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Last active October 13, 2015 04:08
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JIRA command-line client.
# jcc: JIRA command-line client.
use Data::Dumper;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use DateTime::Format::Duration;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use JSON;
use MIME::Base64;
use URI::Escape;
my $usage = "\nUsage: $0 "
. "<jira_user> <jira_pass> <command> [args...]\n\n";
# Needs at least two arguments
if (@ARGV < 3) { print $usage; exit 1; }
my $base_url = "";
$auth = encode_base64((shift @ARGV) . ':' . (shift @ARGV));
$auth =~ s/\n//g;
$command = shift @ARGV;
my $commands = {
issue => sub {
return Dumper(get_issue(@_)) if (@_ == 1);
return put_issue(@_) if (@_ > 1);
print "${usage}Issue key is required.\n\n";
exit 1;
chk => sub {
return put_issue(@_[0], 'CHK', 'set', 'now()');
countlinks => sub {
my $issue = get_issue(@_[0]);
return scalar @{$issue->{fields}->{issuelinks}} . "\n";
fixlinks => sub {
my $json = JSON->new();
print $commands->{$command}(@ARGV) if ($commands->{$command});
exit 0;
sub show_errors {
my $msg;
my $response = shift;
return if !$response;
my $result = $json->decode($response);
if ($result->{errorMessages}) {
$msg = '';
for my $message (@{$result->{errorMessages}}) {
$msg .= "Server error: $message\n";
while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$result->{errors}}) {
$msg .= "Field error ($k): $v\n";
print "$msg\n";
exit 1;
sub fixlinks {
my ($project) = @_;
my $last_key = '';
while (1) {
my $jql = "project=$project"
. ($last_key ? " and key > $last_key " : " ")
. "order by key asc";
my ($header, $response, $code, $message) = https(
GET => "$base_url/search/?jql=" . uri_escape($jql)
. "&fields=customfield_11100,issuelinks",
[ "Authorization: Basic $auth" ]
) or die "Server returned no content";
print "$message ($code)\n\n";
exit 0 if $code != 200;
my $result = $json->decode($response);
exit 0 if !scalar @{$result->{issues}};
for (@{$result->{issues}}) {
my $key = $_->{key};
my $linked_field = $_->{fields}->{customfield_11100} + 0;
my $link_count = scalar @{$_->{fields}->{issuelinks}};
$last_key = $key;
print "$key ($linked_field/$link_count)\n";
if ($linked_field + 0 != $link_count + 0) {
put_issue($key, 'customfield_11100', 'set', $link_count);
sub get_issue {
my ($key) = @_;
my ($header, $response, $code, $message) = https(
GET => "$base_url/issue/$key",
[ "Authorization: Basic $auth" ]
) or die "Server returned no content";
print "$message ($code)\n\n";
exit 0 if $code != 200;
my $result = $json->decode($response);
return $result;
sub put_issue {
my ($key, $field, $action, $value) = @_;
$value = '' if !$value;
print "\n";
# Needs 3 args.
if (@_ < 3) {
print "${usage}Update an issue: \n"
. "issue <key> <field> <action> [value]\n\n";
exit 1;
# Get metadata with available fields for this issue
print "Checking editable fields...\n";
my $transition;
my ($header, $response, $code, $message) = https(
GET => "$base_url/issue/$key/editmeta",
[ "Authorization: Basic $auth" ]
) or die "Server returned no field metadata";
print "$message ($code)\n\n";
exit 0 if $code != 200;
$response = $json->decode($response);
my ($field_key, $field_meta) = find_field($field, $response->{fields});
print "$field ($field_key) is editable...\n" if $field_meta;
# If we didn't find the field, look for it in transitions.
if (!$field_meta) {
print "Can't edit directly, checking transitions...\n";
($header, $response, $code, $message) = https(
GET => "$base_url/issue/$key/transitions?expand=transitions.fields",
[ "Authorization: Basic $auth" ]
) or die "Server returned no content";
print "$message ($code)\n\n";
exit 0 if $code != 200;
$response = $json->decode($response);
$transition = $response->{transitions}[0]
or die "Server returned no transitions";
$transition->{name} =~ m/update/i
or die "Expected first transition to be an 'update' transition";
# print Dumper($transition->{fields});
($field_key, $field_meta) = find_field($field, $transition->{fields});
print "$field ($field_key) found in transitions...\n"
if $field_meta;
# If we _still_ didn't find the field, give up.
die "Field '$field' not found." if !$field_meta;
# print Dumper($field_meta);
# Allowed values can be objects.
# Get them from metadata if they match string value.
if ($field_meta->{allowedValues}) {
for my $v (@{$field_meta->{allowedValues}}) {
if ($v->{name} && ($v->{name} =~ m/^\Q$value\E$/i) ||
$v->{value} && ($v->{value} =~ m/^\Q$value\E$/i)) {
$value = $v;
# Get the request ready.
$value = format_now() if $value eq "now()";
my $request = {
update => { $field_key => [ { $action => $value } ] }
$request->{update}->{$field_key}[0]->{$action} += 0
if $field_meta->{schema}->{type} eq 'number';
if ($transition) {
delete $transition->{fields};
$request->{transition} = $transition;
my $data = encode_json($request);
# Send the request.
($header, $response, $code, $message) = https(
($transition ? 'POST' : 'PUT'),
"$base_url/issue/$key" . ($transition ? '/transitions' : ''),
[ "Content-Type: application/json", "Authorization: Basic $auth" ],
print "$message ($code)\n\n";
# exit 0 if $code != 200;
sub find_field {
my ($name, $fields) = @_;
return ($name, $fields->{$name}) if $fields->{$name};
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$fields) {
return ( $k, $fields->{$k} )
if (($k =~ m/^\Q$name\E$/i) || ($v->{name} =~ m/^\Q$name\E$/i));
sub format_now {
my $dp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000%z'
return $dp->format_datetime(DateTime->now());
sub https {
my ($action, $url, $headers, $body) = @_;
my ($protocol, $domain) = $url =~ m#^(https?)://([^/]*)#i;
die "Protocol is not https" if $protocol !~ m/^https$/i;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::SSL("$domain:https");
return warn "Can't open socket to $domain.\n" if !$socket;
my $length = $body ? length $body : 0;
my $br = "\r\n"; # nothing to see here...
my $header_data = $headers ? $br . join $br, @$headers : '';
my $request = "$action $url HTTP/1.0$header_data$br"
. ($length ? "Content-Length: $length$br$br$body" : $br);
my $response;
#print "Request:\n\n$request\n\n";
print $socket $request;
close $socket;
#print "Response:\n\n$response\n\n";
$response =~ s/(.*)$br$br//ms; # strip the headers from the response
$header = $1;
$header =~ m/^HTTP[^\s]+\s([^\s]*)\s(.*)\r/;
return wantarray ? ( $header, $response, $1, $2 ) : $response;
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