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Last active February 6, 2022 22:10
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from typing import Literal
def unsigned_to_bytes(num: int, byteorder: Literal['big', 'little'] = 'big') -> bytes:
convert an unsigned int to the least number of bytes as possible.
# (0).bit_length() == 0
return num.to_bytes((num.bit_length() + 7) // 8 or 1, byteorder)
def int_to_signed_magnitude(num: int, byteorder: Literal['big', 'little'] = 'big') -> bytes:
encode a signed integer with the signed-magnitude format
negative: bool = num < 0
octets: bytearray = bytearray(unsigned_to_bytes(-num if negative else num, byteorder))
significant: int = 0 if byteorder == 'big' else -1 # index of the most significant byte in octets
if octets[significant] & 0x80:
if byteorder == 'big':
octets[0:0] = b'\x00' # insert at the beginning
octets += b'\x00' # insert at the end
if negative:
octets[significant] |= 0x80
return octets
if __name__ == '__main__':
# big endian
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-129) == bytes.fromhex('80 81') # 1000 0000 1000 0001
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-128) == bytes.fromhex('80 80') # 1000 0000 1000 0000
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-127) == bytes.fromhex('ff') # 1111 1111
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-1) == bytes.fromhex('81') # 1000 0001
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(0) == bytes.fromhex('00') # 0000 0000
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(1) == bytes.fromhex('01') # 0000 0001
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(127) == bytes.fromhex('7f') # 0111 1111
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(128) == bytes.fromhex('00 80') # 0000 0000 1000 0000
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(129) == bytes.fromhex('00 81') # 0000 0000 1000 0001
# little endian
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-129, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('81 80')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-128, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('80 80')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-127, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('ff')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(-1, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('81')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(0, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('00')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(1, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('01')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(127, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('7f')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(128, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('80 00')
assert int_to_signed_magnitude(129, 'little') == bytes.fromhex('81 00')
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