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Last active October 28, 2019 15:28
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import React from 'react';
const Accordion = props => {
return =>{
return (
Code, code, code...
Accordion.propTypes = {
// Check if the standard deviation of the lengths of the pieces of content is too great
infoStd: props => {
// calculate std
const lengths = => item.content.length);
const avg = lengths.reduce((sum ,item) => sum + item) / lengths.length;
const sqrSum = lengths.reduce((sum, item) => sum + Math.pow((item - avg),2));
const infoStd = Math.sqrt(sqrSum) / lengths.length;
// validate (30 is sort-of an arbitrary number that seems right to me)
if (infoStd > 30) {
return new Error('The items presented in the accordion differ too much in length. Consider using a different component.');
export default Accordion
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