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Created July 7, 2023 15:06
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import { Utils, hash160, PubKey, Sig, assert, ByteString, hash256, method, prop, SmartContract } from 'scrypt-ts'
export class Payment extends SmartContract {
static readonly LOCKTIME_BLOCK_HEIGHT_MARKER = 500000000
static readonly UINT_MAX = 0xffffffffn
// withdraw interval limit in seconds
withdrawIntervals: bigint;
// how many satoshis can be withdrawn each time
withdrawAmount: bigint;
// public key of the creator, the creator is student
studentPublicKey: PubKey;
// public key of the univerity
universityPublicKey: PubKey;
// locktime of last withdraw tx
lastWithdrawTimestamp: bigint;
constructor(withdrawIntervals: bigint, withdrawAmount: bigint, lastWithdrawTimestamp: bigint, studentPublicKey: PubKey, universityPublicKey: PubKey) {
this.withdrawIntervals = withdrawIntervals;
this.withdrawAmount = withdrawAmount;
this.lastWithdrawTimestamp = lastWithdrawTimestamp;
this.studentPublicKey = studentPublicKey;
this.universityPublicKey = universityPublicKey;
public withdraw() {
// enable locktime
assert(this.ctx.sequence < Payment.UINT_MAX, 'input sequence should be less than UINT_MAX');
assert(this.ctx.locktime >= Payment.LOCKTIME_BLOCK_HEIGHT_MARKER, 'locktime does not use unix timestamp')
// require meets the call interval limits
assert(this.ctx.locktime - this.lastWithdrawTimestamp >= this.withdrawIntervals, 'locktime does not meet the call interval limit [1]');
assert(this.ctx.locktime - this.lastWithdrawTimestamp < 2n * this.withdrawIntervals, 'locktime does not meet the call interval limit [2]');
assert(this.withdrawAmount < this.ctx.utxo.value, 'insufficient balance')
this.lastWithdrawTimestamp = this.ctx.locktime;
const contractOutput: ByteString = this.buildStateOutput(this.ctx.utxo.value - this.withdrawAmount)
const withdrawOutput: ByteString = Utils.buildPublicKeyHashOutput(hash160(this.universityPublicKey), this.withdrawAmount)
const expectedOutputs: ByteString = contractOutput + withdrawOutput + this.buildChangeOutput();
assert(this.ctx.hashOutputs == hash256(expectedOutputs), 'hashOutputs dismatch');
public deposit(depositAmount: bigint, sig: Sig) {
// only the student can deposit
assert(this.checkSig(sig, this.studentPublicKey), 'checkSig failed');
// avoid stealing money from the contract
assert(depositAmount > 0, 'deposit amount should be positive');
const contractOutput: ByteString = this.buildStateOutput(this.ctx.utxo.value + depositAmount)
const expectedOutputs: ByteString = contractOutput + this.buildChangeOutput()
assert(this.ctx.hashOutputs == hash256(expectedOutputs), 'hashOutputs dismatch');
public destroy(sig: Sig) {
// only the student can destroy
assert(this.checkSig(sig, this.studentPublicKey), 'checkSig failed');
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