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Created June 12, 2024 07:22
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windows 10 cheat sheet
Here are two ways to run a JNLP file on Windows 10:
Method 1: Using Java Web Start Launcher
Make sure you have Java installed: JNLP files rely on Java to run the application they describe. You can check if you have Java by searching for "java -version" in the Command Prompt or PowerShell. If you don't have it, download and install the latest version from Java download page.
Right-click on the JNLP file: Locate the JNLP file you want to run. Right-click on it.
Open with: In the right-click menu, select "Open with".
Choose Java Web Start Launcher: From the list of programs, choose "Java Web Start Launcher" (if it's not listed, proceed to method 2). This will launch the application described in the JNLP file using Java.
Method 2: Manually Launching with Java Web Start
Open Command Prompt or PowerShell: Press the Windows Key + R, type "cmd" or "powershell", and press Enter.
Navigate to the JNLP file location: Use the cd command to change directories to the location where your JNLP file is saved. For example, if it's on your desktop, you might type cd C:\Users\YourUsername\Desktop.
Run Java Web Start: Type the following command and press Enter:
javaws [JNLP_file_name.jnlp]
Replace [JNLP_file_name.jnlp] with the actual name of your JNLP file.
This will launch the application using Java Web Start.
Additional Notes:
In some cases, your default browser might try to open the JNLP file. If that happens, you can right-click on the link and select "Save As" to download the JNLP file, and then use one of the methods above to run it.
If you encounter issues with Java Web Start, you might need to adjust your Java security settings. Refer to the Java documentation for more information on managing security settings: Java security documentation [invalid URL removed].
Some JNLP files might require additional configuration or specific Java versions to function properly. Consult the documentation for the application associated with the JNLP file for any specific requirements.
To run a JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) file on Windows 10, you need to have Java installed on your system because JNLP files are used to launch Java applications over a network. Here are the steps to run a JNLP file:
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
If you don't have Java installed, you need to install it:
Download Java:
Visit the Oracle Java download page or AdoptOpenJDK.
Choose the version appropriate for your system and download the installer.
Install Java:
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
2. Configure Java
Verify Java Installation:
Open Command Prompt by pressing Windows + R, typing cmd, and pressing Enter.
Type java -version and press Enter to verify that Java is installed correctly. You should see information about the installed Java version.
3. Associate JNLP Files with Java Web Start
Locate the JNLP File:
Find the JNLP file you want to run. It might be in your Downloads folder or another location.
Right-click the JNLP File:
Right-click on the JNLP file and select Open with.
Click on Choose another app.
Select Java Web Start Launcher:
If you see Java(TM) Web Start Launcher in the list, select it. If not, click on More apps and then scroll down to find Look for another app on this PC.
Navigate to the Java installation directory (typically C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_xx\bin) and select javaws.exe.
Check the box that says Always use this app to open .jnlp files and click OK.
4. Run the JNLP File
After associating the JNLP file with Java Web Start, double-clicking the JNLP file should now launch the application.
Clear Java Cache:
Sometimes, cached data can cause issues. You can clear the Java cache by opening the Control Panel, selecting Java, and then, under the General tab, clicking on Settings and then Delete Files.
Security Settings:
Ensure that Java is allowed to run on your computer. In the Java Control Panel, go to the Security tab and make sure that the security level is set appropriately (typically High).
Update Java:
Ensure you have the latest version of Java installed, as older versions may have compatibility issues.
Let's say you have downloaded a JNLP file named application.jnlp to your Downloads folder.
Install Java:
Download and install Java if not already installed.
Associate JNLP with Java Web Start:
Right-click application.jnlp > Open with > Choose another app > Look for another app on this PC.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_XX\bin and select javaws.exe.
Check Always use this app to open .jnlp files and click OK.
Run the JNLP File:
Double-click application.jnlp.
Following these steps should enable you to run JNLP files on Windows 10 without issue
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