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Created February 6, 2020 09:14
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Daily backup and cleanup for folders in PowerShell
$foldersToBackup = @(
$timestamp = [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") # timestamp for now
$logfile = "E:\Apteco\Log\backup_manual.log" # path of the logfile
$maxAgeBeforeRemoval = 7 # maximum age for folder in days
$removeOldFilesAfterBackup = $true # remove folders older than x days?
"$( [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") )`t-------------------------------" >> $logfile
$foldersToBackup | foreach {
$source = $_
# mirror the files from D drive to E drive with the same path -> could be changed to another drive or path if wished
$destination = $source -replace 'D:\\', 'E:\'
# add a timestamp at the destination
$destinationWithTimestamp = "$( $destination )\$( $timestamp )\"
# make sure the source folder will not be created again
$source = "$( $source )\*"
# create the new backup folder
New-Item -Path $destinationWithTimestamp -ItemType Directory
# log
"$( [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") )`tBackup of ""$( $source )"" to ""$( $destinationWithTimestamp )""" >> $logfile
# Copy from source to destination
Copy-Item -Path $source -Destination $destinationWithTimestamp -Force -Recurse
# remove if needed and older than x days
if ( $removeOldFilesAfterBackup ) {
[array]( Get-ChildItem $destination -Attributes Directory ) | ForEach {
$directoryToCheck = $_
$age = [datetime]::Now - [datetime]::ParseExact($directoryToCheck.Name,"yyyyMMddHHmmss",$null)
if ( $age.days -gt $maxAgeBeforeRemoval ) {
"$( [datetime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") )`tRemoving ""$( $directoryToCheck.FullName )"" because it is ""$( $age.days )"" days old" >> $logfile
Remove-Item -Path $directoryToCheck.FullName -Recurse
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