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Created February 16, 2019 08:52
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[19-02-16 02:41:37.001] NativeScript Sidekick version: 1.16.0-v.2019.2.7.3
[19-02-16 02:41:38.162] Checking for updates...
[19-02-16 02:41:38.403] No updates available.
[19-02-16 02:41:40.029] Dependencies versions: NodeJS: 11.6.0, npm: 6.5.0, NativeScript CLI: 5.2.0.
[19-02-16 02:41:42.137] (CLI) Using NativeScript CLI located in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/nativescript
[19-02-16 02:41:46.117] (CLI) Searching for devices...
[19-02-16 02:41:48.445] Loaded CLI extension nativescript-cloud, version 1.16.0.
[19-02-16 02:41:48.450] Loaded CLI extension nativescript-starter-kits, version 0.3.5.
[19-02-16 02:41:58.593] The user Guillermo Palafox logged in.
[19-02-16 02:42:02.147] App with path: /Volumes/HD2/Proyectos/CurrentDev/app-golf/Devs/app-golf was opened.
[19-02-16 02:42:05.707] Devices service initialized.
[19-02-16 02:43:03.649] (CLI) Getting accounts information...
[19-02-16 02:43:04.684] (CLI) Using account b4e65ea2-dd00-423e-8ffd-0a2a8509bfb1.
[19-02-16 02:43:04.689] (CLI) Starting cloud build of '/Volumes/HD2/Proyectos/CurrentDev/app-golf/Devs/app-golf', platform: 'iOS', configuration: 'Release', buildId: d9040b94-87dc-4d42-8099-2e4b56b51aaa.
[19-02-16 02:43:04.969] Prepare step started.
[19-02-16 02:43:07.582] (CLI) Preparing project...
[19-02-16 02:43:07.591] (CLI) Running webpack for iOS...
[19-02-16 02:43:07.595] (CLI) Stripping the snapshot flag. Bear in mind that snapshot is only available in release builds and is NOT available on Windows systems.
[19-02-16 02:43:12.471] (CLI) Bundling application for entryPath ./main.js...
[19-02-16 02:43:12.946] (CLI) clean-webpack-plugin: /Volumes/HD2/Proyectos/CurrentDev/app-golf/Devs/app-golf/platforms/ios/appgolf/app/**/* has been removed.
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) Hash: b18df44fe1e27e52106e
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) Version: webpack 4.29.4
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) Time: 33825ms
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) Built at: 02/16/2019 2:43:46 AM
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json 1.84 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-1024.png 309 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-29.png 1.15 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-29@2x.png 2.91 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-29@3x.png 5.04 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-40.png 1.7 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-40@2x.png 4.62 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-40@3x.png 7.69 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-60@2x.png 7.69 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-60@3x.png 14.3 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-76.png 4.08 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-76@2x.png 10.9 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/icon-83.5@2x.png 12.5 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/Contents.json 62 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Contents.json 4.15 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-1125h.png 394 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-568h@2x.png 30.6 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-667h@2x.png 39.5 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-736h@3x.png 90.7 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-Landscape-X.png 400 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-Landscape.png 38.9 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-Landscape@2x.png 119 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-Landscape@3x.png 90.9 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-Portrait.png 39.1 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default-Portrait@2x.png 119 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default.png 11 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.launchimage/Default@2x.png 30 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchScreen.AspectFill.imageset/Contents.json 373 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchScreen.AspectFill.imageset/LaunchScreen-AspectFill.png 4.71 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchScreen.AspectFill.imageset/LaunchScreen-AspectFill@2x.png 15.4 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchScreen.Center.imageset/Contents.json 365 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchScreen.Center.imageset/LaunchScreen-Center.png 14.4 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Assets.xcassets/LaunchScreen.Center.imageset/LaunchScreen-Center@2x.png 39.1 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist 1.62 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/LaunchScreen.storyboard 3.84 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) App_Resources/iOS/build.xcconfig 531 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/font-awesome.css 30.3 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/4684919.png 209 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/bg/bg-golfer.png 186 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/bg/bg-login.jpg 86.6 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/bg/bg-profile.png 145 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/bg/poligono.png 17.7 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/game/flag.png 1.16 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/game/minus.png 233 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/game/next-hole.png 1.71 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/game/plus.png 402 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/game/prev-hole.png 1.74 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/game/trophy.png 2.2 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/home/last-activity-home.png 1.93 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/add-player.png 1.56 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/attest-off.png 1.5 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/attest-on.png 1.62 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/back-btn.png 641 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/calendar.png 393 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/edit-btn-mini.png 2.87 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/fist-off.png 1.39 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/fist-on.png 1.6 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu-icon.png 208 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/amigos.png 3.37 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/bottom-bar/courses.png 2.34 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.917] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/bottom-bar/friends.png 2.54 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/bottom-bar/newgame.png 1.52 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/bottom-bar/stats.png 1.2 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/bottom-bar/tournaments.png 1.34 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/campos.png 3.44 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/estadisticas.png 1.6 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/flecha.png 851 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/logout.png 957 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/mi-cuenta.png 1.94 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/menu/torneos.png 2.02 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/remove.player.png 602 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/icons/score.png 1.93 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/img-placeholder.png 9.8 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/intro/slide-1.png 14.4 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/intro/slide-2.png 12 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/intro/slide-3.png 8.68 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/logo5th.png 257 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/images/placeholder-girl.jpg 26.5 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/111-635x391.jpg 81.4 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/EL-RIO-COUNTRY-CLUB-GUADALAJARA.jpg 95.3 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/Fairmont-Acapulco-Princess-Golf.jpg 57.9 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/cabos-palmilla-golf.jpg 74.8 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/el-camaleon-mayakoba-07.jpg 58.2 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/el-manglar-golf-course.jpg 59.3 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/golf-Palma-Real-ixtapa-632x420.jpg 70.4 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/iberostar-golf-cancun.jpg 79.6 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/punta-mita-golf.jpg 71 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/images/tmp/yucatan-country-club.jpg 255 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) assets/www/index.html 18.8 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) bundle.js 782 KiB bundle [emitted] bundle
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Amiko-Bold.ttf 173 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Amiko-Regular.ttf 170 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Amiko-SemiBold.ttf 171 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/FontAwesome.otf 104 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf 167 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf 173 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf 167 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf 171 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf 170 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf 166 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf 172 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf 168 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf 173 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 168 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf 168 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf 172 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot 67.3 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg 348 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf 139 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff 79.4 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 63 KiB [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) package.json 130 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) starter.js 39 bytes [emitted]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) vendor.js 2.1 MiB vendor [emitted] vendor
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) Entrypoint bundle = vendor.js bundle.js
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./ sync ^\.\/app\.(css|scss|less|sass)$] . sync nonrecursive ^\.\/app\.(css|scss|less|sass)$ 175 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./ sync recursive (root|page)\.(xml|css|js|ts|scss)$] . sync (root|page)\.(xml|css|js|ts|scss)$ 160 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./app.scss] 19.3 KiB {bundle} [optional] [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./classes/SettingsBase.js] 1.99 KiB {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./helpers/Settings.js] 773 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./main.js] 3.73 KiB {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./models/Game.js] 539 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./models/User.js] 946 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./package.json] 114 bytes {bundle} [optional] [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./router/index.js] 789 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./store/actions.js] 2.74 KiB {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./store/getters.js] 220 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./store/index.js] 478 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./store/mutations.js] 321 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) [./store/state.js] 46 bytes {bundle} [built]
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) + 323 hidden modules
[19-02-16 02:43:46.923] (CLI) Webpack compilation complete.
[19-02-16 02:43:47.651] (CLI) Project successfully prepared (iOS)
[19-02-16 02:43:47.676] Prepare step completed.
[19-02-16 02:43:48.913] Upload step started.
[19-02-16 02:43:50.231] (CLI) Unable to use git, reason is:
[19-02-16 02:43:50.231] (CLI) Command /usr/bin/git failed with exit code 128 Error output:
[19-02-16 02:43:50.231] (CLI) fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
[19-02-16 02:44:03.869] Upload step completed.
[19-02-16 02:44:05.279] Build step started.
[19-02-16 02:44:12.123] (CLI) ios Build Tooling revision 2019.02.14.2r
[19-02-16 02:44:12.123] (CLI) Build Tooling Hostname administrators-mac-16.local
[19-02-16 02:44:12.123] (CLI) Unzip Project Files
[19-02-16 02:44:12.123] (CLI) NativeScript CLI version 5.2.0
[19-02-16 02:44:12.123] (CLI) Add platform ios with runtime version 5.2.0
[19-02-16 02:44:16.625] (CLI) Copying template files...
[19-02-16 02:44:19.623] (CLI) Platform ios successfully added. v5.2.0
[19-02-16 02:44:19.623] (CLI) Prepare Project for Platform - ios
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) Unable to install dependencies. Make sure your package.json is valid and all dependencies are correct. Error is: Command npm failed with exit code 1 Error output:
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! Error while executing:
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! /usr/local/bin/git ls-remote -h -t git://
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR!
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! fatal: unable to connect to
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR![0:]: errno=Operation not permitted
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR![1:]: errno=Operation not permitted
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR!
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR!
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! exited with error code: 128
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ npm update check failed │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ Try running with sudo or get access │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ to the local update config store via │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /Users/builder/.config │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! /Users/builder/.npm/_logs/2019-02-16T08_44_25_303Z-debug.log
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) Unable to install dependencies. Make sure your package.json is valid and all dependencies are correct. Error is: Command npm failed with exit code 1 Error output:
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! Error while executing:
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! /usr/local/bin/git ls-remote -h -t git://
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR!
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! fatal: unable to connect to
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR![0:]: errno=Operation not permitted
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR![1:]: errno=Operation not permitted
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR!
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR!
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! exited with error code: 128
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ npm update check failed │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ Try running with sudo or get access │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ to the local update config store via │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) │ sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /Users/builder/.config │
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
[19-02-16 02:44:24.165] (CLI) npm ERR! /Users/builder/.npm/_logs/2019-02-16T08_44_25_303Z-debug.log
[19-02-16 02:44:27.132] Build failed.
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