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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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SASS: sys-button component.
// Foundation by ZURB
// Licensed under MIT Open Source
// Padding for buttons.
$sys-button-tny: rem-calc(2) !default;
$sys-button-sml: rem-calc(5) !default;
$sys-button-med: rem-calc(11) !default;
$sys-button-lrg: rem-calc(15) !default;
// Display property.
$sys-button-display: inline-block !default;
$sys-button-margin: 0 !default;
// Button text styles.
$sys-button-font-family: $global-font-family-A !default;
$sys-button-font-color: #fff !default;
$sys-button-font-color-alt: #333 !default;
$sys-button-font-tny: rem-calc(10) !default;
$sys-button-font-sml: rem-calc(12) !default;
$sys-button-font-med: rem-calc(16) !default;
$sys-button-font-lrg: rem-calc(18) !default;
$sys-button-font-weight: normal !default;
$sys-button-font-align: center !default;
// Button hover effects.
$sys-button-function-factor: -15% !default;
// Button border and hover styles.
$sys-button-border-width: 0 !default;
$sys-button-border-style: solid !default;
// Ghost Button
$sys-button-ghost-border-width: 2px !default;
$sys-button-ghost-border-style: solid !default;
$sys-button-bg-color: #f77307 !default;
$sys-button-bg-hover: scale-color($sys-button-bg-color, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor) !default;
$sys-button-border-color: $sys-button-bg-hover !default;
// Default == themeA
$sys-button-themeA-bg-color: #f77307 !default;
$sys-button-themeA-bg-hover: scale-color($sys-button-themeA-bg-color, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor) !default;
$sys-button-themeA-border-color: $sys-button-themeA-bg-hover !default;
$sys-button-themeB-bg-color: #858585 !default;
$sys-button-themeB-bg-hover: scale-color($sys-button-themeB-bg-color, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor) !default;
$sys-button-themeB-border-color: $sys-button-themeB-bg-hover !default;
$sys-button-themeC-bg-color: #f04124 !default;
$sys-button-themeC-bg-hover: scale-color($sys-button-themeC-bg-color, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor) !default;
$sys-button-themeC-border-color: $sys-button-themeC-bg-hover !default;
$sys-button-themeD-bg-color: #2bbfa2 !default;
$sys-button-themeD-bg-hover: scale-color($sys-button-themeD-bg-color, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor) !default;
$sys-button-themeD-border-color: $sys-button-themeD-bg-hover !default;
$sys-button-themeE-bg-color: #259FD8 !default;
$sys-button-themeE-bg-hover: scale-color($sys-button-themeE-bg-color, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor) !default;
$sys-button-themeE-border-color: $sys-button-themeE-bg-hover !default;
$sys-button-themeF-bg-color: #333 !default;
$sys-button-themeF-bg-hover: scale-color($sys-button-themeF-bg-color, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor) !default;
$sys-button-themeF-border-color: $sys-button-themeF-bg-hover !default;
// We use this to set the default radius used throughout the core.
$sys-button-radius: $global-radius !default;
$sys-button-round: $global-rounded !default;
// We use this to set default opacity and cursor for disabled buttons.
$sys-button-disabled-opacity: 0.6 !default;
$sys-button-disabled-cursor: default !default;
// We use this mixin to create a default button base.
// $style - Sets base styles. Can be set to false. Default: true.
// $display - Used to control display property. Default: $sys-button-display || inline-block
@mixin sys-button-base($style:true, $display:$sys-button-display) {
@if $style {
border-style: $sys-button-border-style;
border-width: $sys-button-border-width;
cursor: $cursor-pointer-value;
font-family: $sys-button-font-family;
font-weight: $sys-button-font-weight;
line-height: normal;
margin: $sys-button-margin;
position: relative;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: $sys-button-font-align;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-webkit-border-radius: 0;
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
@if $display { display: $display; }
// We use this mixin to add button size styles
// $padding - Used to build padding for buttons Default: $sys-button-med ||= rem-calc(12)
// $full-width - We can set $full-width:true to remove side padding extend width - Default: false
// $ghost-options If you needn't to export "is-ghost" style, set this bloolean to false - Default:true.
@mixin sys-button-size($padding:$sys-button-med, $full-width:false, $ghost-options: true) {
// We control which padding styles come through,
// these can be turned off by setting $padding:false
@if $padding {
padding-top: $padding;
padding-right: $padding * 2;
padding-bottom: $padding;
padding-left: $padding * 2;
.touch &:not(.size-fixed) {
padding-top: $padding * 2;
padding-bottom: $padding * 2;
// We control the font-size based on mixin input.
@if $padding == $sys-button-med { font-size: $sys-button-font-med; }
@else if $padding == $sys-button-tny { font-size: $sys-button-font-tny; }
@else if $padding == $sys-button-sml { font-size: $sys-button-font-sml; }
@else if $padding == $sys-button-lrg { font-size: $sys-button-font-lrg; }
@if $ghost-options {
&.is-ghost {
padding-top: $padding - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
padding-right: ($padding * 2)- rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
padding-bottom: $padding - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
padding-left: ($padding * 2) - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
&:focus {
padding-top: $padding;
padding-right: $padding * 2;
padding-bottom: $padding;
padding-left: $padding * 2;
.touch &:not(.size-fixed) {
padding-top: ($padding * 2) - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
padding-bottom: ($padding * 2) - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
&:focus {
padding-top: $padding * 2;
padding-bottom: $padding * 2;
&.disabled {
&:focus {
padding-top: $padding - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
padding-right: ($padding * 2)- rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
padding-bottom: $padding - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
padding-left: ($padding * 2) - rem-calc($sys-button-ghost-border-width);
.touch &:not(.size-fixed) {
padding-top: $padding * 2;
padding-bottom: $padding * 2;
// We can set $full-width:true to remove side padding extend width.
@if $full-width {
// We still need to check if $padding is set.
@if $padding {
padding-top: $padding;
padding-bottom: $padding + rem-calc(1);
} @else if $padding == false {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
width: 100%;
// We use this mixin to add button color styles
// $bg - Primary color set in settings file. Default: $sys-button-bg.
// $radius - If true, set to button radius which is $global-radius || explicitly set radius amount in px (ex. $radius:10px). Default: true
// $disabled - We can set $disabled:true to create a disabled transparent button. Default: false
// $bg-hover - Button Hover Background Color. Default: $sys-button-bg-hover
// $border-color - Button Border Color. Default: $sys-button-border-color
// $ghost-options If you needn't to export "is-ghost" style, set this bloolean to false - Default:true.
@mixin sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-bg-color, $radius:false, $disabled:false, $bg-hover:null, $border-color:null, $overwrite-font-color:null, $ghost-options: true) {
// We control which background styles are used,
// these can be removed by setting $bg:false
@if $bg {
@if $bg-hover == null {
$bg-hover: if($bg == $sys-button-bg-color, $sys-button-bg-hover, scale-color($bg, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor));
// This find the lightness percentage of the background color.
$bg-lightness: lightness($bg);
$bg-hover-lightness: lightness($bg-hover);
background-color: $bg;
border-color: $border-color;
&:focus {
background-color: $bg-hover;
text-decoration: none;
&:active {
@include box-shadow(inset 0 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.3));
background-color: scale-color($bg-hover, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor);
// We control the text color for you based on the background color.
@if $overwrite-font-color == null {
color: if($bg-lightness > 70%, $sys-button-font-color-alt, $sys-button-font-color);
@else {
color: if($bg-lightness > 70%, $sys-button-font-color-alt, $overwrite-font-color);
&:focus {
@if $overwrite-font-color == null {
color: if($bg-lightness > 70%, $sys-button-font-color-alt, $sys-button-font-color);
@else {
color: if($bg-lightness > 70%, $sys-button-font-color-alt, $overwrite-font-color);
text-decoration: none;
//Ghost button(Border only button)
@if $ghost-options {
&.is-ghost {
border-color: scale-color($bg, $lightness: 5%);
background-color: transparent;
border-width: $sys-button-ghost-border-width;
border-style: $sys-button-ghost-border-style;
color: $bg;
&:focus {
background-color: $bg;
border-width: 0;
@if $overwrite-font-color == null {
color: if($bg-lightness > 70%, $sys-button-font-color-alt, $sys-button-font-color);
@else {
color: if($bg-lightness > 70%, $sys-button-font-color-alt, $overwrite-font-color);
&:active {
background-color: scale-color($bg-hover, $lightness: $sys-button-function-factor);
// We can set $disabled:true to create a disabled transparent button.
@if $disabled {
cursor: $sys-button-disabled-cursor;
opacity: $sys-button-disabled-opacity;
box-shadow: none;
&:focus {
background-color: $bg;
text-decoration: none;
@if $ghost-options {
&.is-ghost {
&:focus {
background-color: transparent;
border-width: $sys-button-ghost-border-width;
color: $bg;
box-shadow: none;
// We can control how much button radius is used.
@if $radius == true { @include radius($sys-button-radius); }
@else if $radius { @include radius($radius); }
// We use this to quickly create buttons with a single mixin. As @jaredhardy puts it, "the kitchen sink mixin"
// $padding - Used to build padding for buttons Default: $sys-button-med ||= rem-calc(12)
// $bg - Primary color set in settings file. Default: $sys-button-bg.
// $overwrite-font-color -Use to overwrite default text color - see sys-button-style mixin
// $radius - If true, set to button radius which is $global-radius || explicitly set radius amount in px (ex. $radius:10px). Default:false.
// $full-width - We can set $full-width:true to remove side padding extend width. Default:false.
// $disabled - We can set $disabled:true to create a disabled transparent button. Default:false.
// $is-prefix - Not used? Default:false.
// $bg-hover - Button Hover Color - Default null - see sys-button-style mixin
// $border-color - Button Border Color - Default null - see sys-button-style mixin
// $transition - We can control whether or not to include the background-color transition property - Default:true.
// $size-options - If you needn't to export size options(large, small...) set this bloolean to false - Default:true.
// $color-options - If you needn't to export color options(themeA, thtmeB...) set this bloolean to false - Default:true.
// $ghost-options If you needn't to export "is-ghost" style, set this bloolean to false - Default:true.
@mixin sys-button($padding:$sys-button-med, $bg:$sys-button-bg-color, $overwrite-font-color:null, $radius:true, $full-width:false, $disabled:false, $is-prefix:false, $bg-hover:null, $border-color:null, $transition: true, $size-options: true, $color-options: true, $ghost-options: true) {
@include sys-button-base;
@include sys-button-size($padding, $full-width, $ghost-options);
@include sys-button-style($bg, $radius, $disabled, $bg-hover, $border-color, $overwrite-font-color, $ghost-options);
@if $transition {
@include transition-property(background-color);
@include transition-duration(.08s);
@if $size-options {
&.large { @include sys-button-size($padding:$sys-button-lrg, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.small { @include sys-button-size($padding:$sys-button-sml, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.tiny { @include sys-button-size($padding:$sys-button-tny, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.medium { @include sys-button-size($padding:$sys-button-med, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.expand { @include sys-button-size($padding:null, $full-width:true, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
@if $color-options {
&.themeA { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeA-bg-color, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeA-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeA-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.themeB { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeB-bg-color, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeB-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeB-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.themeC { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeC-bg-color, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeC-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeC-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.themeD { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeD-bg-color, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeD-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeD-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.themeE { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeE-bg-color, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeE-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeE-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.themeF { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeF-bg-color, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeF-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeF-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options); }
&.disabled, &[disabled] {
@include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-bg-color, $disabled:true, $bg-hover:$sys-button-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options);
@if $color-options {
&.themeA { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeA-bg-color, $disabled:true, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeA-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeA-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options);}
&.themeB { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeB-bg-color, $disabled:true, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeB-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeB-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options);}
&.themeC { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeC-bg-color, $disabled:true, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeC-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeC-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options);}
&.themeD { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeD-bg-color, $disabled:true, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeD-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeD-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options);}
&.themeE { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeE-bg-color, $disabled:true, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeE-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeE-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options);}
&.themeF { @include sys-button-style($bg:$sys-button-themeF-bg-color, $disabled:true, $bg-hover:$sys-button-themeF-bg-hover, $border-color:$sys-button-themeF-border-color, $ghost-options: $ghost-options);}
//firefox 2px fix
button::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; }
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githiro commented Jan 23, 2015

Forked & arranged from Foundation Framework's _buttons.scss

Added theme-color options and ".is-ghost" mode(ghost button mode).

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