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Created December 3, 2020 11:12
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Allow xml to pscustomobject transformation in PowerShell to allow conversion to json, copied from
Conversion of valid xml into a PSCustomObject, so it can be easily used to create json instead
Inspired from the C# example from: Translated into PowerShell from
This script uses xml input and converts all tags and attributes into a PSCustomObject.
This allows a much easier transformation into a json object.
# Using this input xml (could also be a file) ...
$xmlInputString = @"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XmlSerialisationWrapper xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:xsi="" xml:space="preserve">
<Messages errors="0" warnings="0" info="1">All fine!</Messages>
<Obj xsi:type="TablePersistentState">
<Book id="123">
<Title>Book Nr 1</Title>
<Author>Author Nr 1</Author>
<Recommendations positive="10" neutral="5" negative="1"/>
<Book id="456">
<Title>Book Nr 2</Title>
<Author>Author Nr 2</Author>
<Recommendations positive="0" neutral="5" negative="10"/>
# ... can be used with these calls to transform the string into xml into pscustom into json into file ...
$xmlObj = [xml]$xmlInputString
$pscustom = $xmlObj | Convert-XMLtoPSObject
$json = $pscustom | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20
$json | set-content "testjson.json" -Encoding UTF8
# ... and would result in an json like thise one
"xml": "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"",
"XmlSerialisationWrapper": {
"CurrentDate": "20201130",
"Location": "Germany",
"Messages": {
"@errors": "0",
"@warnings": "0",
"@info": "1",
"value": "All fine!"
"Obj": {
"@type": "TablePersistentState",
"Book": [
"@id": "123",
"Title": "Book Nr 1",
"Author": "Author Nr 1",
"Recommendations": {
"@positive": "10",
"@neutral": "5",
"@negative": "1"
"@id": "456",
"Title": "Book Nr 2",
"Author": "Author Nr 2",
"Recommendations": {
"@positive": "0",
"@neutral": "5",
"@negative": "10"
xml - Should be loaded as an xml object like [xml]$xmlString
attributesPrefix - The prefix for the tag attributes; it is common to use @ but could also be something else...
After recursive calls you get a more flexible pscustom object back
Published on 2020-11-30
Function Convert-XMLtoPSObject {
Param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline)] $XML
,[parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String] $attributesPrefix = "@"
begin {
# Define the xml attributes that can be excluded
$excludeAttributes = @("xsd", "xsi", "space", "xmlns", "nil")
$return = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
if ($ -in @( "Axes" )) {
#Write-Host "Hello WOrld"
# Handle attributes of xml tag
$attributes = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
if ($XML.Attributes.Count -gt 0) {
$XML.Attributes | ForEach {
$a = $_
$attName = $a.LocalName
$attValue = $a.'#text'
# Exclude attributes with xsd, xsi, space, xmlns, nil
if ($attName -notin $excludeAttributes) {
$return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$( $attributesPrefix )$( $attName )" -Value $attValue
# Loop through all child nodes and save it to the object or
# get into it recursively
$xml.ChildNodes | where { $_.NodeType -notin @([System.Xml.XmlNodeType]::SignificantWhitespace) } | foreach {
$n = $_
$name = $n.Get_name() # if there is an attribute with "name", then this function is the safer way to get the tag name
#if ($name -in @( "Messages" )) {
# Write-Host "Hello WOrld"
# Decide if go recursively or use the current value
if ($n.HasChildNodes) {
if ($n.ChildNodes.Count -gt 1) {
$value = [PSCustomObject]( Convert-XMLtoPSObject -XML $n -attributesPrefix $attributesPrefix )
} else {
if ($n.ChildNodes[0].NodeType -eq [System.Xml.XmlNodeType]::Text) {
# Handle attributes of childrens tag
if ($n.Attributes.Count -gt 0) {
$value = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
$n.Attributes | ForEach {
$a = $_
$attName = $a.LocalName
$attValue = $a.'#text'
# Exclude attributes with xsd, xsi, space, xmlns, nil
if ($attName -notin $excludeAttributes) {
$value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$( $attributesPrefix )$( $attName )" -Value $attValue
$v = $n.ChildNodes[0].Value
if ($v -ne $null) {
$value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "value" -Value $v
} else {
$value = $n.ChildNodes[0].Value
} else {
$value = [PSCustomObject]( Convert-XMLtoPSObject -XML $n -attributesPrefix $attributesPrefix )
} else {
# Handle attributes of childrens tag
if ($n.Attributes.Count -gt 0) {
$value = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject
$n.Attributes | ForEach {
$a = $_
$attName = $a.LocalName
$attValue = $a.'#text'
# Exclude attributes with xsd, xsi, space, xmlns, nil
if ($attName -notin $excludeAttributes) {
$value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "$( $attributesPrefix )$( $attName )" -Value $attValue
$v = $n.ChildNodes[0].Value
if ($v -ne $null) {
$value | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "value" -Value $v
} else {
$value = $n.Value
# Decide how to save the data, a xml tag could be used multiple times
if ( ( $return | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | where { $_.Name -eq $name} ).Count -ge 1 ) {
# An array exists... add to it
if ( $return.$name -is [System.Collections.ArrayList] ) {
$list = $return.$name
$list.Add($value) | Out-Null # The out-null is very important for recursive functions and array creation, otherwise the array output will be sent to the function caller
$return.$name = $list
# No array exists... create one
} elseif ( $return.$name -is [PSCustomObject] ) {
$list = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$list.Add($return.$name) | Out-Null
$list.Add($value) | Out-Null
$return.$name = $list
# Otherwise just save that entry to the object
} else {
$return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $name -Value $value
if ($ -in @( "Axes" )) {
#Write-Host "Hello WOrld" #> $null
return $return
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