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Created May 26, 2021 15:09
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Setting up OIDC in boundary with AzureAD
#! /bin/bash
# `az login` must be run first
if [ -f "boundary_auth_created.json" ]; then
echo "removing previous OIDC"
boundary auth-methods delete -id $(jq -r boundary_auth_created.json)
BOUNDARY_SCOPE_ID=$(boundary scopes list -format=json | jq -r .items[].id)
AUTH_TENANT=$(az account show |jq -r '.tenantId')
az ad app create --display-name ${AUTH_SP_NAME} \
--password ${AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET} \
--output none
AUTH_CLIENT_ID=$(az ad app list --display-name ${AUTH_SP_NAME} |jq -r '.[0].appId')
boundary auth-methods create oidc \
-format=json \
-name azure \
-description "Azure OIDC auth-method for ProdOps" \
-scope-id=global \
-allowed-audience=$AUTH_CLIENT_ID \
-api-url-prefix=$BOUNDARY_ADDR \
-client-id=$AUTH_CLIENT_ID \
-client-secret=$AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET \
-signing-algorithm=RS256 \
-issuer=${AUTH_TENANT}/v2.0 > boundary_auth_created.json
jq . boundary_auth_created.json
boundary auth-methods change-state oidc -id $(jq -r boundary_auth_created.json) -state active-public
boundary scopes update -primary-auth-method-id $(jq -r boundary_auth_created.json) -id global
boundary authenticate oidc -auth-method-id $(jq -r boundary_auth_created.json)
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