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Created August 17, 2018 14:18
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a simple implementation of the Ulex dispute resolution mechanism.
//TODO: a hash of an offchain secret verdict for each judge in case proof is required that the verdict is unanimous
//TODO: an appeals round mechanism
//TODO: a contract for remedies instead of simple eth payments.
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract Judges {
mapping(address=>bool) judges;
function addJudge(address judge) public {
function isJudge (address judge) public view returns (bool){
return judges[judge];
contract Party {
uint remedy; //set in ether
address judge;
address judgesContract;
function setJudgesContract(address judges) public{
judgesContract = judges;
function pickJudge(address j) public{
judge = judge;
function getJudge() public view returns (address) {
return judge;
contract Court {
mapping (address=>bool) defendant;
mapping (address=>bool) plaintiff;
mapping (address=>mapping(address=>bool)) openCases;
mapping (address=>uint) remedies;
function openCase (address _defendant, address _plaintiff) public payable {
require(_plaintiff == msg.sender);
defendant[_defendant] = true;
plaintiff[_plaintiff] = true;
openCases[_defendant][_plaintiff] = true;
remedies[_plaintiff] += msg.value;
function setDefendantRemedy(address _plaintiff) public payable {
require (remedies[_plaintiff]==msg.value);
remedies[msg.sender] = msg.value;
function hasAccusation(address _defendant) public view returns (bool) {
return defendant[_defendant];
function renderVerdict(address guiltyParty, address innocentParty) public payable {
require(openCases[guiltyParty][innocentParty] == true || openCases[innocentParty][guiltyParty] ==true);
require(remedies[guiltyParty]==remedies[innocentParty] && remedies[guiltyParty]>0);
address guiltyPartyJudge = Party(guiltyParty).getJudge();
address innocentPartyJudge = Party(innocentParty).getJudge();
require (Party(guiltyPartyJudge).getJudge() == Party(innocentPartyJudge).getJudge()); // both judges must have picked the same 3rd judge
require (Party(guiltyPartyJudge).getJudge() == msg.sender); // the verdict renderer must be the 3rd judge;
openCases[guiltyParty][innocentParty] = false;
openCases[innocentParty][guiltyParty] =false; // case closed
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