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Last active February 4, 2020 22:15
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PromQL vs Flux

This query is used to calculate error rate and total requests per service and environment

data = from(bucket: "istio")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "istio_requests_total")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "counter")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.reporter == "destination" )
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.request_protocol == "http")
  |> difference(nonNegative: true, columns: ["_value"])
  |> sum()

total_requests = data
  |> group(columns: ["destination_service_name", "env"])
  |> sum()
  |> set(key: "response_code", value: "total")

success_request = data
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.response_code =~ /^2/ )
  |> set(key: "response_code", value: "2xx")
  |> group(columns: ["response_code", "destination_service_name", "env"])
  |> sum()

redirected = data
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.response_code =~ /^3/ )
  |> set(key: "response_code", value: "3xx")
  |> group(columns: ["response_code", "destination_service_name", "env"])
  |> sum()

client_error = data
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.response_code =~ /^4/ )
  |> set(key: "response_code", value: "4xx")
  |> group(columns: ["response_code", "destination_service_name", "env"])
  |> sum()

server_error = data
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.response_code =~ /^5/ )
  |> set(key: "response_code", value: "5xx")
  |> group(columns: ["response_code", "destination_service_name", "env"])
  |> sum()

union(tables: [total_requests, success_request, redirected, client_error, server_error])
  |> group()
  |> pivot( rowKey:["destination_service_name", "env"], columnKey: ["response_code"],valueColumn: "_value")
  |> map( fn: (r) => {
    return {r with 
      success_rate: float(v: r["2xx"]) / float(v: * 100.0,
      redirected_rate: float(v: r["3xx"]) / float(v: * 100.0,
      client_error_rate: float(v: r["4xx"]) / float(v: * 100.0,
      server_error_rate: float(v: r["5xx"]) / float(v: * 100.0,      

and in promql

sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\",response_code!~\"2.*\"}[5m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\"}[5m]))
sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\",response_code!~\"3.*\"}[5m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\"}[5m]))
sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\",response_code!~\"4.*\"}[5m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\"}[5m]))
sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\",response_code!~\"5.*\"}[5m])) / sum(irate(istio_requests_total{reporter=\"destination\",destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\",destination_workload=~\"$workload\"}[5m]))

This query is used to calculate latency (p50,p90,p95,p99,p9999) per env, service, response code

data = from(bucket:"istio")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "istio_request_duration_seconds")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.reporter == "destination")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field != "count" and r._field != "sum")
  |> window(every: duration(v: int(v: v.timeRangeStop) - int(v: v.timeRangeStart)))
  |> sum()
  |> map(fn:(r) => ({r with le: float(v:r._field)}))

p50 = data
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "p50")
    |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.50)
p90 = data
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "p90")
    |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.90)
p95 = data
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "p95")
    |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.95)
p99 = data
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "p99")
    |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.99)
p9999 = data
    |> set(key: "_field", value: "p9999")
    |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.9999)

union(tables: [p50, p90, p95, p99, p9999])
    |> duplicate(column: "_stop", as:"_time")
    |> window(every:inf)
    |> group(columns:[ "_field", "destination_service_name", "response_code", "env"]) 
    |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"],valueColumn: "_value")
    |> group()
    |> map(fn:(r) => ({r with response_code: "CODE: " + string(v:r.response_code)})) 

Percentile query in promql (not exact same query, but same data source, all 5 lines to get same result as flux one)

histogram_quantile(0.50, sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_bucket{reporter=\"destination\", connection_security_policy=\"mutual_tls\", destination_workload=~\"$workload\", destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\", source_workload=~\"$srcwl\", source_workload_namespace=~\"$srcns\"}[1m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace, le))
histogram_quantile(0.90, sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_bucket{reporter=\"destination\", connection_security_policy=\"mutual_tls\", destination_workload=~\"$workload\", destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\", source_workload=~\"$srcwl\", source_workload_namespace=~\"$srcns\"}[1m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace, le))
histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_bucket{reporter=\"destination\", connection_security_policy=\"mutual_tls\", destination_workload=~\"$workload\", destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\", source_workload=~\"$srcwl\", source_workload_namespace=~\"$srcns\"}[1m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace, le))
histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_bucket{reporter=\"destination\", connection_security_policy=\"mutual_tls\", destination_workload=~\"$workload\", destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\", source_workload=~\"$srcwl\", source_workload_namespace=~\"$srcns\"}[1m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace, le))
histogram_quantile(0.9999, sum(irate(istio_request_bytes_bucket{reporter=\"destination\", connection_security_policy=\"mutual_tls\", destination_workload=~\"$workload\", destination_workload_namespace=~\"$namespace\", source_workload=~\"$srcwl\", source_workload_namespace=~\"$srcns\"}[1m])) by (source_workload, source_workload_namespace, le))

Query to see latency for a given service in a given env over a period of time

data = from(bucket:"istio")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "istio_request_duration_seconds")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.reporter == "destination")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.env == v.env)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.destination_service_name == v.istio_destination_service_name)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field != "count" and r._field != "sum")
  |> window(every: v.windowPeriod)
  |> sum()
  |> map(fn:(r) => ({r with le: float(v:r._field)}))

p50 = data
  |> set(key: "_field", value: "p50")
  |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.50)
p90 = data
  |> set(key: "_field", value: "p90")
  |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.90)
p95 = data
  |> set(key: "_field", value: "p95")
  |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.95)
p99 = data
  |> set(key: "_field", value: "p99")
  |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.99)
p9999 = data
  |> set(key: "_field", value: "p9999")
  |> histogramQuantile(quantile: 0.9999)

union(tables: [p50, p90, p95, p99, p9999])
  |> duplicate(column: "_stop", as:"_time")
  |> window(every:inf)
  |> keep(columns: ["_time", "response_code","_field", "_value"])
  |> sort(columns: ["_time"])

Query to identify long running queries

threshold = 10^9

from(bucket: "apps")
 |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
 |> filter(fn: (r) =>
   r._measurement == "query_log"
   and r.role =~ /^queryd/
   and r.env == v.env
   and (r._field == "totalDuration" or r._field == "ot_trace_id")
 |> pivot(rowKey:["_time"], columnKey: ["_field"], valueColumn: "_value")
 |> filter(fn: (r) => r.totalDuration >= threshold)
 |> group()
 |> map(fn: (r) => {
   trace_link = if r.ot_trace_sampled == "true" then "${r.ot_trace_id}" else "trace ${r.ot_trace_id} is not sampled"
   env = if r.env == "acc" then "acceptance" else r.env // TODO(gavincabbage): this is a hack
   log_link = "${env}%20AND%20%22ot_trace_id%3D${r.ot_trace_id}%22"
   return {r with trace_link: trace_link, log_link: log_link}
 |> keep(columns: ["_time", "totalDuration", "role", "host", "nodename", "orgID", "trace_link", "log_link", "error", "errorCode", "source"])

Query to get uptime of ArgoCD

import "system"
from(bucket: "apps")
  |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "process_start_time_seconds")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "gauge")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.role == "argocd")
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r.url == "http://argocd-server-metrics:8083/metrics")
  |> last()
  |> toInt()
  |> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with _value: int(v: now()) - r._value * 1000000000 }))
  |> map(fn: (r) => ({ r with _value: string(v: duration(v: r._value)) }))
  |> keep(columns: ["_value"])

Query from Russ

interval = 1h
exchange = "binance"
coin = "BCH"
data = 
    from(bucket: "candles")
      |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)
      |> filter(fn: (r) => == exchange)
      |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == coin)
      |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "price")
aggregate = (tables=<-,name, fn) => 
          |> aggregateWindow(every: interval, fn:fn)
          |> yield(name:name)
data |> aggregate(name:"close",fn: last)
data |> aggregate(name:"open",fn: first)
data |> aggregate(name:"high",fn: max)
data |> aggregate(name:"low",fn: min)

query in influxQL

  first(price) AS open,
  last(price) AS close,
  max(price) AS high,
  min(price) AS low,
FROM candles
GROUP BY time(1h)
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