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Created June 1, 2016 22:49
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| [0x4003b0] |
| main: | // Start in Main but is called by the libc constructor
| (fcn) sym.main 68 |
| addiu sp, sp, -0x28 |
| sw ra, 0x24(sp) | // Saved Return Address
| sw fp, 0x20(sp) |
| move fp, sp |
| sw zero, 0x18(fp) |
| addiu v0, zero, 1 |
| sw v0, 0x1c(fp) |
| lw a0, 0x18(fp) |
| lw a1, 0x1c(fp) |
| jal sym.call_one ;[a] | // Call (Jump and Link) the function call_one
| nop |
| move sp, fp |
| lw ra, 0x24(sp) |
| lw fp, 0x20(sp) |
| addiu sp, sp, 0x28 |
| jr ra |
| nop |
| [0x4003f4] |
| (fcn) sym.call_one 68 | // Function call_one
| addiu sp, sp, -0x20 |
| sw ra, 0x1c(sp) | // Saved Return Address so we can jump back to main()
| sw fp, 0x18(sp) |
| move fp, sp |
| sw a0, 0x20(fp) |
| sw a1, 0x24(fp) |
| jal sym.call_two ;[a] | // Call (Jump and Link) the function call_two
| nop |
| lw v1, 0x20(fp) |
| lw v0, 0x24(fp) |
| addu v0, v1, v0 |
| move sp, fp |
| lw ra, 0x1c(sp) |
| lw fp, 0x18(sp) |
| addiu sp, sp, 0x20 |
| jr ra |
| nop |
| [0x400438] |
| (fcn) sym.call_two 36 | // Function call_two
| addiu sp, sp, -8 |
| sw fp, 4(sp) |
| move fp, sp |
| addiu v0, zero, 1 |
| move sp, fp |
| lw fp, 4(sp) |
| addiu sp, sp, 8 |
| jr ra | // Since call_two does not call any other functions there is no need to save the return address onto the stack.
| nop |
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