesLegend<D> extends common.SeriesLegend<D>
implements BuildableBehavior, TappableLegend {
SeriesLegend config;
: super(
selectionModelType: config.selectionModelType,
measureFormatter: config.measureFormatter,
secondaryMeasureFormatter: config.secondaryMeasureFormatter,
legendDefaultMeasure: config.legendDefaultMeasure,
) {
super.defaultHiddenSeries = config.defaultHiddenSeries;
super.entryTextStyle = config.entryTextStyle;
void updateLegend() {
(chartContext as ChartContainerRenderObject).requestRebuild();
common.BehaviorPosition get position => config.position;
common.OutsideJustification get outsideJustification =>
common.InsideJustification get insideJustification =>
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final hasSelection =
legendState.legendEntries.any((entry) => entry.isSelected);
// Show measures if [showMeasures] is true and there is a selection or if
// showing measures when there is no selection.
final showMeasures = config.showMeasures &&
(hasSelection ||
legendDefaultMeasure != common.LegendDefaultMeasure.none);
return config.contentBuilder
.build(context, legendState, this, showMeasures: showMeasures);
onLegendEntryTapUp(common.LegendEntry detail) {
switch (legendTapHandling) {
case common.LegendTapHandling.hide:
case common.LegendTapHandling.none:
/// Handles tap events by hiding or un-hiding entries tapped in the legend.
/// Tapping on a visible series in the legend will hide it. Tapping on a
/// hidden series will make it visible again.
void _hideSeries(common.LegendEntry detail) {
final seriesId =;
// Handle the event by toggling the hidden state of the target.
if (isSeriesHidden(seriesId)) {
} else {
// Redraw the chart to actually hide hidden series.
chart.redraw(skipLayout: true, skipAnimation: false);
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