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Created August 25, 2019 08:30
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pragma solidity 0.4.24;
// Imports:
import "chainlink/contracts/Chainlinked.sol";
import "./base/ERC721/Future.sol";
import "./base/IBondingCurve.sol";
import "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
contract GasFutures is ChainlinkClient, Future, Ownable {
// Libraries inherited from Future:
// using Counters for Counters.Counter;
// Counter for execution Claims
Counters.Counter private _gasFutureIds;
// Gas Future Object
struct GasFuture {
uint256 gasAmount;
uint256 expirationDate;
// **************************** State Variables **********************************
// ******* ETH Pools *******
uint256 public reservePool;
address public bondingCurveAddr;
// ******* ETH Pools END *******
// ******* DAO policies *******
uint256 public feePerGas;
uint256 public dividendPoolPercentage;
uint256 public constant futureContractDuration = 28 days;
// ******* DAO policies END *******
// ******* ERC721 token id => Gas Future Contract *******
mapping(uint256 => GasFuture) public gasFutures;
// ******* ERC721 token id => Gas Future Contract *******
// ******* CHAINLINK: redeemPricePerGas (Chainlink -> EthGasStation) *******
// Helper constant for testnets: 1 request = 1 LINK
uint256 constant private ORACLE_PAYMENT = 1 * LINK;
// Helper constant for the Chainlink uint256 multiplier JobID
bytes32 constant UINT256_MUL_JOB = bytes32("6d1bfe27e7034b1d87b5270556b17277");
// Timeout for calls to oracle
bool public chainlinkActivated;
uint256 public chainlinkRequestTimeout = now;
// Callback variable to be set:
uint256 public redeemPricePerGas;
// ******* CHAINLINK redeemPricePerGas (Chainlink -> EthGasStation) END *******
// **************************** State Variables END **********************************
// modifier
modifier chainlinkAvailable() {
require(chainlinkRequestTimeout <= now,
"chainlinkAvailabe: time out"
// **************************** GasFutures constructor() ******************************
constructor(address _bondingCurve)
// Initialise _feePerGas, dividendPoolPercentage
feePerGas = 80000000000; // 80 gwei
dividendPoolPercentage = 5; // 5%
// Bonding Curve
bondingCurveAddr = _bondingCurve;
// Chainlink
chainlinkActivated = false;
redeemPricePerGas = 5000000000;
// Set the address for the LINK token for the network
// Set the address of the oracle to create requests to
// **************************** GasFuturesconstructor() END *****************************
// Fallback function tops up reserve pool
function() external payable {
reservePool = reservePool.add(msg.value);
// Function to calculate the price of the user's GasFuture contract
function calcGasFuturePrice(uint256 _gasAmount)
returns(uint256 gasFuturePrice)
// msg.sender == gasFuture buyer
gasFuturePrice = _gasAmount.mul(feePerGas);
// **************************** mintGasFuture() ******************************
function mintGasFuture(uint256 _gasAmount)
// Step0: Zero value preventions
require(_gasAmount != 0, "gasFutures.mintGasFuture: _gasAmount cannot be 0");
// Step1: chainlinkRequestTimeout check and setting
if (chainlinkRequestTimeout < now && chainlinkActivated) {
// Step2: get the gasFuturePrice
uint256 gasFuturePrice = _gasAmount.mul(feePerGas);
// Step3: Require that user transfers full gasFuturePrice ether
require(msg.value == gasFuturePrice, // calc for msg.sender==dappInterface
"gasFutures.mintGasFuture: msg.value != calcGasFuturePrice() for msg.sender/dappInterface"
// Step4: Distribute GasFuturePrice into reserve and dividend pools
uint256 dividendPoolShare = gasFuturePrice.mul(100 + dividendPoolPercentage).div(100);
dividendPoolShare = dividendPoolShare.sub(gasFuturePrice);
uint256 reservePoolShare = gasFuturePrice.sub(dividendPoolShare);
reservePool = reservePool.add(reservePoolShare);
// Step5: Instantiate GasFuture (in memory)
GasFuture memory gasFuture = GasFuture(
now + futureContractDuration
// ****** Step6: Mint new GasFuture ERC721 token ******
// Increment the current token id
// Get a new, unique token id for the newly minted ERC721
uint256 gasFutureId = _gasFutureIds.current();
// Mint new ERC721 Token representing one childOrder
_mint(msg.sender, gasFutureId);
// ****** Step6: Mint new GasFuture ERC721 token END ******
// Step7: gasFutures tracking state variable update
// ERC721(gasFutureId) => GasFuture(struct)
gasFutures[gasFutureId] = gasFuture;
// **************************** mintGasFuture() END ******************************
function activateChainlink(bool _active)
chainlinkActivated = _active;
function updateFeePerGas(uint256 _feePerGas)
feePerGas = _feePerGas;
function updateDividendPoolPercentage(uint256 _dividendPercantage)
dividendPoolPercentage = _dividendPercantage;
// **************************** CHAINLINK ******************************]
* @notice Returns the address of the LINK token
* @dev This is the public implementation for chainlinkTokenAddress, which is
* an internal method of the ChainlinkClient contract
function getChainlinkToken() public view returns (address) {
return chainlinkTokenAddress();
// Creates a Chainlink request with the uint256 multiplier job
function requestAverageGasPrice()
// Increment the request timeout
chainlinkRequestTimeout.add(5 minutes);
// newRequest takes a JobID, a callback address, and callback function as input
Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(UINT256_MUL_JOB,
// Adds a URL with the key "get" to the request parameters
req.add("get", "");
// Uses input param (dot-delimited string) as the "path" in the request parameters
req.add("path", "average");
// Adds an integer with the key "times" to the request parameters
req.addInt("times", 1);
// Sends the request with 1 LINK to the oracle contract
sendChainlinkRequest(req, ORACLE_PAYMENT);
// fulfill receives a uint256 data type
function setRedeemPricePerGas(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _averagePrice)
// Use recordChainlinkFulfillment to ensure only the requesting oracle can fulfill
_averagePrice = _averagePrice.mul(10**8); // convert from 10x gwei to wei
redeemPricePerGas = _averagePrice;
// withdrawLink allows the owner to withdraw any extra LINK on the contract
function withdrawLink()
LinkTokenInterface link = LinkTokenInterface(chainlinkTokenAddress());
require(link.transfer(msg.sender, link.balanceOf(address(this))), "Unable to transfer");
* @notice Call this method if no response is received within 5 minutes
* @param _requestId The ID that was generated for the request to cancel
* @param _payment The payment specified for the request to cancel
* @param _callbackFunctionId The bytes4 callback function ID specified for
* the request to cancel
* @param _expiration The expiration generated for the request to cancel
function cancelRequest(
bytes32 _requestId,
uint256 _payment,
bytes4 _callbackFunctionId,
uint256 _expiration
cancelChainlinkRequest(_requestId, _payment, _callbackFunctionId, _expiration);
// **************************** CHAINLINK END ******************************
// onlyGasFutureOwner
modifier onlyGasFutureOwner(uint256 _gasFutureId) {
require(msg.sender == ownerOf(_gasFutureId),
"modifier onlyGasFutureOwner: msg.sender != ownerOf(gasFutureId)"
// **************************** redeemGasFuture() ******************************
function redeemGasFuture(uint256 _gasFutureId)
GasFuture memory gasFuture = gasFutures[_gasFutureId];
// Local variables needed for Checks, Effects -> Interactions pattern
uint256 payout = gasFuture.gasAmount.mul(redeemPricePerGas);
// CHECKS: onlyGasFutureOwner modifier
require(gasFuture.expirationDate > now,
"GasFutures.redeemGasFuture: gasFuture.expirationDate passed"
require(reservePool >= payout,
"GasFutures.redeemGasFuture: insufficient funds in reservePool"
// EFFECTS: emit event, then burn and delete the GasFuture struct - possible gas payout to msg.sender?
delete gasFutures[_gasFutureId];
// INTERACTIONS: payout the prepaidFee to the GasFuture owner
// **************************** redeemGasFuture() END ******************************
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