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Last active March 3, 2020 13:31
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#! /bin/bash
# downloading MongoDB
mkdir -p mongodb
mkdir -p mongodb_data
curl -o mongodb/mongodb.tgz
tar -zxvf mongodb/mongodb.tgz --strip-components=1 -C mongodb
# assuming Vault Enterprise is already installed
# setting it up
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=root
vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id=root &
sleep 5
vault secrets enable kmip
vault secrets list
# creates a CA and a server certificate
# (parameters for this certificate can be customised)
vault write kmip/config listen_addrs=
# vault read kmip/ca
vault read -format=json kmip/ca | jq -r .data.ca_pem > ca.pem
vault write -f kmip/scope/finance
vault list kmip/scope
vault write kmip/scope/finance/role/mongodb_tde operation_all=true
vault list kmip/scope/finance/role
vault read kmip/scope/finance/role/mongodb_tde
vault write -format=json kmip/scope/finance/role/mongodb_tde/credential/generate \
cert_format=pem_bundle |jq -r .data.certificate > client.pem
mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath ./mongodb_data --enableEncryption --kmipServerName localhost \
--kmipPort 5696 --kmipServerCAFile ca.pem \
--kmipClientCertificateFile client.pem
# search for KMIP and find
# STORAGE [initandlisten] Created KMIP key with id: JOtEFmV7l8GjmrJFE2lo4TmxeEGNqtwb
# STORAGE [initandlisten] Encryption key manager initialized using KMIP key with id: JOtEFmV7l8GjmrJFE2lo4TmxeEGNqtwb.
## to run again you'll need to remove the mongodb_data folder.
# rm -rf mongodb_data
# killall vault
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