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Last active October 19, 2020 03:08
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from ec_point_operation import curve, scalar_multiply
from meta import int_to_varint, address_to_public_key_hash, build_locking_script, deserialize_signature, serialize_signature, serialize_public_key
from crypto import double_sha256
from sign import verify_signature, sign
from collections import namedtuple
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
VERSION = 0x01.to_bytes(4, 'little')
SEQUENCE = 0xffffffff.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
LOCK_TIME = 0x00.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
SH_ALL = 0x01
SH_FORKID = 0x40
class TxIn:
def __init__(self, satoshi: int, txid: str, index: int, locking_script: str, sequence: bytes = SEQUENCE) -> None:
self.satoshi = satoshi.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little')
self.txid = unhexlify(txid)[::-1]
self.index = index.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
self.locking_script = unhexlify(locking_script)
self.locking_script_len = int_to_varint(len(self.locking_script))
self.unlocking_script = b''
self.unlocking_script_len = b''
self.sequence = sequence
TxOut = namedtuple('TxOut', 'address satoshi')
def serialize_outputs(outputs: list) -> bytes:
output_bytes = b''
for output in outputs:
output_bytes += output.satoshi.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little') + build_locking_script(address_to_public_key_hash(output.address))
return output_bytes
def transaction_digest(tx_ins: list, tx_outs: list, lock_time: bytes = LOCK_TIME, sighash: int = SIGHASH_ALL) -> list:
# BIP-143
# 1. nVersion of the transaction (4-byte little endian)
# 2. hashPrevouts (32-byte hash)
# 3. hashSequence (32-byte hash)
# 4. outpoint (32-byte hash + 4-byte little endian)
# 5. scriptCode of the input (serialized as scripts inside CTxOuts)
# 6. value of the output spent by this input (8-byte little endian)
# 7. nSequence of the input (4-byte little endian)
# 8. hashOutputs (32-byte hash)
# 9. nLocktime of the transaction (4-byte little endian)
# 10. sighash type of the signature (4-byte little endian)
if sighash == SIGHASH_ALL:
hash_prevouts = double_sha256(b''.join([tx_in.txid + tx_in.index for tx_in in tx_ins]))
hash_sequence = double_sha256(b''.join([tx_in.sequence for tx_in in tx_ins]))
hash_outputs = double_sha256(serialize_outputs(tx_outs))
digests = []
for tx_in in tx_ins:
hash_prevouts + hash_sequence +
tx_in.txid + tx_in.index + tx_in.locking_script_len + tx_in.locking_script + tx_in.satoshi + tx_in.sequence +
hash_outputs +
lock_time +
sighash.to_bytes(4, byteorder='little')
return digests
raise ValueError(f'Unsupported SIGHASH value {sighash}')
def serialize_transaction(tx_ins: list, tx_outs: list, lock_time: bytes = LOCK_TIME) -> bytes:
# version
raw_transaction = VERSION
# inputs
raw_transaction += int_to_varint(len(tx_ins))
for tx_in in tx_ins:
raw_transaction += tx_in.txid + tx_in.index + tx_in.unlocking_script_len + tx_in.unlocking_script + tx_in.sequence
# outputs
raw_transaction += int_to_varint(len(tx_outs)) + serialize_outputs(tx_outs)
# lock_time
raw_transaction += lock_time
return raw_transaction
if __name__ == '__main__':
priv_key = 0xf97c89aaacf0cd2e47ddbacc97dae1f88bec49106ac37716c451dcdd008a4b62
pub_key = scalar_multiply(priv_key, curve.g)
inputs = [
TxIn(satoshi=1000, txid='d2bc57099dd434a5adb51f7de38cc9b8565fb208090d9b5ea7a6b4778e1fdd48', index=1, locking_script='76a9146a176cd51593e00542b8e1958b7da2be97452d0588ac'),
TxIn(satoshi=1000, txid='d2bc57099dd434a5adb51f7de38cc9b8565fb208090d9b5ea7a6b4778e1fdd48', index=2, locking_script='76a9146a176cd51593e00542b8e1958b7da2be97452d0588ac'),
TxIn(satoshi=1000, txid='fcc1a53e8bb01dbc094e86cb86f195219022c26e0c03d6f18ea17c3a3ba3c1e4', index=0, locking_script='76a9146a176cd51593e00542b8e1958b7da2be97452d0588ac'),
# 验证交易实验
tx_inputs = inputs[0:1]
tx_outputs = [TxOut(address='1JDZRGf5fPjGTpqLNwjHFFZnagcZbwDsxw', satoshi=800)]
tx_digest = transaction_digest(tx_inputs, tx_outputs)[0]
serialized_sig = unhexlify('304402207e2c6eb8c4b20e251a71c580373a2836e209c50726e5f8b0f4f59f8af00eee1a022019ae1690e2eb4455add6ca5b86695d65d3261d914bc1d7abb40b188c7f46c9a5')
sig = deserialize_signature(serialized_sig)
print(verify_signature(pub_key, tx_digest, sig))
# 发送交易实验
serialized_pub_key = serialize_public_key(pub_key)
tx_inputs = inputs[1:]
tx_outputs = [TxOut(address='18CgRLx9hFZqDZv75J5kED7ANnDriwvpi1', satoshi=1700)]
tx_digests = transaction_digest(tx_inputs, tx_outputs)
for i in range(len(tx_digests)):
tx_digest = tx_digests[i]
sig = sign(priv_key, tx_digest)
serialized_sig = serialize_signature(sig)
# Build unlocking script = LEN + der + sighash + LEN + public_key
tx_inputs[i].unlocking_script = bytes([len(serialized_sig) + 1]) + serialized_sig + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL, len(serialized_pub_key)]) + serialized_pub_key
tx_inputs[i].unlocking_script_len = int_to_varint(len(tx_inputs[i].unlocking_script))
raw = serialize_transaction(tx_inputs, tx_outputs)
tx_id = double_sha256(raw)[::-1]
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