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BigQuery storage billing model recommender on a per table basis
* This query will look at a single project (by default in US multi-region) and
* calculate the logical and physical billing prices for each table in all datasets
* contained inside of it then provide a recommendation on if it is better to put it
* into a dataset that uses the logical (uncompressed) or physical (compressed)
* storage billing models.
* Physical (also called compressed) Storage went GA on July 5, 2023. It is set at
* the dataset level, so if two or more tables are better suited for different
* billing models in the same dataset it may be best to split them into separate
* datasets to get the best cost benefit.
* Note that there are not any performance penalties for using physical storage as
* the underlying data is always compressed and operations operate on that compressed
* data already. This is strictly a billing change.
* One thing to note is that there isn't a 100% effective way to determine if an
* existing table is logical or physical storage (it only works on newly created
* tables, but this is a known issue the BQ team is working on). Once this has
* been fixed this query will be updated to show the current model.
* It also includes inside of the storage CTE lots of extra values that can be used
* for other calculations that are being left in here to assist you as the customer
* make the best decision or to see additional information about your tables/datasets.
* Note it targets the US multi-region by default. If needing to change the region
* then change `region-us` below to whichever region the data exists in. Also uncomment
* the DECLARE values below for the EU region or if you are using a non-multi-region
* then refer here:
* for the correct pricing and update accordingly.
-- These values are for the US multi-region
-- Comment these out and uncomment below if using the EU multi-region
DECLARE active_logical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.02;
DECLARE long_term_logical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.01;
DECLARE active_physical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.04;
DECLARE long_term_physical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.02;
-- These values are for the EU multi-region
-- Uncomment these and comment out the above if using the EU multi-region
DECLARE active_logical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.02;
DECLARE long_term_logical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.01;
DECLARE active_physical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.044;
DECLARE long_term_physical_price_per_gb NUMERIC DEFAULT 0.022;
WITH storage AS
tb.table_schema AS dataset,
-- Uncompressed bytes
total_logical_bytes AS total_uncompressed_bytes,
total_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS total_logical_gibytes,
total_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS total_logical_tibytes,
active_logical_bytes AS active_uncompressed_bytes,
active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS active_uncompressed_gibytes,
active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS active_uncompressed_tibytes,
long_term_logical_bytes AS long_term_uncompressed_bytes,
long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS long_term_uncompressed_gibytes,
long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS long_term_uncompressed_tibytes,
-- Compressed bytes
total_physical_bytes AS total_compressed_bytes,
total_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS total_compressed_gibytes,
total_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS total_compressed_tibytes,
-- Note that active physical bytes includes time travel so need to remove that
active_physical_bytes-time_travel_physical_bytes AS active_compressed_bytes,
(active_physical_bytes-time_travel_physical_bytes)/POW(1024, 3) AS active_compressed_gibytes,
(active_physical_bytes-time_travel_physical_bytes)/POW(1024, 4) AS active_compressed_tibytes,
long_term_physical_bytes AS long_term_compressed_bytes,
long_term_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS long_term_compressed_gibytes,
long_term_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS long_term_compressed_tibytes,
time_travel_physical_bytes AS time_travel_compressed_bytes,
time_travel_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS time_travel_compressed_gibytes,
time_travel_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS time_travel_compressed_tibytes,
fail_safe_physical_bytes AS fail_safe_physical_bytes,
fail_safe_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3) AS fail_safe_compressed_gibytes,
fail_safe_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 4) AS fail_safe_compressed_tibytes,
-- Compression ratios
SAFE_DIVIDE(total_logical_bytes, total_physical_bytes) AS total_compression_ratio, -- Defined as uncompressed size/compressed size
SAFE_DIVIDE(long_term_logical_bytes, long_term_physical_bytes) AS long_term_compression_ratio,
SAFE_DIVIDE(active_logical_bytes, active_physical_bytes) AS active_compression_ratio,
-- Pricing
((active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*active_logical_price_per_gb) +
((long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*long_term_logical_price_per_gb) AS total_uncompressed_price,
((active_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*active_logical_price_per_gb) AS active_uncompressed_price,
((long_term_logical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*long_term_logical_price_per_gb) AS long_term_uncompressed_price,
(((active_physical_bytes-time_travel_physical_bytes)/POW(1024, 3))*active_physical_price_per_gb) +
((long_term_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*long_term_physical_price_per_gb) AS total_compressed_price,
(((active_physical_bytes-time_travel_physical_bytes)/POW(1024, 3))*active_physical_price_per_gb) AS active_compressed_price,
(long_term_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*long_term_physical_price_per_gb AS long_term_compressed_price,
(time_travel_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*active_physical_price_per_gb AS time_travel_compressed_price,
(fail_safe_physical_bytes/POW(1024, 3))*active_physical_price_per_gb AS fail_safe_compressed_price
-- Need to join on TABLES for existing tables to remove any temporary or job result tables
-- Note due to this information being in the TABLE_STORAGE view this means it cannot be
-- performed across an entire organization without checking the TABLES view in each project.
ON t.table_catalog = tb.project_id
AND t.table_name = tb.table_name
tb.deleted = false
calculations AS
SUM(active_uncompressed_price) AS active_uncompressed_price,
SUM(active_compressed_price) AS active_compressed_price,
SUM(long_term_uncompressed_price) AS long_term_uncompressed_price,
SUM(long_term_compressed_price) AS long_term_compressed_price,
SUM(time_travel_compressed_price) AS time_travel_compressed_price,
SUM(fail_safe_compressed_price) AS fail_safe_compressed_price
table_name, dataset
final_data AS
-- Price differences, note that >0 means physical storage is cheaper before adding in time travel and failsafe
active_uncompressed_price-active_compressed_price AS active_price_difference,
long_term_uncompressed_price-long_term_compressed_price AS long_term_price_difference,
-- Time travel and fail safe storage reductions
(time_travel_compressed_price+fail_safe_compressed_price) AS additional_costs_for_physical_storage,
-- Totals for each model
active_uncompressed_price+long_term_uncompressed_price AS logical_storage_price,
(time_travel_compressed_price+fail_safe_compressed_price) AS physical_storage_price,
-- Difference in values (logical - active)
) AS difference
-- Price differences, note that >0 means physical storage is cheaper before adding in time travel and failsafe
CONCAT('$ ',FORMAT("%'.2f", active_price_difference)) AS active_price_difference,
CONCAT('$ ',FORMAT("%'.2f", long_term_price_difference)) AS long_term_price_difference,
-- Time travel and fail safe storage reductions
CONCAT('$ ',FORMAT("%'.2f", additional_costs_for_physical_storage)) AS additional_costs_for_physical_storage,
-- Totals for each model
CONCAT('$ ',FORMAT("%'.2f", logical_storage_price)) AS logical_storage_price,
CONCAT('$ ',FORMAT("%'.2f", physical_storage_price)) AS physical_storage_price,
-- Difference between logical storage and physical storage (logical - active)
-- Note that a negative value means logica/uncompressed is cheaper
CONCAT('$ ',FORMAT("%'.2f", difference)) AS difference_in_price_if_physical_is_chosen,
-- Recommendation
IF(logical_storage_price < physical_storage_price,
'Logical storage', 'Physical storage') AS recommendation,
-- If you wish to get the raw values that are not formatted uncomment the below line
--final_data.* EXCEPT(dataset)
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