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wireshark filters
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Display Filter Reference
Step-by-step instructions to decrypt TLS traffic from Chrome or Firefox in Wireshark:
How to decrypt TLS traffic in Wireshark
Decrypting TLS 1.2 data using Wireshark requires capturing the encrypted network traffic and obtaining the necessary cryptographic information, including the (Pre)-Master-Secret. Here's a high-level overview of the process:
Set up the environment:
Install the latest version of Wireshark on your system.
Configure your browser and Wireshark to capture the network traffic between the browser and the WCF service.
Capture the network traffic:
Open Wireshark and start capturing network traffic on the appropriate network interface.
Reproduce the desired network connection between your browser and the WCF service, ensuring that the TLS 1.2 traffic is captured by Wireshark.
Export the TLS session keys:
Stop the network capture in Wireshark.
Locate the TLS handshake packets in the captured traffic. These packets contain the (Pre)-Master-Secret required for decryption.
Right-click on one of the TLS handshake packets and select "Follow" > "SSL" or "TLS" to view the details.
In the SSL/TLS session details window, locate the "Pre-Master-Secret" or "Master-Secret" value. Right-click on it and choose "Export Packet Bytes."
Save the exported packet bytes to a file, preferably with a ".key" extension.
Configure Wireshark to decrypt the TLS traffic:
Open the Wireshark application.
Go to "Edit" > "Preferences" (or "Wireshark" > "Preferences" on macOS).
In the Preferences window, select "Protocols" > "SSL."
Click on "Browse" next to the "(Pre)-Master-Secret log filename" option.
Browse and select the ".key" file containing the exported (Pre)-Master-Secret.
Click "OK" to close the Preferences window.
View the decrypted TLS traffic:
Open the captured TLS 1.2 traffic in Wireshark.
Wireshark will attempt to decrypt the TLS traffic using the provided (Pre)-Master-Secret.
You should now see the decrypted TLS 1.2 data in the Wireshark capture, allowing you to inspect the exchanged messages between the browser and the WCF service.
Note: The (Pre)-Master-Secret method requires capturing the handshake packets and exporting the session keys during the capture. This means that you need to capture the traffic in real-time to obtain the necessary cryptographic information.
Keep in mind that decrypting TLS traffic should only be performed on your own network or with proper authorization. Decrypting traffic without proper permission may violate privacy and security guidelines.
Here are the steps on how to decrypt TLS 1.2 data using Wireshark on a connection from the browser to the WCF service using the (Pre)-Master-Secret method:
Start Wireshark and capture traffic from the browser to the WCF service.
In Wireshark, go to Edit > Preferences > Protocols > TLS.
In the (Pre)-Master-Secret log filename field, enter the path to a file where you want to save the (Pre)-Master-Secret values.
Start the browser and connect to the WCF service.
In Wireshark, filter for TLS traffic.
Look for a packet that contains the (Pre)-Master-Secret value.
Right-click on the packet and select Decode As > (Pre)-Master-Secret.
The (Pre)-Master-Secret value will be displayed in the Decode As dialog box.
You can now use the (Pre)-Master-Secret value to decrypt the TLS traffic.
Here are some additional tips for decrypting TLS 1.2 data using Wireshark:
Make sure that you are using a recent version of Wireshark. Older versions of Wireshark may not be able to decrypt TLS 1.2 traffic.
You may need to install the TLS dissector plugin for Wireshark. The TLS dissector plugin can be downloaded from the Wireshark website.
If you are capturing traffic from a remote machine, you may need to use a proxy or a VPN to capture the traffic.
Decrypting TLS 1.2 traffic may be illegal in some jurisdictions. Please check your local laws before attempting to decrypt TLS 1.2 traffic
When capturing network traffic of a VM running in NAT mode with Wireshark, the IP address will be used to represent the host machine. This is because the NAT mode in VirtualBox uses a private network that is isolated from the rest of the network. The IP address is assigned to the host machine by VirtualBox and is used to communicate with the VM.
To capture network traffic of a VM running in NAT mode with Wireshark, you will need to do the following:
Start Wireshark and select the appropriate interface to capture traffic on.
In Wireshark, filter the traffic to only show traffic from the VM.
Start the VM and perform the actions that you want to capture traffic for.
When you are finished capturing traffic, stop Wireshark and save the capture file.
To filter the traffic to only show traffic from the VM, you can use the following filter:
Code snippet
ip.addr ==
Use code with caution. Learn more
This filter will only show traffic that is sent to or from the IP address
You can also use the following filter to show all traffic that is sent to or from the VM:
Code snippet
Use code with caution. Learn more
This filter will show all traffic that is sent to or from any IP address in the subnet.
Once you have captured the traffic, you can use Wireshark to analyze it. Wireshark can be used to view the contents of the packets, as well as the headers of the packets. This information can be used to troubleshoot network problems, as well as to learn more about how the network works
When capturing network traffic of a virtual machine (VM) running in NAT mode with Wireshark, the IP address is significant as it represents the host machine's IP address from the perspective of the guest machine. Here's how it relates to capturing network traffic with Wireshark:
NAT networking in VirtualBox: In NAT mode, VirtualBox sets up a virtual network interface on the guest machine that allows it to access the external network using the host machine's network connection. The host machine performs network address translation, allowing the guest machine to communicate with the outside world.
Host-guest communication: The IP address is automatically assigned to the host machine's virtual network interface within the guest machine. It serves as a gateway IP address that represents the host from the guest's perspective.
Capturing traffic with Wireshark: To capture network traffic from the VM running in NAT mode using Wireshark, you need to select the appropriate network interface in Wireshark's capture options. Typically, this interface is associated with the NAT adapter in VirtualBox (e.g., "VirtualBox Host-Only Network" or "VMnet8").
Set capture filter: Optionally, you can set a capture filter in Wireshark to focus on specific traffic of interest. For example, you can set a filter to capture traffic to or from the IP address
ip.addr ==
This capture filter will capture network packets involving communication to or from the host machine (from the guest machine's perspective).
Generate traffic in the VM: Perform activities within the guest machine that generate the desired network traffic. This can include accessing websites, sending/receiving emails, or running specific applications.
Capture and analyze traffic: Start the capture in Wireshark, allowing it to capture the network traffic on the selected interface. Analyze the captured packets to inspect the network communication between the guest machine and the external network, including any traffic involving the host machine's IP address (
By capturing network traffic in Wireshark with the appropriate network interface and using a capture filter that includes the IP address, you can focus on the communication between the guest machine and the host machine in a NAT environment. This enables you to monitor and analyze the network traffic generated by the guest machine, including its interaction with the host machine.
In Wireshark, the time column in packet captures is typically displayed in a Unix timestamp format, which represents the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC). To convert the time column to a human-readable format, you can follow these steps:
In Wireshark, select the packet capture you want to view.
Right-click on the "Time" column in the packet list pane.
Select "Column Preferences" from the context menu.
Columns > Type > List Down
Explain :Frame 36708: 66 bytes on wire (528 bits), 66 bytes captured (528 bits) on interface \Device\NPF_{8448692C-9E4C-444E-AA93-5BD16BA7CDD2}, id 0
This appears to be a description of a network packet capture, which includes information about the packet's size and the interface it was captured on. Here's how the information in the description can be mapped to the OSI model:
Physical Layer (Layer 1): The number of bits in the packet (528) and the interface it was captured on (\Device\NPF_{8448692C-9E4C-444E-AA93-5BD16BA7CDD2) both relate to the physical layer, which deals with the transmission of raw bits over a physical medium.
Data Link Layer (Layer 2): The mention of a "Frame" in the description suggests that this is a data link layer packet. The size of the packet in bytes (66) indicates that it is a relatively small packet, which could suggest that it is a control packet (e.g., an acknowledgement or a request for retransmission).
Network Layer (Layer 3) and higher: Without additional information, it's not possible to say which protocols are being used at the network layer (or higher layers, if present) in the packet capture. However, it's worth noting that the size of the packet (66 bytes) is well within the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for most network layer protocols, which is typically around 1500 bytes.
Overall, the description of the packet capture doesn't provide enough information to determine the specific protocol being used or the contents of the packet.
Explain this according to OSI layer :Ethernet II, Src: HuaweiTe_dd:e8:7c (e0:24:7f:dd:e8:7c), Dst: VMware_be:3a:94 (00:50:56:be:3a:94)
The given information describes a data packet that was sent using the Ethernet II (also known as DIX) protocol. Ethernet II is a network protocol that operates at the data link layer (Layer 2) of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model.
The packet's source address (Src) is "HuaweiTe_dd:e8:7c" (e0:24:7f:dd:e8:7c), which is the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the device that originated the packet. The MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to each network interface controller (NIC) of a device.
The destination address (Dst) is "VMware_be:3a:94" (00:50:56:be:3a:94), which is the MAC address of the device that the packet is intended for. The MAC address is used at the data link layer to direct packets to the correct destination.
Therefore, the information given pertains to Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) of the OSI model, specifically the Ethernet II protocol.
In Wireshark, the "coloring rule name TCP SYN/FIN" refers to a display filter that highlights packets in the capture that have both the SYN and FIN flags set in the TCP header. The SYN and FIN flags are used by the TCP protocol to establish and terminate connections, respectively.
When a TCP connection is established, the client sends a packet with the SYN flag set to initiate the connection, and the server responds with a packet with both the SYN and ACK flags set to acknowledge the request and initiate the connection. When a connection is terminated, the sender sends a packet with the FIN flag set to indicate that it has finished sending data, and the receiver sends a packet with both the FIN and ACK flags set to confirm receipt of the FIN packet and indicate that it has finished receiving data.
By highlighting packets with both the SYN and FIN flags set, the "coloring rule name TCP SYN/FIN" helps to identify potentially suspicious network activity, such as a TCP SYN/FIN scan, where an attacker sends packets with the SYN and FIN flags set to attempt to probe for open ports or vulnerable systems. The coloring rule can be useful in detecting such attacks and other anomalies in network traffic.
eth.addr Traffic to or from an ethernet address
wlan.addr Hardware address [Ethernet or MAC address]
arp.src.proto_ipv4 Sender IP in ARP packets
tcp.analysis.ack_rtt Round-trip time
#The TCP retransmission mechanism ensures that data is reliably sent from end to end
tcp.analysis.retransmission #Display all the retransmissions,packet loss has occurred on the network somewhere between client and server
#wireshark version 3.4.9, after downloading&configuring maxmind databases
ip and not == "United States" #Exclude U.S.-based traffic
ip.geoip.dst_city == "Dublin" #Destination City [IPv4] == "Dublin" #Source or Destination City [IPv4]
ip.geoip.dst_country == "Ireland"
ip.geoip.dst_country_iso == "IE"
! == "United States" #All Destination Countries Except United States
not == "United States" #All Destination Countries Except United States:
#wireshark version 3.4.9
ip.addr ==
ip.dst == #destinatioon ip address
ip.src ==
eth.dst == 00:0C:CC:76:4E:07 #source mac filter
eth.src == 00:0C:CC:76:4E:07 #destination mac filter
ether host 00:18:0a:aa:bb:cc #a specific mac. This will not work on interfaces where traffic has been NATed like NAT mode SSID or an Internet interface
bootp.hw.mac_addr == 00:0C:29:D5:AA:AA
Protocol filter
tcp - will only display TCP packets
udp - will only display UDP packets
icmp - will only display ICMP (ping) packets
dhcp - will display DHCP packets (if you are using an old version of Wireshark you'll need to use bootp)
dns - will display DNS packets
telnet - will telnet DNS packets
#DORA - Discover, Offer, Request, and Ack
#Display Filter Reference: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
dhcp and ip.addr == #only dhcp
dhcp.hw.mac_addr == a4:83:e7:c9:37:cd #find DORA - Discover, Offer, Request, and Ack.The DORA all has the same ID
(dhcp and ip.addr == and ip.addr == # DHCP MMC - Client IP Address
(dhcp and ip.addr == and dhcp.hw.mac_addr == a4:83:e7:c9:37:cd # DHCP MMC - Unique ID (Client MAC Address)
tcp.port == 80 - this will display un-encrypted TCP traffic on port 80.
tcp.port == 443 - this will only show encrypted TCP traffic using port 443.
udp.port == 53 - another way of specifying DNS traffic, this will filter off of DNS's use of UDP port 53.
(tcp.dstport == 53) && (dns.flags.response == 0) && (dns.qry.type == 0x00fc) #DNS Zone Transfer request
(tcp.srcport == 53) && (dns.flags.response == 1) && (dns.qry.type == 0x00fc) #DNS Zone Transfer response
dns.qry.type in {251 252} or dns.flags.opcode eq 4 #DNS Zone Transfer
#UDP or TCP Stream eq ${} eq ${}
#Retransmit the query with the same transaction ID to their primary server
#Retransmit the query with the same transaction ID to their secondary (or ternary) server
#If retransmits the query to either their secondary or ternary servers, the UDP stream number changes.The transaction ID does not. eq ${} == 0xff0b #Transaction ID
#nslookup #dns query via dns server(,optional == == and dns.time > 0.01
dns.time > 0.5 #0.5 seconds 500 miliseconds
dns.time > 1 # 1 sec
dns.time > .6 # greater than 600 miliseconds
dns and == "" #filter based on the queried domain name contains and dns
dns.qry.type == 15 #filter MX queries
DNS pointer(PTR) query/response
dns.qry.type == 12
udp.port == 53
port 53 #Capture only DNS (port 53) traffic
port not 53 and not arp #Capture except all ARP and DNS traffic
!dns.response_in and dns.flags.response == 0 and dns # the lack of a recorded reply (!dns.response_in) combined with only looking for DNS queries (dns.flags.response == 0) that are only UDP port 53 (dns)
dns.flags.response == 0 # only DNS queries
dns.flags.response eq 1 # only DNS response queries
# RFC 6895 Domain Name System (DNS) IANA Considerations
dns.flags.rcode != 0 or (dns.flags.response eq 1 and dns.qry.type eq 28 and !dns.aaaa) #DNS Errors
dns.flags.rcode == 3 #NXDomain Non-Existent Domain
((dns.flags.rcode == 3) && !( contains ".local") && !( contains ".svc") && !( contains ".cluster"))
(dns.flags.rcode == 0) && ( == "") #No Error ,nslookup
dns.flags.rcode != 0 or (dns.flags.response eq 1 and dns.qry.type eq 28 and !dns.aaaa)
dns.flags.rcode eq 0 and dns.time gt .1 #Slow Responses
dns.flags.rcode > 0 #finding DNS errors
Ping sweep
icmp.type == 8 || icmp.type == 0
ICMP Type 8 = ECHO Request
ICMP Type 0 = ECHO Reply
icmp || icmpv6
(icmp.type==3) && (icmp.code==1)
“icmp.type==8 and not icmp.resp_in“ #filter for all ICMP echo request packets where the “response in” field does not exist, and find all unanswered pings
“icmp.type==8 and icmp.resp_not_found“ #no response was seen
tcp.dstport == 25 #Wireshark Filter Destination Port
tcp.port in {443 4430..4434}
tcp.flags.reset == 1 && tcp.flags.ack == 1 && tcp.seq == 1 && tcp.ack == 1 #connection refusal ACK scan
http.request.method == GET
http.request.method == POST #Wireshark Filter HTTP POST
http.request.method == POST && frame contains "login" #Wireshark Filter HTTP POST
#Capture HTTP GET requests
port 80 and tcp[((tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2):4] = 0x47455420 #looks for the bytes 'G', 'E', 'T', and ' ' (hex values 47, 45, 54, and 20) just after the TCP header. "tcp[12:1] & 0xf0) >> 2"
ip.addr ==
ip.addr == or ip.addr == - is going to display both as well as
ip.addr== and ip.addr== #Filter packets between two devices in a capture, menu -> statistics -> conversations
ip.addr >= and ip.addr <=
ip.addr == and dns - will only show the host and it's DNS traffic.
(ip.addr == or ip.addr == and dns - is going to show dns traffic for two IPs OR
(ip.addr == and dns) or ( and icmp) - here the parentheses are being used to combine two completely different filters. DNS traffic for as well as icmp traffic for
not ip.addr == - is going to exclude all traffic that has an IP of
ip.dst ==
ip.src ==
#tcp 3 way handshake,
ip.addr== and ip.addr== and (tcp.flags == 0x0012) #looks for TCP flags set,displays the ones which have both SYN and ACK set.
ip.addr== and ip.addr== and and (tcp.seq==0 or (tcp.seq==1 and tcp.ack == 1 and tcp.nxtseq==1))
#analyze - conversation filter - TCP
“tcp.flags.syn==1 or (tcp.seq==1 and tcp.ack==1 and tcp.len==0 and tcp.analysis.initial_rtt)” #show the handshake packets of any conversation,
Edit > Preferences > Protocols > TCP > Relative sequence numbers #get the actual TCP sequence number
Wireshark Filter SYN
tcp.flags.syn == 1
tcp.flags.syn == 1 && tcp.flags.ack == 0
SYN/ACK packets(bitwise filter)
tcp.flags & 0x12
tcp.flags.syn == 1 && tcp.flags.ack == 0 && tcp.ack == 0
TLS handshake
tls.record.content_type == 22
only TLS traffice
client Hello
tls.handshake.type == 1
server Hello
tls.handshake.type == 2
connection close
tls.record.content_type == 21
tls.handshake.extensions_server_name contains "badsite"
#When the timeout occurs, the client usually sends an RST to the server to filter out the packets with the handshake timeout.
(tcp.flags.reset eq 1) and (tcp.flags.ack eq 0)
#Filter out packets that are slow to respond to SYNACK during the server handshake
tcp.flags eq 0x012 && tcp.time_delta gt 0.0001
frame contains "tls"
net #Capture traffic to or from a range of IP addresses
dst net #Capture traffic to a range of IP addresses
src net
src net mask
host #Capture only traffic to or from IP address
host and not (port 80 or port 25) #Capture non-HTTP and non-SMTP traffic on your server (both are equivalent)
host and not port 80 and not port 25
host # capture traffic going to the Google DNS server
(tcp[0:2] > 1500 and tcp[0:2] < 1550) or (tcp[2:2] > 1500 and tcp[2:2] < 1550) #Capture traffic within a range of ports
tcp portrange 1501-1549
ether proto 0x888e #Capture only Ethernet type EAPOL
not ether dst 01:80:c2:00:00:0e #Reject ethernet frames towards the Link Layer Discovery Protocol Multicast group
not broadcast and not multicast
ip #Capture only IPv4 traffic,get rid of lower layer protocols like ARP and STP
dst port 135 and tcp port 135 and ip[2:2]==48 #Blaster worm
#Welchia worm
#looks for an icmp echo request that is 92 bytes long and has an icmp payload that begins with 4 bytes of A's (hex)
#the signature of the welchia worm just before it tries to compromise a system
icmp[icmptype]==icmp-echo and ip[2:2]==92 and icmp[8:4]==0xAAAAAAAA
# worm query
#looks for SYN packets originating from a local network on those specific ports,contacting other hosts on ports 135, 445, or 1433
dst port 135 or dst port 445 or dst port 1433 and tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-syn) != 0 and tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-ack) = 0 and src net
#Heartbleed Exploit
tcp src port 443 and (tcp[((tcp[12] & 0xF0) >> 4 ) * 4] = 0x18) and (tcp[((tcp[12] & 0xF0) >> 4 ) * 4 + 1] = 0x03) and (tcp[((tcp[12] & 0xF0) >> 4 ) * 4 + 2] < 0x04) and ((ip[2:2] - 4 * (ip[0] & 0x0F) - 4 * ((tcp[12] & 0xF0) >> 4) > 69))
------------------------------------------------IPv6 basecamp------------------------------------------------
dst host ff02::1 #Capture IPv6 "all nodes" ,find rogue RAs
Menu-View-Packet Bytes #The “Packet Bytes” pane
canonical hex dump of the packet data
Each line contains the data offset(left), bytes interpreted as sixteen hexadecimal(middle), and bytes interpreted a sixteen ASCII (right). Non-printable bytes are replaced with a period (“.”).
offset(left) (hexadecimal) beginning of the frame
0010 0x10 16
0020 0x20 32
0030 0x30 48
left middle right
0020 20 21 22 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F
0030 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F
3F(hexadeciaml)=63(decimal) -> 63rd byte
"X" in ascii = 78 in hexadecimal
converter hexadecimal,decimal,byte etc.
converter table
Menu-View-Coloring Rules-Import #
tcp.port == 9001 or tcp.port == 9030 or tcp.port == 9150
RawCap.exe -q - | Wireshark.exe -i - -k #Streaming PCAP to Wireshark
#write the PCAP data to a named pipe, and then let Wireshark "sniff" packets from that named pipe
RawCap.exe \\.\pipe\RawCap #write PCAP data to a named pipe called "RawCap"
Wireshark-Capture-Options-Manage Interfaces-Pipes- "+" button -Name the pipe "\\.\pipe\RawCap"
SL.handshake.type==1 SSL Client Hello requests
tcp port 389 #Capture LDAP traffic over the default port (389)
ldap #Show only the LDAP based traffic
# backtracking, ChatGPT
Let's walk through a hypothetical scenario involving backtracking to trace a spoofed IP packet back to its source:
Scenario Overview:
Objective: Trace a spoofed IP packet from its destination back to its original source.
Situation: A company's server ( receives a suspicious packet with a forged source IP (
Goal: Use backtracking to identify the actual source of the spoofed packet.
Steps for Backtracking:
Initial Alert:
The server's intrusion detection system triggers an alert for an incoming packet from, suspicious due to its nature or frequency.
Packet Capture:
Network administrators start packet capture on the server to gather detailed information about the incoming packet.
Tracing the Packet Path:
Accessing the server's logs, they identify the packet's entry point, which is the server's external interface.
They then check the server's routing table or logs to see which gateway (router) received the packet.
Router Logs Analysis:
The network administrators access the router's logs to determine the next hop in the packet's journey.
They identify the router's external interface that received the packet from the server.
Continuing Backtracking:
By accessing logs from subsequent routers or gateways, they continue to trace the packet's path back through the network.
Challenges and Limitations:
As they backtrack, they encounter numerous logs with each router's information.
The problem arises when the source IP appears different at each hop due to IP spoofing.
Identifying Discrepancies:
While backtracking, they notice discrepancies in the source IP addresses logged at each router. The spoofed source IP changes at each hop.
Roadblock due to Spoofing:
The actual source IP ( is a spoofed address deliberately changed at each router, obscuring the true origin.
Limitations and Resolution:
Due to the deliberate manipulation (spoofing), it becomes impossible to reliably trace the packet's original source.
Network administrators might reach out to ISPs or forensic experts to explore further tracing methods beyond their network boundaries.
In this scenario, while backtracking helped trace the packet's path through the network, the deliberate IP spoofing posed a significant challenge. As a result, reliable identification of the true source of the spoofed packet was unattainable through backtracking alone. This situation often necessitates advanced collaboration, forensic analysis, or cooperation with external entities to uncover the actual source of the spoofed packet
# backtracking, Bard
Backtracking in Action: Unmasking the Spoofed IP
Imagine you're working in a bustling IT security center, monitoring internet traffic for a major financial institution. Suddenly, an alarm blares: a suspicious transaction originating from a seemingly trustworthy source, a bank in Paris. But something is off – the IP address doesn't quite match. It appears the transaction comes from a small cafe in Romania!
This is where backtracking comes into play, your digital detective tool to chase down the culprit. Here's how it unfolds:
1. The Trail Begins:
You identify the spoofed IP address in the transaction packet.
Your backtracking tool, let's call it "Sherlock," fires a special query packet back to the Romanian cafe's IP address.
2. Interrogating the Routers:
Like a seasoned investigator, Sherlock asks questions at each stop along the packet's route.
Routers act as informants, responding with their own IP addresses as the query packet hops from country to country.
Some routers might be tight-lipped, not supporting backtracking or providing minimal information.
But others, equipped for cooperation, reveal details like timestamps or even packet marking (digital breadcrumbs placed by Sherlock earlier).
3. Building the Path:
With each response, Sherlock pieces together the puzzle, mapping the packet's journey.
The Romanian cafe becomes the first suspect, but perhaps it's just an unwitting pawn.
The trail might lead through internet exchanges, servers in hidden corners, and even other compromised devices acting as stepping stones.
4. Closing in on the Source:
Sherlock keeps asking questions, relentlessly following the digital tracks.
With each hop, the net tightens around the real culprit.
Finally, the trace might end at a server in a remote location, the true orchestrator of the spoofed transaction.
5. Justice Served (almost):
You now have a clearer picture of the attacker's network and potential location.
This valuable intelligence can be shared with law enforcement for further investigation and potential apprehension.
While backtracking doesn't guarantee catching the perpetrator red-handed, it significantly advances the case, exposing the web of deceit.
Backtracking is not a magic bullet. Attackers can employ countermeasures like spoofing responses or hiding behind complex networks.
It requires cooperation from network providers and the right tools for effective tracing.
But as a powerful investigative tool, it can significantly improve your chances of unmasking spoofed IP packets and thwarting future attacks.
So, the next time a suspicious IP address raises your eyebrows, remember Sherlock – your digital ally in the pursuit of truth and justice in the internet's intricate landscapes. By wielding backtracking skillfully, you can help protect your networks and users from the shadows of deceit.
# backtracking, Bard
I'll explain backtracking within the context of the example you provided:
A spoofed IP packet arrives, claiming to be from an IP address in Germany, but you suspect it might be originating elsewhere.
Backtracking in Action:
Your security system sends a query packet back to the spoofed IP address in Germany.
First Hop:
The first router on the path receives the query. It might:
Respond: It reveals its own IP address, indicating it's the first hop.
Forward: It sends the query onward without responding, requiring further investigation.
Iterative Process:
Your system analyzes the response (or forwarding behavior) and sends a new query to the previous hop identified.
This process repeats at each hop, revealing a chain of IP addresses leading back towards the source.
Addressing Limitations:
If a router doesn't support backtracking or doesn't provide sufficient information, you might need to collaborate with other network administrators or ISPs to obtain necessary data.
Tracing the Path:
The path might reveal:
A server in Russia as the actual source, indicating the German IP was spoofed.
A compromised device in Brazil used as a proxy, requiring further tracing.
Attackers might employ spoofing techniques or complex network routes to hinder backtracking.
Not all routers cooperate or provide accurate information.
Key Points:
Backtracking actively probes routers to reveal path information, going beyond passive tracing of IP addresses in logs.
It's a valuable tool but has limitations and requires careful interpretation of results.
Combining backtracking with other security measures and collaboration is crucial for effective spoofing mitigation.
# IP traceback, Bard
IP Traceback:
A technique specifically designed to trace spoofed IP packets back to their true origins.
It often involves marking packets with identifying information as they traverse the network, creating a trail to follow.
A spoofed IP packet arrives, claiming to be from Germany, but you suspect a different source.
IP Traceback in Action:
Packet Marking:
Routers along the path mark the packet with unique identifiers, often using Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM):
Each router randomly decides whether to mark the packet with its own IP address or partial information.
This creates a probabilistic "breadcrumb" trail.
Collection and Analysis:
When the spoofed packet reaches you, analyze the accumulated markings.
Statistical methods reconstruct the probable path the packet took, leading back towards the source.
Path Reconstruction:
The analysis might reveal:
A server in Russia as the likely origin, indicating the German IP was spoofed.
A series of compromised devices used as proxies, requiring further tracing.
Attackers might manipulate markings or exploit limitations of PPM to obscure the trail.
Widespread adoption of IP traceback techniques is needed for effectiveness.
Privacy concerns might arise as IP traceback reveals network paths.
Key Points:
IP traceback offers a more specialized approach to tracing spoofed packets compared to general backtracking.
It relies on active cooperation from routers and sophisticated analysis techniques.
Continuous development and adoption are crucial for its success in combating spoofing attacks.
IP traceback is a valuable tool, but it's not a silver bullet. It's best used in conjunction with other security measures like ingress filtering, authentication protocols, and vigilant monitoring.
Collaborative efforts among network providers and law enforcement can further enhance its effectiveness.
# IP traceback, ChatGPT
IP traceback is the process of determining the origin or source of a network packet by tracing it back through the network. The goal is to identify the true source of the packet, especially in cases where the source IP address has been spoofed or manipulated. Let's break down the example:
Spoofed IP Packet: This refers to a network packet in which the source IP address has been intentionally manipulated to deceive or hide the true origin of the packet.
Tracing Back: The objective of IP traceback is to trace the path of the spoofed packet back through the network, determining the sequence of routers or nodes it traversed.
Reliably Tracing: The term "reliably" emphasizes the difficulty of this task. Tracing a spoofed packet is challenging because the malicious actor deliberately tries to conceal the true source. Reliable traceback methods aim to overcome the deceptive nature of IP spoofing.
Each New IP Address at Each Hop: In a network, a "hop" occurs each time a packet moves from one network node (like a router or switch) to another. At each hop, the packet may be assigned a new IP address based on the configuration of the network.
Following the IP Addresses Back to the Source: To perform IP traceback, one needs to follow the trail of IP addresses assigned to the packet at each hop, moving backward through the network. This involves examining the headers of the packet and identifying the source IP addresses at each step.
IP Traceback Techniques: Various techniques and technologies exist for IP traceback, such as logging information at routers, packet marking, and using specialized protocols. These methods help in reconstructing the path taken by a packet and determining the true source.
In summary, IP traceback involves systematically tracing a spoofed IP packet back through the network by following the sequence of IP addresses assigned at each hop. The challenge lies in reliably identifying the true source of the packet despite the intentional efforts to conceal it through IP address spoofing. This process is crucial for enhancing network security and preventing malicious activities that involve the manipulation of packet headers.
Wireshark Output for nmap IP Fragment Scan (Sample):
Filter: == 1
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 TCP 40 Fragment 1 of TCP SYN probe to port 22 (SSH)
2 00:00:00.001000 TCP 32 Fragment 2 of TCP SYN probe to port 22 (SSH)
3 00:00:00.002000 TCP 40 Fragment 1 of TCP SYN probe to port 80 (HTTP)
4 00:00:00.003000 TCP 32 Fragment 2 of TCP SYN probe to port 80 (HTTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 TCP 40 Fragment 1 of TCP SYN probe to port 443 (HTTPS)
... (Similar entries for other ports)
Source: The IP address sending fragmented scan probes.
Destination: The target IP address being scanned.
Protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
Length: Fragment lengths (total packet reassembled in Wireshark).
Info: Indicates fragmented TCP SYN scan probes.
MF Flag: == 1 filters fragmented packets (More Fragments flag set).
Key Points:
Fragmentation: Packets are intentionally fragmented to bypass basic firewalls that don't reassemble fragments.
Reassembly: Wireshark reassembles fragments, but some firewalls might not.
Response Analysis:
Reassembled Response: Firewall didn't block fragments.
No Response: Firewall might have blocked fragments.
Ethical Considerations: Fragment scanning can be intrusive and can evade security measures. Use with caution and permission.
This is a generic example. Actual output varies based on scan parameters and network configuration.
Ethical considerations: Scan only with permission and respect privacy.
IP fragment scanning can be less reliable than other methods due to firewall variations and reassembly inconsistencies.
Wireshark Output for nmap IP Fragment Scan (Sample):
Filter: == 1
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 TCP 40 Fragment 1 of TCP SYN probe to port 22 (SSH)
2 00:00:00.001000 TCP 32 Fragment 2 of TCP SYN probe to port 22 (SSH)
3 00:00:00.002000 TCP 40 Fragment 1 of TCP SYN probe to port 80 (HTTP)
4 00:00:00.003000 TCP 32 Fragment 2 of TCP SYN probe to port 80 (HTTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 TCP 40 Fragment 1 of TCP SYN probe to port 443 (HTTPS)
... (Similar entries for other ports)
Source: The IP address sending fragmented scan probes.
Destination: The target IP address being scanned.
Protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
Length: Fragment lengths (total packet reassembled in Wireshark).
Info: Indicates fragmented TCP SYN scan probes.
MF Flag: == 1 filters fragmented packets (More Fragments flag set).
Key Points:
Fragmentation: Packets are intentionally fragmented to bypass basic firewalls that don't reassemble fragments.
Reassembly: Wireshark reassembles fragments, but some firewalls might not.
Response Analysis:
Reassembled Response: Firewall didn't block fragments.
No Response: Firewall might have blocked fragments.
Ethical Considerations: Fragment scanning can be intrusive and can evade security measures. Use with caution and permission.
This is a generic example. Actual output varies based on scan parameters and network configuration.
Ethical considerations: Scan only with permission and respect privacy.
IP fragment scanning can be less reliable than other methods due to firewall variations and reassembly inconsistencies.
However, I can provide a generic example of what a Wireshark output might look like for an Nmap UDP scan in a controlled environment:
Copy code
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 0.000000 UDP 54 [UDP Scan]
Frame 1: 54 bytes on wire (432 bits), 54 bytes captured (432 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: Scanning_MAC, Dst: Target_MAC
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: random, Dst Port: 53, Length: 34
In this simulated example:
A UDP scan is conducted by sending a UDP packet from the source IP address ( to the destination IP address ( on port 53 (DNS). Note that UDP scans typically target services that use the UDP protocol.
The packet is 54 bytes in length and contains UDP-specific headers.
The UDP packet is sent with a random source port.
Keep in mind that this is a generic example, and the actual output may vary based on the specific options used in the Nmap scan, the target environment, and other factors. Additionally, UDP scanning can be more challenging and may not always provide accurate results due to the stateless nature of the UDP protocol.
Always ensure that you have explicit authorization before conducting any network scanning activities, as unauthorized scanning can lead to legal consequences.
However, I can provide a generic example of what a Wireshark output might look like for an Nmap UDP scan in a controlled environment:
Copy code
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 0.000000 UDP 54 [UDP Scan]
Frame 1: 54 bytes on wire (432 bits), 54 bytes captured (432 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: Scanning_MAC, Dst: Target_MAC
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: random, Dst Port: 53, Length: 34
In this simulated example:
A UDP scan is conducted by sending a UDP packet from the source IP address ( to the destination IP address ( on port 53 (DNS). Note that UDP scans typically target services that use the UDP protocol.
The packet is 54 bytes in length and contains UDP-specific headers.
The UDP packet is sent with a random source port.
Keep in mind that this is a generic example, and the actual output may vary based on the specific options used in the Nmap scan, the target environment, and other factors. Additionally, UDP scanning can be more challenging and may not always provide accurate results due to the stateless nature of the UDP protocol.
Always ensure that you have explicit authorization before conducting any network scanning activities, as unauthorized scanning can lead to legal consequences.
Wireshark Output for nmap UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Scan (Sample):
Filter: udp
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 53 (DNS)
2 00:00:00.001000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 161 (SNMP)
3 00:00:00.002000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 67 (DHCP)
4 00:00:00.003000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 123 (NTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 137 (NetBIOS)
6 00:00:00.005000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 138 (NetBIOS)
7 00:00:00.006000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 162 (SNMP Trap)
8 00:00:00.007000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 69 (TFTP)
9 00:00:00.008000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 1434 (MS-SQL Server)
10 00:00:00.009000 UDP 0 UDP scan probe to port 5060 (SIP)
Source: The IP address sending UDP scan probes.
Destination: The target IP address being scanned.
Protocol: UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
Length: Packet length (typically short for probes).
Info: Indicates UDP scan probes to various commonly used ports.
Key Points:
No Connection Establishment: UDP doesn't establish connections like TCP, so probes are simply sent to target ports.
Response Analysis:
ICMP Port Unreachable: Suggests a closed port.
No Response: Implies an open, filtered, or rate-limited port.
Application-Specific Response: Confirms an open port and the application running on it.
Filter: Use udp in Wireshark to isolate UDP traffic, including probes.
Actual Responses: Inspect responses to accurately determine port states and firewall presence.
This is a generic example. Actual output varies based on scan parameters and network configuration.
Ethical considerations: Scan only with permission and respect privacy.
UDP scanning can be less reliable than TCP scanning for determining port states due to potential firewall interference and lack of inherent acknowledgment mechanisms
Wireshark Output for nmap Inverse TCP Flag Scan (Sample):
Filter: tcp && !(tcp.flags.syn || tcp.flags.ack || tcp.flags.rst)
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 TCP 0 FIN/PSH/URG scan probe to port 22 (SSH)
2 00:00:00.001000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 80 (HTTP)
3 00:00:00.002000 TCP 0 FIN scan probe to port 443 (HTTPS)
4 00:00:00.003000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 21 (FTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 25 (SMTP)
6 00:00:00.005000 TCP 0 FIN/PSH/URG scan probe to port 139 (NetBIOS)
7 00:00:00.006000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 137 (NetBIOS)
8 00:00:00.007000 TCP 0 FIN scan probe to port 8080 (HTTP alternative)
9 00:00:00.008000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 445 (SMB)
10 00:00:00.009000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 4444 (OpenVPN)
Source: The IP address sending scan probes.
Destination: The target IP address being scanned.
Protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
Length: Packet length (usually 0 bytes for probes).
Info: Indicates inverse TCP flag scan probes to various ports (FIN, PSH, URG, Null, XMAS).
Key Points:
Unusual Flags: Notice the absence of typical SYN, ACK, and RST flags in probes.
Response Analysis:
No Response: Suggests an open or filtered port.
RST Response: Confirms a closed port.
Filter: Use tcp && !(tcp.flags.syn || tcp.flags.ack || tcp.flags.rst) in Wireshark to isolate inverse TCP probes.
Actual Responses: Inspect responses for accurate port and firewall analysis.
This is a generic example. Actual output varies based on scan parameters and network configuration.
Ethical considerations: Scan only with permission and respect privacy.
Inverse scans can be stealthy but might not always be reliable for determining port states.
Wireshark Output for nmap ACK (Acknowledgment) Flag Scan (Sample):
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 0.000000000 TCP 60 80 → 1234 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0
Frame 1: 60 bytes on wire (480 bits), 60 bytes captured (480 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 00:11:22:33:44:55 (00:11:22:33:44:55), Dst: 00:11:22:33:44:66 (00:11:22:33:44:66)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 80, Dst Port: 1234, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0
Flags: .A...., ack 1, win 65535, length 0
Wireshark Output for nmap ACK (Acknowledgment) Flag Scan (Sample):
Filter: tcp && tcp.flags.ack
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 22 (SSH)
2 00:00:00.001000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 80 (HTTP)
3 00:00:00.002000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 443 (HTTPS)
4 00:00:00.003000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 21 (FTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 25 (SMTP)
6 00:00:00.005000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 139 (NetBIOS)
7 00:00:00.006000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 137 (NetBIOS)
8 00:00:00.007000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 8080 (HTTP alternative)
9 00:00:00.008000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 445 (SMB)
10 00:00:00.009000 TCP 0 ACK scan probe to port 4444 (OpenVPN)
Source: The IP address sending scan probes.
Destination: The target IP address being scanned.
Protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
Length: Packet length (typically 0 bytes for probes).
Info: Indicates ACK scan probes to various ports.
Key Points:
ACK Flag: Notice only the ACK flag is set in the TCP header of probes.
Response Analysis:
Unfiltered Response: Suggests an unfiltered port (open or closed).
No Response: Implies a filtered port (likely by a firewall).
Filter: Use tcp && tcp.flags.ack in Wireshark to isolate ACK probes.
Actual Responses: Inspect responses to accurately determine port states and firewall presence.
This is a generic example. Actual output varies based on scan parameters and network configuration.
Ethical considerations: Scan only with permission and respect privacy.
Wireshark Output for nmap TCP XMAS Scan (Sample):
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 0.000000000 TCP 60 80 → 1234 [FIN, PSH, URG] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0
Frame 1: 60 bytes on wire (480 bits), 60 bytes captured (480 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 00:11:22:33:44:55 (00:11:22:33:44:55), Dst: 00:11:22:33:44:66 (00:11:22:33:44:66)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 80, Dst Port: 1234, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0
Flags: ...FPU., seq 1, ack 1, win 65535, length 0
Wireshark Output for nmap TCP XMAS Scan (Sample):
Filter: tcp && (tcp.flags.fin || tcp.flags.psh || tcp.flags.urg)
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 22 (SSH)
2 00:00:00.001000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 80 (HTTP)
3 00:00:00.002000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 443 (HTTPS)
4 00:00:00.003000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 21 (FTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 25 (SMTP)
6 00:00:00.005000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 139 (NetBIOS)
7 00:00:00.006000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 137 (NetBIOS)
8 00:00:00.007000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 8080 (HTTP alternative)
9 00:00:00.008000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 445 (SMB)
10 00:00:00.009000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 4444 (OpenVPN)
Source: The IP address sending scan probes.
Destination: The target IP address being scanned.
Protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
Length: Packet length (0 bytes for probes).
Info: Indicates XMAS scan probes to various ports.
Key Points:
XMAS Flags: Notice the FIN, PSH, and URG flags set simultaneously, forming the "XMAS" pattern.
Response Analysis:
No response: Suggests an open port (though firewalls can also silently drop packets).
RST response: Confirms a closed port.
Filter: The tcp && (tcp.flags.fin || tcp.flags.psh || tcp.flags.urg) filter isolates XMAS probes in Wireshark.
Actual Responses: Inspect responses for accurate port analysis and firewall detection.
This is a generic example. Actual output varies based on scan parameters and network configuration.
Ethical considerations: Scan only with permission and respect privacy.
Wireshark Output for nmap TCP XMAS Scan (Sample):
Filter: tcp && (tcp.flags.fin || tcp.flags.psh || tcp.flags.urg)
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 22 (SSH)
2 00:00:00.001000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 80 (HTTP)
3 00:00:00.002000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 443 (HTTPS)
4 00:00:00.003000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 21 (FTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 25 (SMTP)
6 00:00:00.005000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 139 (NetBIOS)
7 00:00:00.006000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 137 (NetBIOS)
8 00:00:00.007000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 8080 (HTTP alternative)
9 00:00:00.008000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 445 (SMB)
10 00:00:00.009000 TCP 0 XMAS scan probe to port 4444 (OpenVPN)
Source: The IP address sending scan probes.
Destination: The target IP address being scanned.
Protocol: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol).
Length: Packet length (0 bytes for probes).
Info: Indicates XMAS scan probes to various ports.
Key Points:
XMAS Flags: Notice the FIN, PSH, and URG flags set simultaneously, forming the "XMAS" pattern.
Response Analysis:
No response: Suggests an open port (though firewalls can also silently drop packets).
RST response: Confirms a closed port.
Filter: The tcp && (tcp.flags.fin || tcp.flags.psh || tcp.flags.urg) filter isolates XMAS probes in Wireshark.
Actual Responses: Inspect responses for accurate port analysis and firewall detection.
This is a generic example. Actual output varies based on scan parameters and network configuration.
Ethical considerations: Scan only with permission and respect privacy.
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 0.000000000 TCP 60 80 → 1234 [FIN, PSH, URG] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=65535 Len=0
Frame 1: 60 bytes on wire (480 bits), 60 bytes captured (480 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: 00:11:22:33:44:55 (00:11:22:33:44:55), Dst: 00:11:22:33:44:66 (00:11:22:33:44:66)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 80, Dst Port: 1234, Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0
Flags: ...FPU., seq 1, ack 1, win 65535, length 0
In a TCP Null Scan, packets are sent without any flags set. This could potentially penetrate some of the firewalls and discover open ports. If we see packets like this in our network, someone is probably performing TCP null scans (e.g. by running nmap -sN <target>).
Wireshark Output
for nmap TCP Null Scan (Sample):
Filter: tcp && !tcp.flags.syn && !tcp.flags.ack && !tcp.flags.fin && !tcp.flags.psh && !tcp.flags.rst && !tcp.flags.urg
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
1 00:00:00.000000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 22 (SSH)
2 00:00:00.001000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 80 (HTTP)
3 00:00:00.002000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 443 (HTTPS)
4 00:00:00.003000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 21 (FTP)
5 00:00:00.004000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 25 (SMTP)
6 00:00:00.005000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 139 (NetBIOS)
7 00:00:00.006000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 137 (NetBIOS)
8 00:00:00.007000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 8080 (HTTP alternative)
9 00:00:00.008000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 445 (SMB)
10 00:00:00.009000 TCP 0 Null scan probe to port 4444 (OpenVPN)
This Wireshark output shows packets captured after running an nmap TCP null scan against the IP addresses to from the source IP Each packet (rows 1-10) represents a null scan probe sent to a different common port number on the target machines.
Since no SYN, ACK, FIN, PSH, RST, or URG flags are set in the TCP header, these packets represent null probes. The analysis for each probed port can be based on the response:
No response: Indicates the port might be open (though firewalls can also silently drop packets, making it ambiguous).
RST response: Confirms the port is closed.
In this example, we haven't shown any responses to visualize the scan's results. Based on the actual captured responses, you can further deduce the potential state of each port and note any discrepancies that might point to firewalls or other filtering mechanisms.
Remember, this is just a generic example. The actual Wireshark output will vary depending on the specific scan parameters, target network configuration, and network activity during the capture.
I hope this provides a helpful illustration of what you might encounter while investigating a network capture involving an nmap TCP null scan. If you have any specific questions or want me
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