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sysinternals cheat sheet
AccessChk - Lets you see what type of access users and groups have to files, directories, registry keys, etc.
AccessEnum - Full view of your file system and registry security settings.
AdExplorer - Active Directory viewer and editor.
AdInsight - LDAP real-time monitoring tool used to troubleshoot Active Directory applications.
AdRestore - Ability to restore deleted Active Directory objects.
Autologon - Easily configure autologon mechanism.
Autoruns - Displays programs that are configured to run at startup.
BgInfo - Displays relevant information about the computer on the desktop, such as computer name, IP address, etc.
CacheSet - An applet to manipulate the working-set parameters of the system file cache.
ClockRes - Shows the resolution of the system clock.
Contig - Defragments a specified file or files.
Coreinfo - Shows you the mapping between logical processors and the physical processor.
Ctrl2Cap - Kernel-mode device driver that filters the system's keyboard class driver.
DebugView - Monitors debug output on your local system.
Desktops - Allows you to organize up to four virtual desktops.
Disk2vhd - Creates VHD (virtual hard disk) versions of physical disks.
DiskExt - Returns information about what disks the partition of a volume is located on.
DiskMon - Logs and displays all hard disk activity.
DiskView - A graphical map of your hard drive.
DiskUsage (DU) - Reports the disk space usage for a specified directory.
EFSDump - Allows you to see who has access to encrypted files.
FindLinks - Reports the file index and hard links that exist for a specified file.
Handle - Displays information about open handles for any process.
Hex2dec - Converts hex to decimal and vice versa.
Junction - Creates junctions (symbolic links that combine directories from multiple locations).
LDMDump - Let's you examine exactly what is stored in a disks copy of the system.
ListDLLs - Reports the DLLs that are loaded into processes.
LiveKd - Allows you to run the Kd and Windbg kernel debuggers.
LoadOrder - Shows the order in which the system loads device drivers.
LogonSessions - Lists currently active logon sessions.
MoveFile - Dumps the content of the pending rename/delete value.
NTFSInfo - Shows you information about NTFS volumes.
PageDefrag - Shows you have fragmented your paging files and registry hives are.
PendMoves - Dumps the content of the pending rename/delete value.
PipeList - Lists the pipes.
PortMon - Monitors and displays all serial and parallel port activity.
ProcDump - Monitors CPU spikes.
Process Explorer - Shows information about which handles and DLL processes are loaded.
Process Monitor - Shows real-time file system, registry, and process/thread activity.
PsExec - Allows you to execute processes on remote systems.
PsGetSid - Allows you to translate SIDs to their display name and vice versa.
PsInfo - Gathers key information about the local or remote system including kernel build and the amount of memory.
PsPing - Implements ping functionality.
PsKill - Can kill processes on local and remote systems.
PsList - Displays information about processes, memory, and threads.
PsLoggedOn - This shows who is using what resources on a local or remote machine.
PsLogList - Allows you to login to remote systems in situations where security credentials do not permit it.
PsPasswd - Allows you to change an account password on local or remote systems.
PsService - A service viewer and controller for Windows.
PsShutdown - Allows you to logoff the console user or lock the console among other things.
PsSuspend - Allows you to suspend processes on the local or a remote system.
RAMMap - A physical memory usage analysis tool to see how Windows is assigning physical memory.
RegDelNull - Allows you to search for and delete registry keys.
Registry Usage (RU) - Reports the registry space usage.
RegJump - Opens Regedit directly to a specified registry path.
RootkitRevealer - Detects rootkits.
SDelete - Allows you to delete one or more files/directories or to cleanse the free space on a drive.
ShareEnum - Allows you to lock down file shares.
ShellRunas - Allows you to launch programs under different accounts.
SigCheck - Shows file version number, timestamp, and digital signature details.
Streams - Allows you to see which NTFS files have alternate streams associated with them.
Strings - Searches files for a specified string.
Sync - Allows you to flush all file system data to disk.
TCPView - Shows detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system.
VMMap - A process virtual and physical memory analysis tool.
VolumeID - Allows you to change the IDs of FAT and NTFS disks.
WhoIs - Performs a registration record for the specified domain name or IP address.
WinObj - Displays information of the NT Object Manager's name space.
ZoomIt - A screen zoom and annotation tool for technical presentations.
# Using PsTools to Control Other PCs from the Command Line
PsExec – executes processes on a remote computer
psexec \\computername -u User -p Password ipconfig
psexec \\computername ipconfig
psexec \\computername <options> xxx.exe <arguments>
PsExec.exe \\computer net stop servicename && net start servicename
psexec \\computername cmd #get command prompt
psexec \\computername powershell #get command prompt
psexec \\remotecomputername msiexec /x /q pathtotheMSIfile #uninstall the program
psexec \\[computername or IP] -h cmd /c "c:\program files (x86)\uninstall.exe /silent" #'-h' switch for running an elevated session
#Run PowerShell scripts on remote PC
PsExec.exe \\<SERVER FQDN> -u <DOMAIN\USER> -p <PASSWORD> /accepteula cmd /c "powershell -noninteractive -command gci c:\"
#-i option to launch process on remote in interactive mode
PSExec \\RPC001 -i -u myID -p myPWD PowerShell C:\script\StartPS.ps1 par1 par2
#script in the location (c:\temp_ below on each remote server. servers.txt contains a list of IP addresses (one per line).
psexec @servers.txt -u <username> cmd /c "powershell -noninteractive -file C:\temp\script.ps1"
psexec \\server cmd /c "echo . | powershell script.ps1"
$computerName = 'REMOTECOMPUTER'
#calling the winrm.cmd batch file on a remote computer running as the SYSTEM account.
#the output from that command isn’t needed, it’s silenced with 2>&1> $null
psexec "\\$Computername" -s c:\windows\system32\winrm.cmd quickconfig -quiet 2&>&1> $null
psinfo \\IP
PsService.exe \\computer query servicename #the status of the service
PsService.exe \\computer config servicename #view the configuration
PsService.exe \\computer restart servicename
PsService.exe \\computer stop servicename
SysinternalsSuite> .\PsLoggedon.exe \\pc1 -l #find user logged on a remote pc
psloglist \\workstation64 -h 24 application #List everything in the application event log on \\workstation64 from the last 24 hours
PsLogList Security | More
psloglist -s -x security
PsLogList -i 861 Security | More #security log events with an event code of 861
psloglist -f ew #see only errors and warnings,The -f argument takes a string of letters that represent the starting letter of the event types
psloglist -o "windows update agent","ntservicepack" #dump event-log records generated by the Windows Update Agent and NtServicePack sources,
PsLoglist -i 861 -s -t , Security > EventListing.txt
psloglist file -c #clear an event log after extracting its contents
psloglist -s > events.csv start events.csv #redirect CSV-formatted PsLoglist output to a file,open that file in Excel
#processing logs that contain commas in text, use the -t switch to specify a different delimiter character
#the tab character is a CSV delimiter,PsLoglist to use that character
psloglist -s -t \t > events.csv
#aggregate event-log data from multiple computers
#List the computer names (with or without the double-backslash prefix) on separate lines in a text file
#append the name of that file to the @ switch
psloglist @computers.txt application
#Process Explorer - Shows information about which handles and DLL processes are loaded.
procexp64-Flash plug-in process-properties-Permissions #Unknown Account has permissions
procexp64-Flash plug-in process-properties-Strings #ASCII strings embedded in this process,any comments the developers left
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