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Created May 31, 2014 09:10
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# install pyftpdlib
# (shell) > easy_install
# tutorial
from pyftpdlib.authorizers import DummyAuthorizer
from pyftpdlib.handlers import FTPHandler
from pyftpdlib.servers import FTPServer
authorizer = DummyAuthorizer()
# - Read permissions:
# "e" = change directory (CWD, CDUP commands)
# "l" = list files (LIST, NLST, STAT, MLSD, MLST, SIZE commands)
# "r" = retrieve file from the server (RETR command)
# - Write permissions
# "a" = append data to an existing file (APPE command)
# "d" = delete file or directory (DELE, RMD commands)
# "f" = rename file or directory (RNFR, RNTO commands)
# "m" = create directory (MKD command)
# "w" = store a file to the server (STOR, STOU commands)
# "M" = change mode/permission (SITE CHMOD command) New in 0.7.0
authorizer.add_user('username', 'password', '/tmp', perm='elradfmw')
handler = FTPHandler
handler.authorizer = authorizer
server = FTPServer(('', 2121), handler)
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