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Last active January 30, 2018 21:50
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Pipeline API SPEC

Pipeline API

API Design

Cluster level pipeline configs


HTTP/1.1 POST /v3/clusters/cluster-id/clusterpipelines
Content-Type: application/json
  "spec": {
    "clusterName": "cluster-abc"
    "githubConfig": {
      "scheme": "https",
      "host": "",
      "clientID": "xxxxxx",
      "clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxx",
    //TODO gitlabConfig,bitbucketConfig, etc.

Project level pipeline APIs

Pipeline(CRUD), action=run,export,activate,deactivate

HTTP/1.1 POST /v3/projects/cluster-id:project-id/pipelines
  "spec": {
    "projectName": "project-abc",
    "active": true,
    "displayName": "pipeline-test",
    "stages": [
        "name": "build/test",
        "steps": [
            "type": "sourcecode",
            "sourceCodeStepConfig": {
              "remoteAccountName": "somegitaccountname",
              "repository": "",
              "branch": "master"
            "runAScriptStepConfig": {
              "image": "golang:1.8",
              "shellScript": "echo example script",
              "entryPoint": "",
              "args": "--optional args",
              "env": [
            "buildImageStepConfig": {
              "dockerFilePath": "./Dockerfile",
              "buildPath": ".",
              "imageTag": ""
            "pushImageStepConfig": {
              "imageTag": ""
    "triggers": {
      "cronTrigger": {
        "active": true,
        "timezone": "Asia/Hong_Kong",
        "expression": "* 4 * * *"
      "webhookTrigger": {
        "active": true
  "status": {

PipelineHistory(RD), action=stop,rerun

HTTP/1.1 GET /v3/projects/cluster-id:project-id/pipelinehistories/id
  "spec": {
    "projectName": "project-abc",
    "displayName": "pipeline-test-1",
    "runNumber": 1,
    "triggerType": "manual",
    "pipeline": {}//pipeline


HTTP/1.1 GET /v3/projects/cluster-id:project-id/pipelinelogs/id
  "spec": {
    "projectName": "project-abc",
    "pipelineHistoryName": "pipeline-test-1",
    "stageOrdinal": 1,
    "stepOrdinal": 1,
    "message": "here's the logs"

User Level APIs

RemoteAccount(CRUD), collectionaction=login, action=refreshrepos

HTTP/1.1 GET /v3/remoteaccounts?creatorId=user-kb8l5
  "spec": {
    "displayName": "somename",
    "type": "github",
    "userName": "rancherusername",
    "avatarUrl": ""
    "htmlUrl": "",
    "accountName": "gitaccountname",
    "accessToken": "secret"


HTTP/1.1 GET /v3/gitrepocaches?creatorId=user-kb8l5
  "spec": {
    "type": "github",
    "remoteAccountName": "somename",
    "repositories": [
      	"name": "reponame",
      	"cloneUrl": "",
      	"permissions": {
          "pull": true,
          "push": true,
          "admin": true
      	"language": "go"


























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